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Madonna Does Jury Duty!


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Madonna gets red carpet treatment at jury duty

The Material Girl ​finally ​showed up ​ for jury duty Monday morning — ​almost 30 minutes after her ​already pushed back reporting time.


​Wearing a black suit, black sunglasses and platform sandals ​ Madonna was whisked up the front steps at 60 Centre St. by two court officers, three policemen, two bodyguards and an assistant.


Madonna waited a few minutes to get through security and after setting off the magnetometers twice showed off heavy metal chains around her neck.


A female officer scanned the star’s chest with a handheld detector and waved her through.

Instead of heading upstairs with the hordes of ​regular Joes doping their civic duty ​the “Vogue†singer was taken to a private office to meet with a head clerk.


There Madonna had a moment of shock when County Clerk Norman Goodman ​joked that he might have to sequester her for a week, sources said.


​The 55-year-old pop star is expected to be released from service after the brief appearance, another court source added.


One attorney told The Post she wouldn’t want Madge on her jury anyway.


“She’d be a total distraction,†the attorney said.


“I’m sure she’s bright but her celebrity overrides her intellect. Everyone would be staring at her ​ ​– I know I would.â€â€‹

“That’s pretty outrageous!†said professor Marianne Pita, 57, who had waited 10 minutes to get through security at Manhattan Supreme Court.


“It’s a painfully long day and it doesn’t seem quite right. Everyone should have to wait in the same line,†Pita said.


The “Holiday†singer was finally expected to show up for her civic duty after postponing her appearance twice—first after the Memorial Day weekend when she used an 11th hour doctor’s note and then again on June 30.


The note was handed over to court officials a day after ​Madonna tweeted about riding her horse and playing on the beach over the holiday weekend.


Another juror agreed that the special accommodations were unfair.


“The whole idea is everyone is here to serve,†said Anna, 33.


“It’s ridiculous to make it a tiered system,†she said.


But at least one juror took the news in stride.


“She’s a celebrity. It is what it is until we make it right?†joked a well-coiffed Andrew Kanakis, 33, who works in the fashion industry.


Madonna Louise Ciccone, 55, lives on the Upper East Side in a $32 million gated townhouse and also has a 24-acre horse farm in the Hamptons.


Her rep did not immediately comment. ​


A court spokesman explained that allowing Madonna to arrive an hour later after hundreds of people reported for duty would cut down on distraction and still have her to serve.

“We’re happy she’s coming,†David Bookstaver said.

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LOL to those complaining about "special treatment".  These people need to realize, just her showing up causes a public spectacle and a possibly security risk. She would pose a huge distraction to everyone there if she was just standing around with everyone else. She would be mobbed by people, posing a security risk to the building.


I also agree that she probably will be dismissed because everyone will be looking at her. It would be a total distraction to the case involved. If I was the one on trial or the lawyer for the case, I certainly wouldn't want some high profiled celebrity in my jury. People will be staring and bugging her throughout the process and as a citizen if my case is low profiled, it would just highten the case and distract the other jurors.

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Madonna causes a commotion at NY courthouse!

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Who's that girl showing up for jury duty? Yep, it's Madonna.
After dodging a jury summons with a doctor's note on May 27, Madonna arrived at 60 Centre St. Monday morning with an entourage fit for a diva -- two male bodyguards and two female assistants.
But she was soon gone. While regular folks summoned to do their civic duty sat through hours of waiting, Madonna was sprung after an hour and a half.
She was about 30 minutes late for her 10 a.m. scheduled arrival time, which is an hour later than the 9 a.m. time regular prospective jurors are asked to arrive.
"I'm proud to do my job," she said, standing tall as she left the courthouse with a gaggle of handlers and security guards.
She didn't respond to questions about special treatment.

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On her way out of the iconic building overlooking Foley Square, the Material Girl showed she could still turn heads.
"That's Madonna!" one star-struck onlooker said.
"She looks so thin, right?" another chimed in.
A group of fans stopped in their tracks to capture the pop icon's court cameo.
The Upper West Sider had been ushered into the first-floor clerk's office instead of the regular jury assembly room.

Madonna was not questioned for a panel.
A court official said the decision was made to let her go early because her presence was a distraction.
"We had ample jurors today and had we needed her, she would have been sent out on a panel," said New York State Unified Court System spokesman David Bookstaver. "We had sufficient jurors not to have created a further distraction for the courthouse."
"She got credit for her service and we're delighted she came," he added.
Madonna is off the hook for jury service in New York for six years.

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Madonna Way too Big for Jury Duty

Madonna was sent home from jury duty in 2 hours because her fame would have thrown a wrench in the wheels of justice.

The singer showed up Monday at a NYC courthouse but was excused 2 hours later.  And get this ... she never had to sit with the commoners in the jury assembly room.  She was allowed to hang out in the clerk's office.

A court official says Madonna was released because they had more than enough jurors to fill the needs of the courts.
So the question ... if there were enough jurors why release her instead  of others?  The court official says her presence would create a distraction in the jury selection process.

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I knew she would get dismissed. People giving her a hard time for "special treatment" need to get over it. Her presence for that short time caused a spectacle as it was. No sane lawyer would want someone that high profiled on their jury. Why bother to hold someone who has pretty much stopped traffic in the courthouse, which could become a security issue when they could move her in and out, so everyone can get back to business.

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Only for Madonna would the media go into detail about what she is wearing.


Is it me, or do you think Madonna purposely stuck out like a sore thumb here for some press?  I'm probably grasping at straws, but I don't think it's a coincidence that she's seeking out for some positive press.... going to Detroit to fund some programs, a few mentions of Schools being built in Malawi and her going to court to serve her civil duty. Of course, there will be people who will twist everything into a negative, but I get the impression, she's softening up the public, before the new music arrives. If so, pretty smart moves.

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Madonna Deemed "Too Distracting" for Jury Duty Madonna has been excused from jury service for the next six years to avoid "creating a distraction."

July 09, 2014 By Samantha Cowan


Among countless other perks the international pop star undoubtedly receives, Madonna can now add "no jury duty" to the list. After sitting around in private room for a couple of hours, Madonna was sent home and excused for jury service in New York for the next six years. While this exemption hardly seems fair, can we expect other jurors to focus on the case at hand instead of ogling a celebrity?

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Madonna has been excused from jury service for the next six years to avoid "creating a distraction.

Wow, what a poor excuse for journalism. I love how they twisted this into that she was excused from jury duty for the next  six years based on being a "distraction" when actually it's just part of the process. All others that were dismissed would have gotten the same six year dismissal.

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