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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by AModSquad

  1. There does seem to be something amiss in the Rebel Heart setlist. Bitch I'm Madonna is an obvious choice for a closer. Holiday has been a closing song too much and this rendition was very lack luster. (It did have more energy on the Showtime Film) But also the outfits for Bitch I'm Madonna didn't seem to go. it just seemed like a transition performance. 


    agreed and more - feels like A WHOLE LOT was a miss from some of the weird costumes (specifically, opening and holiday), the bad renditions, the bad selection of music from Rebel Heart.  The classic choices were generally good this time BUT the renditions didnt work for me for many of them (ie: whos that girl, true blue)

  2. I don't like Best Friend at all...it's the only song on MDNA that does absolutely nothing for me, and I actually find the music slightly irritating. Incredible isn't one of my favorites but it's not bad, so that's my pick.


    I find Best Friend extremely irritating - sounds like a track stuck in the demo stage and it bothers me so much that I couldnt even add it to my spotify library just in case it came on during a shuffle.lol.


    That said, Incredible has come on while on shuffle and its really grown on me.  Her vocals take me back alittle to her 80's style.  Its fun but way too long for no good reason.



  3. 01 Frozen
    02 Secret 

    03 Erotica 

    04 Like a prayer

    05 Hung up
    06 American life
    07 Living for love ----- (love this song but first single should have been something else)
    08 Music

    09 4 minutes

    10 Like a virgin
    11 Gmayl ----------- (first single should have been Girl Gone Wild)
    12 Live to tell
    13 Everybody

  4. Im thinking about this from the perspective of actually listening to it more than once and actually buying it.


    With those two parameters in mind, I want:


    a beautiful boxset collection of unreleased tracks, demos, alternate versions.  This would not just be limited to the music part but would also include images that are unreleased or alternates along with some stories or information behind it.

    This type of release would actually make me want to drop money.


    I don't envision myself buying a new remix collection because I dont really want to listen to remixes outside of the gym so this will most likely be a spotify release for me and based on the type of remixes that are coming out these days, I will most likely just listen to this a couple times.


    I would not spend a single penny on any other type of greatest hits release from her at this stage in the game UNLESS it was:

    truly limited edition (numbered)

    contained very unique items that are not accessible through spotify, etc.

  5. As far as the final tracks that made in on this album, HEARTBREAK CITY.

    I still feel like this track should've opened the album. Its so striking.


    (On a side note, IF Joan of Arc hadn't been butchered in its final album version but instead had that same beautiful acoustic sadness that was on the demos, I would probably have gone with that.)

  6. This is a perfect topic for me since I literally havent been able to enjoy a madonna show in years and its heavily due to her setlist.


    Here's my setlist IF she were to go on tour with her current body of work -



    Opening VIDEO - using atmospheric music with the verses from: RESCUE ME


    • Madonna appears and her first track is Bedtime Story -> the chorus goes back and forth between Lets Get Unconscious and Rescue Me.
    • Express Yourself
    • Impressive Instant
    • Secret/Frozen (go from one to the other or mix it in together - we will figure out arrangements later)


    BREAK - A mostly instrumental track consisting of the strings sections of Frozen, Papa Dont Preach, Deeper and Deeper, Frozen and Messiah all merged together in this almost instrumental greatest hits experience across a edm/house beat. (no thoughts on the visual yet, but would like some things pulled from the archives that we havent seen or something new.)


    • Hung Up/Jump
    • Beat Goes On (Hard Candy) / Give it to Me
    • Girl Gone Wild
    • Rain/I Fucked Up
    • Xstatic Process/Nothing Fails - (she disappears and the choir keeps singing eventually kicking into a dance beat leading into interlude)


    BREAK - Dance And Sing Get Up and Do Your Thing verses - 


    • Everybody
    • Causing A Commotion
    • Nothing Really Matters/Skin
    • Living for Love/Like A prayer
    • Drowned World


    BREAK - something with BITCH IM MADONNA

    • Vogue
    • 4 Mins
    • Ray of Light
    • Holiday/Celebration
    • Get Together




  7. If I were managing Madonna AND her goal was continuing to focus on trying to get a hit and stay uber current, I would have her focus on collabo's at this point.  Every upcoming DJ album release would have a Madonna vocal track on it.  ie: Calvin Harris feat. Madonna

    That could help her chart again by introducing her to millennials and the market that listens to DJ's, that have no idea who Madonna really is.


    Im having a hard time seeing a gaga/madonna collabo being huge if it were to come up as part of Gaga's return to pop.  She's trying to retool her pop career.  Working with Madonna could make sense for Gaga once she finds success again in pop - her LG5 album is going to be her big bet.  If it pays off then she can then consider a track with M for LG6 or some side project.

  8. The one song I listen to and definitely tugs at my heart strings - "I fucked up" - there are definite flaws and some arrangements I dont like but overall love her voice on this one.


    #2 would be Im Addicted. WOW - love this track.


    Martin Solveigs tracks arent good on MDNA but he makes such good music otherwise.  I have to assume maybe they didnt have a good creative spark.  

    Why couldnt he and madonna put out a track that sounds like his new single?! It's soooo damn good and Madonna could kill this track with her vocals: 

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