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About OhBabyReadyOrNot

  • Birthday 06/29/1987

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    Reading, writing poetry, watching TV (big Seinfeld and Golden Girls fan!), almost anything to do with Madonna, listening to music, and politics.
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Into The Groove

Into The Groove (11/89)



  1. This is easily one of her worst albums. Even if this was widely accepted as a triumphant album, why is her age such a big deal? She was 49 when it was released - it's not like she was 100 and strapped to an oxygen tank in a nursing home. Now that would've been an achievement. Nevertheless, this album isn't completely void of good stuff - it has some decent songs on it like: Give It 2 Me, She's Not Me, and, my personal favorite, Devil Wouldn't Recognize You.
  2. It's best not to mess with perfection. It's an era in her career that shouldn't be tampered with.
  3. It's an awesome and much underappreciated album! I think my favorite tracks are: I'm So Stupid, Nothing Fails, X-Static Process, and Easy Ride. Easy Ride is easily one of her best tracks to date (the lyrics are incredible!) I also love the music videos that went along with this era, particularly Hollywood.
  4. Where's the Party Into the Groove or Causing a Commotion?
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