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Unapologetic Bitches
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Scottyx last won the day on March 15 2017

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About Scottyx

  • Birthday 04/22/1975

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  1. MicShell PaFifer is the best Catfemme
  2. The upper hand seems awfully strange lol
  3. odd thing i woke up just as it was about to begin. they played it in 2 chunks. it was not really 2 different scenes. but first it was full instrumentation, then more of the acapella. It was all part of the final act of the movie.
  4. Just saw the movie. Some of it. I fell asleep from exhaustion but woke up to 1. See the full scene with like a prayer and 2. Hugh's pubic trail standing up on end ... mmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. I remember that. still have the video. the guys cock was magnificent lol
  6. And don't forget Real Media files. Those were shitty. For the longest time, that's the only type of audio and videos people shared. And you could only play them in RealMedia software. Then came Napster.
  7. did you really need to add that bit of info at the start of your comment?
  8. can i be the god parent, and have access to your physical collection @Artlover
  9. But a billion dollar deal is A billion dollar deal. If it were true.
  10. The guy I forget his name, who goes to every single Madonna show won't be able to afford 5 years of 4 nights a week .. I'm dead.
  11. you might find the whole Book of Revelation interesting then as Madonna mashes up selected verses that do not all go together lol
  12. you are right, I hate the Q word. It brings up a lot of trauma for me from my youth. People say to me, reclaim the word. Easy said.
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