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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by devilpray

  1. Pretty happy with the tracklist to be honest!

  2. remixing what it feels like for a girl yaas

    1. meeshell


      love that song

  3. Say what you want to say but the RHT is soooo gif worthy

  4. so, after a while away I come back AND EVERYTHING IS LEAKED WHAT

    1. Enrico


      Never leave the forum ;))

    2. devilpray


      I wish I could, especially now lmao

  5. soo a month ago i did a one direction mashup for a friend and now is a thing between directioners lmao am i famous?

  6. Sooooo for the first time ever I produced a song for someone else and I'd loooove to know what yall thinkkkk

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. devilpray


      thank youuUuUu

    3. RUADJAI


      I really like it! Sounds like calvin Harris meets Kylie.

    4. devilpray


      Thank you! That's like the best compliment ever

  7. Sooooo this album I produced about a year ago is outttttt and I would love to get your feedback! Ps. most of the vocal production was sadly changed during mixing but yeah

  8. Sooooo this album I produced about a year ago is outttttt and I would love to get your feedback! Ps. most of the vocal production was sadly changed during mixing but yeah

  9. St. Vincent's new album is a masterpiece, don't sleep on that pls

    1. madgefan


      I'll give it a chance

  10. still obsessed with living for love

  11. taylor swift's letter to apple is the best.

    1. MeantToBeIconic


      *Taylor Swift is the best

    2. devilpray


      same but !!!!!!

  12. tbh i dont know whats my issue with santa baby

    1. MeantToBeIconic


      I don't either but I love it. You do u boo

  13. tbh i still have post-concert depression because of the mdna tour

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. devilpray


      i missed the s&s tour </3

    3. madgefan


      Something a few people know about me at the show: I was so excited jumping non-stop during Celebration that I NEVER NOTICED there was a broken umbrella (it was raining like hell) near me and it scratched my tummy! I swear I thought it was someone stabbing me LOL

    4. devilpray


      something similar happened to me! i was jumping during like a prayer and my leg got caught in something and i felt somehting but i just kept jumping. went back home the next day and had to stay in bed for a whole week lol

  14. the audio on the S&S Tour dvd kinda sucks but it looks sooooooo cool.

  15. THE COKE CAN LMAOOOOOO god I love her so much

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. stefo


      no discussion, she's the best!


    3. poserdemadonna


      no T, no shade!

  16. the like a prayer photoshoot is soooo underrated

  17. these couple of days have been kinda sad

    1. Clark_Kent


      what happened?

    2. Bermu


      Remember my statement: You were born winning! The fastest one... remember? ;)

    3. Fighter


      tell me about it

  18. they hate us cause they anus

  19. this is my first time using a selfie as my profile pic <3 i feel brave

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. devilpray


      i almost changed my user name to devilpepe but im sure someone will steal devilpray lol

    3. Fighter


      pepe was never meant to be happy

    4. devilpray
  20. this is the best time of the year, santa baby season

  21. tried to watch insurgent last night. emphasis on tried :mama003:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. G House

      G House

      Way better IMO

    3. devilpray


      i like both, but imo insurgent was waaay weaker than divergent, i hope that allegiant is better

    4. G House

      G House

      I agree, but it's still better than Mockingjay Part 1

  22. USA? More like USMH... sorry I had to

  23. wait why is the blond ambition tour on spotify?

  24. walkin sin, everything but a halo

    1. devilpray


      that song is life

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