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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by stancherry

  1. https://voca.ro/15uZWeptL98l

    Sodade  - PReview

    1. stancherry


      WOW!!! Are you mixing a studio version? I use your studio versions for Papa, Maria Interlude, Crave... and added the to the offical live album (they flow so well...)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Has anyone tried a water diet (only drinking water and doing some cardio training)? How much weigh can you lose within 2-3 days? 

    1. stancherry


      43 minutes ago, EgoRod said:

      Might be anxiety and seasonal stress. Try to find alternatives on a healthier spectrum to nib on

      I guess it's also Corona related, the gym is closed, working home and it's pretty cool and dark out there (Germany). I'm so jealous for people living in warm countries. :( 

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  3. Has anyone tried a water diet (only drinking water and doing some cardio training)? How much weigh can you lose within 2-3 days? 

    1. stancherry


      9 hours ago, PatrickSamuel said:

      That's literally starving yourself, and for what? We are living bodies, not sculptures in a museum :)

      Tell that to Madonna. Our modern culture supports that kind of behavior. And my body weigh is more important to me than eating tasty food. I love eating tomatos and brokkoli, why should i go for synthetic/unhealthy food, that makes me fat and ugly?

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. Has anyone tried a water diet (only drinking water and doing some cardio training)? How much weigh can you lose within 2-3 days? 

    1. stancherry


      6 hours ago, EgoRod said:

      welcome to adulthood, your body change you need to work along with it.

      i usually eat healthy (70% is vegetables, the rest fish/meat/eggs/fruits/nuts, but i couldn't resist all the sweets that are availablefor Christmas in the supermarkets. I started eating them on Monday and couldn't stop until today. The result is shocking: i gained 5-6 kg within 6 days, my fingers and face are swollen, i can't even sleep. it was some kind of Binge eating behavior.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  5. Has anyone tried a water diet (only drinking water and doing some cardio training)? How much weigh can you lose within 2-3 days? 

    1. stancherry


      21 hours ago, Kosmmik said:

      As a nutritionist I will tell you not to go on this kind of "diet". 

      Please read this:

      You're right! I'm just devastated about the fast gain of weigh within less than a week. I gain aroung 5 kg within 4 days, because i was eating tons of sweets and salty cheese. The last time i tried this kind of food was 8 months ago in the winter. When i was under 30 i could eat almost everything without gaining weigh and now my whole body is changing. It's so frustrating. 64-65 kg is too much for me, i used to have a weigh of around 58-60 kg.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)


    I've readen 3 post on TW about this, someone knows something?

    I'm not request them, just wanna know if this is truth

    1. stancherry


      no, do you mean the audio? Only the studio version for Frozen and studio versions by Kosmmik.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. please check my YouTube channel for MADAME X  TOUR Studio Versions

    1. stancherry


      The download links for American Life are on Kosmmik's Facebook site.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. please check my YouTube channel for MADAME X  TOUR Studio Versions

    1. stancherry


      42 minutes ago, Angelo said:

      American Life is blocked

      Did Kosmmik upload it? Perhaps it's private...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. please check my YouTube channel for MADAME X  TOUR Studio Versions

    1. stancherry


      There is also an another YouTube user, who is working on the mixes. But i kind of prefer your versions. :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. please check my YouTube channel for MADAME X  TOUR Studio Versions

    1. stancherry


      Thank you so much!!! I'm stalking your YouTube profile every couple of hours, because i can't wait for more songs... I also surbsribed to get an update.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. pleaseee more leaks in this quarantine

    1. stancherry


      a real soundboard recording of the mdx tour would be great or a dress rehearsal.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. Terror Attack in Berlin! :(

  13. Do me a favor guys! I expect someone to record the motherfucking show tonight so I can watch it in a decent quality tomorrow! It will be 3AM here and I'm already sleepy. Can't wait!!!!

  14. Today we're all gonna relive the fantastic RHT!

  15. Today we're all gonna relive the fantastic RHT!

  16. Santa Baby, slip the Rebel Heart Tour studio versions under the tree, for me, I've been an awfully good girl...

  17. Santa Baby, slip the Rebel Heart Tour studio versions under the tree, for me, I've been an awfully good girl...

    1. stancherry


      we don't need them. the live versions will sound almost like the studio versions.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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