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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by DJ N A

  1. The fact of the matter is that videos are expensive and don't move the needle nearly as much as they did in the 80s and 90s. Its not how most people digest music these days - especially with the advent of Tik Tok and Instagram stories. Yes, I miss music videos but look at Beyonce who had one of the biggest albums of 2022: no videos. She didn't need them.
  2. Loving what I'm hearing so far. Very gay. Very "Unholy". And just like "Unholy", every drag queen will be performing this in 2 weeks. Guaranteed. Happy Pride.
  3. They didn't cancel the tour. Only a few shows while they're on vocal rest.
  4. Former Billboard reporting DJ here. Please enlighten me.
  5. The world has moved past the old model Billboard charts. Like a decade ago. It's 2023. The "charts" are 1) not accurate of popularity any longer, 2) not influential, and 3) don't make artists money like they use to. Quit looking at that as a singular measure of success. It's not 1995.
  6. In the video, Sam says "Unholy won't be the last song" at that concert and that they had something special to play after it. Sam Smith's last two songs in their setlist are "Human Nature" followed "Unholy." I don't know why they would play "Human Nature" then "Unholy" and then "Human Nature" again. I don't think it's a "Human Nature" remix.
  7. Well considering he's mashing up a Lynyard Skynyrd song that was released 25 years before he was born with a Madonna song that was released when he was in diapers, it isn't out of the realm of possibility that he heard the original 2002 mashup later and was ... "inspired" lets say. By the way - it wasn't some "random" remix. It was so popular back then with DJs that they went forward with pressing it to white label vinyl and sold it all over the world. I have my copy in storage. Here's the Discogs link: https://www.discogs.com/release/558440-Madonna-Vs-Lynyrd-Skynyrd-Dont-Tell-Me-Vs-Sweet-Home-Alabama
  8. There was a "Sweet Home Alabama/Don't Tell Me" mashup that was a big download on Napster back in 2000 during the early days of music piracy. It was just as popular as "Holiday/Music Sounds Better With You" back then. This is clearly a rip-off of that.
  9. I think we should get back to discussing Madonna and not this issue - BUT - I would implore you to educate yourself. You're asking a lot of questions that are answerable or don't stand up to simple scrutiny if examined further. For instance: gender surgery for children is extremely rare. What is much more common are hormone blockers so that a child who is struggling with gender dysphoria can (as you suggest) wait until they are "of legal age" to make transition decisions. That gender-affirming care is being outlawed state-by-state in the US right now. The conservative party in this country is using trans people as a boogeyman and fanning the "culture war" flames. They are using trans rights as a wedge issue leading up to the 2024 elections. They did the same thing with gay marriage in 2004 with Bush's reelection. Here's some science-backed, fact-based literature on hormone blockers that includes a study over many years with data from 27,000+ trans people: https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/01/mental-health-hormone-treatment-transgender-people.html And if you don't want to read the whole thing, here is the major point: "The new study found that transgender people who began hormone treatment in adolescence had fewer thoughts of suicide, were less likely to experience major mental health disorders and had fewer problems with substance abuse than those who started hormones in adulthood. The study also documented better mental health among those who received hormones at any age than those who desired but never received the treatment...."
  10. This is rich coming from someone who has a HEAVILY edited/filtered/Photoshopped/Facetuned photo of Madonna as their profile pic. It's not misogyny. She's 60+. She doesn't look like that anymore. And that's okay. Pretending she does is the actual misogyny. She's older and is human. She's aged. That's TRULY okay.
  11. He's Rocco's boxing instructor. This was confirmed on Watch What Happens Live by the girl he briefly dated who is on the show Summer House (that he also appeared on).
  12. She posted it because of the Tupac documentary that just premiered on Hulu.
  13. I liked it. It fits their vibe right now and I applaud them for giving no fucks. Very Madonna actually. I have tickets for their Nashville show in July and can't wait.
  14. Holy shit. You probably do. What a cross-over event this is! I love the Scream Factory F13 box set!
  15. "Digitized everything"? I have no doubt that the majority of the major things (albums, singles) are digitized and easily accessed. But a lot of the complaints on this thread are about obscure things like dubs, random radio edits, remixes, etc. not being released. That's what I'm referring to.
  16. Just like film preservation - audio preservation - is in the hands of human beings who often lose, misplace, delete, and/or inadvertently destroy elements after years and years of storage. If you are a blu-ray/4K collector you know that a lot of films are now being re-released with the best elements found at the time because those were the only elements the studio had access to. Even the most recent Friday the 13th box set used VHS footage to fill in the gaps on some of the unrated cuts. Because that's all that exists of those pieces of film anymore. Total speculation: but I would not be surprised to learn that some of Madonna's original multitracks, masters, remixes etc. don't exist in pristine quality any longer. We are talking about a 40 year old career and 40 years of media storage afterall. Here's a quick read on some major films that are missing or so damaged they can't be released today: https://collider.com/lost-films-history-explained-hitchcock/
  17. She still flies private. In Andy Cohen's book, he asks her if she ALWAYS flies private and her answer was "not always" because it's too expensive to do it every time. But if you watch her Instagram she's posted pics of her and her kids on private jets. And Ricardo has posted similar pictures on jets - I'm assuming accompanying her somewhere. Paul Kirkland (dancer for RIT and S&S tours) was just on the MLVC podcast and mentioned that when they toured that the dancers were constantly on private jets. In his experience he said that wasn't normal for other tours he danced on like Christina Aguilera and JLo. I think she flies private when it makes sense for her. And commercial when she has to.
  18. Obviously we won't know until the show begins touring but what do we think the best seats in the venue will be? I'm seeing the tour 3 nights (Pittsburgh and both Dallas shows) and my tickets are at the end of the middle runway every night - 2nd row, 3rd row, and 5th row center from the end of the runway. I like being close but I wasn't able to get PIT seats and now they're all sold out. Then the seats near the front of the main stage are astronomical in price. I do see some of the Verified Resale seats in that section coming down off their price though. My hesitation getting seats in that front section though is that I don't want to be turned around looking at her from behind while she's on the main runway. What part of the stage do we think she'll spend most of the time? Where do we feel are the best seats?
  19. Madonna does not owe us - the public - any explanation on a private, complicated family matter that is, frankly, none of our business. She posted a tribute on Instagram a few hours ago.
  20. Rumors *ARE* speculation and gossip. Otherwise they'd be legitimate news. Where do you think we would link to? LOL
  21. I hope you never have to work in Hollywood. A LOT of movies start filming without a finished script.
  22. You have no evidence that she didn't help him. STOP. Madonna hired him on a film she worked on in the 90's as a "location scout" when he had no experience doing that. She paid for his rehab at least twice. You can only do so much and no amount of money or influence can help when someone isn't willing to change and has an addiction. He lost his mother early on which is hard enough. But then his sister was the most recognizable, successful star/woman in the world. We have no idea what that struggle was like for him or what that comparison can do to someone's mind. And none of us know the totality of what she did or didn't do to help him. Shame on you. Someone died. Unsubstantiated statements like this should be off limits on this forum.
  23. Peter made the Nobody Knows Me remix as a private remix for his live sets. It was never originally intended to be released. He didn't have the stems/multitracks which is why it sounds a little bootleg-y. Only after playing it a few times did he send it to the record label who then liked it enough to officially promo it to DJs.
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