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  1. What a pleasure to wake up and see Kylie finally join M on stage, on this special day. Two queens and icons in the same room! It must have been so moving and thrilling for those who were there! πŸ’œπŸ’œ
  2. What a pleasure to open the game (yes, I'm playing it), launch the mode, and fall straight into M on the big screen! πŸ’™
  3. Just back from Amsterdam... another wonderful evening. When she appeared, I was again I even managed to take the train (a big phobia) just to see her once again. Antwerp, Amsterdam... a dream can take place over several nights. Thank you M πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
  4. I've found my way to move on (because I'm still "on cloud nine" from the Antwerp show...my first time) I'm going to see her for the second time in less than a week!
  5. There's a live stream here right now https://www.instagram.com/divinamadonna/live/
  6. Before M starts her show in Antwerp (on October 21), my cousin recognized "Plastic Dreams" by Jaydee (she's a "Shazam with legs").
  7. Thank you, that's exactly how I would like to see it and remember it one day. But I really feel like that B fan who receive her microphone by surprise... Great show for those present today !
  8. I really hope you get some and will try for you all... I'm just so bummed and saddened that the only filmed memories I'll have in my life with her will be ruined by my voice and my more than approximate English :'( edit: literally saddened rn
  9. Is it normal to immediately feel the urge to go back again, when you've been to see M for the first time? (like a desire to prolong the dream) Anyone who does several dates... I admire you (currently editing my videos, trying with hope to remove my horrible voice 😭)
  10. Well, I could talk about this show in technical terms, but as it was my first time with her, from an emotional point of view... I've just spent (without exaggerating), the most beautiful and unforgettable evening of my life. I can finally die peacefully, but "another day" :D
  11. Yes, after all, she's human and getting older like the rest of us. Personally, I'm so human that I fainted when she opened with NRM... But how lucky we are (and I mean this sincerely) to be fans, lovers of an artist, a woman, an icon like her! She's always there, and it's so important to have let her know that we love her. Well, it's a bit my fault too, because I had to carry everything in my arms, and my cap slipped out of my hand. It fell to the ground and a "very nice" lady told me later that she'd seen me lose it (I don't think we'll ever be friends). I just recommended one, I don't mind giving her my money one again :D
  12. I didn't notice that she wasn't feeling well. Yes, she cried before I Will Survive and some "We love you Madonna" could be heard. Her little smiles of recognition were magical to watch. Live to Tell was overwhelming. All those faces, those broken destinies. Here she is, not forgetting them and inviting us to do the same. Same was when she spoke to her mom in front of giant posters of her parents. The rest of the show was full of joy and... celebration ! She even recreated the choreography from Hung Up... I went straight back to childhood. She also thanked her children, who are excellent dancers and piano players (I mean real talents) and who accompany their mom so well on stage. As for Bob, he really surprised me, he's excellent, he appears sometimes and the symbiosis with Madonna is really shareable. As for my cap, it was on the way to the parking lot. It really saddens me, but I'd recommend one. I still have my black-purple sweater, which cost more.
  13. Oh...and she even drank a Belgian beer on stage πŸ€ πŸΊπŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺ She knows how to make us happy... and for us, proud of her lol
  14. It was incredible, Madonna was on top form throughout the show (as always... but it's sooo good ans positive to see), and even got very emotional when she talked about her mother and her recent hospitalization. It was heartbreaking. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ I filmed a lot of segments, which wasn't easy because filming, holding binoculars at the right distance and of course enjoying a lot at the same time wasn't easy lol. I'm just not rn in a good mood as everything was beautiful and unforgettable, until my cap was stolen on the way out :(
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