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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by brank000

  1. I disagree about Lucky Star and Borderline and Papa Don't Preach. I think they're fine on TIC. I do agree with you about Cherish and La Isla (that's why I said "For the most part") Yes yes. For me This version of Vogue is way better than the album version. I'm waiting for someone to jump in and say it was mixed for The Immaculate Collection with the cougar noises and put on only their edition of the Holiday Collection cassette I think this is one of the biggest mysteries in Madonnaland
  2. For the most part I think the edits on the Immaculate Collection are perfect for what they are. Songs like Holiday, Lucky Star, Borderline and Live To Tell in their album version form are just too long. Songs like Material Girl, Like a Virgin, Papa Don't Preach and Open Your Heart retained their "soul" even though having seconds chopped off. I wonder if Who's That Girl was ever edited, or if it was taken off of the album before they decided to do the the Q-Sound and editing.. 100% I didn't even notice they took that out. I find any edit of Holiday to be a lot more palatable then the album version.
  3. Yeah...read that yesterday and it still doesn't explain properly why it's used as an insult.
  4. I don't think she used sex to sell anything. She definitely used sex and sexuality to get peoples attention though.
  5. Yes Yes! That "Keep It Together " 7" mix (to me) is 100 times better than the album version. I haven't listened to the album version in years due the edit being far superior. In general I enjoy edits if there's something different to them and they aren't just a fade or cut and paste of an album version. There are some songs in their full length form that I can't stomach, so an edit is the only way for me to listen to them ("Holiday" being a good example of that).
  6. Can someone please explain to me why "woke" is being used as an insult lately? I normally see it used by right wing people when they are attacking anything LGBTQ+ or BLM and it gets under my skin.
  7. I don't think her stadium days are over at all. I mean I hope they aren't. It would be a big fuck you to the fans if they were.
  8. Well she's gotta put lots of effort into the film to make up for the lack of effort on the album
  9. 100%. It's actually quite disrespectful of her. Someone who is always late: 1) Doesn't respect themselves 2) Doesn't respect anyone else. Hopefully this won't be included, because there's no way to frame this in a positive way for her.
  10. I'm pretty sure that the line is "Maybe you're the next best thing to happen" as well, but your line does seem to make more sense.
  11. its 2021. It will be blu-ray or nothing. I'm betting it will be a blu-ray though
  12. It could be a box set. Something like this: https://www.discogs.com/Prince-4Ever/release/10839638
  13. I got Moderna as did most of my friends. We all got fevers and chills while our pfizer and astozeneca friends got headaches if anything. I'm not complaining though. This was nothing compared to my yellow fever shot.
  14. And then you realized it has more side effects than Pfizer and Astro-Zeneca combined? lol.
  15. That would be amazing if she released it on vinyl for RSD
  16. I agree. It wasn't even interesting in IGTTYAS. I hope the documentary footage more focuses on the making of the tour, tour rehearsals, etc... but anything more is just kinda cringe.
  17. I think it's extremely important and I've wondered if she's vaccinated as well. She isn't young anymore, and continuously engages in potentially dangerous behavior which if she isn't vaccinated would be putting so many others at risk. Yes, health status should be private, but this is NOTHING like someone disclosing their HIV status. What you should have said is someone not getting the vaccine is akin to someone that is HIV positive and refuses treatment and has unprotected sex. That would be much more accurate. When someone decides not to get a vaccine that is NOT just a personal choice as they are putting EVERYONE around them in a dangerous situation. Not to mention that they are inviting new variants to be created.
  18. I've always loved it and seeing the fan reaction to it when at the Confessions tour I imagine I'm not in the minority. When I was picking my boyfriend up from work yesterday it came on in the car on shuffle and I love it as much now as I did the first time I heard it...BUT...I could do without the talking at the end.
  19. I will of course be watching, but I'm not really excited. I'm on the same page as @realityisalwaysas I am not really interested in this era whatsoever. Everything has been somewhat lackluster for me. Who knows though...maybe I'll watch it and love it?
  20. Yes, but I'm sure that's not the first version. Just the first version she recorded that we've heard.
  21. I think she's probably at a point where everyone around her says "yes" to everything she suggests / wants in fear of them being fired if they say no. I would say it goes back more than 5-6 years and probably to when Guy took a much more active role in her career.
  22. Yeah, I'm surprised that she thinks it's appropriate to be traveling like this during a pandemic. I think she's so removed from reality that she doesn't understand the severity of the situation.
  23. I always thought that it was for "Music" but she did a lyric change to make it relevant to the movie. I wonder how it would have charted if it was the single instead of American Pie.
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