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    IconicQueen got a reaction from Adonna in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    People bothering to ask left and right for those codes are actually her diehard fans. Do you think her team minds that everyone just wants to buy tickets? lol If we won't get presales anymore then fine, those presales shouldn't be forever accesible ONLY to icon legacy members anyway
  2. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    David is home with his mother.
  3. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from Synchrone in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Never gonna happen and you can quote me on this. He loves Madonna more than anything and she's closer to him than all her kids.
  4. Thanks
    IconicQueen got a reaction from MarXus in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    Never gonna happen and you can quote me on this. He loves Madonna more than anything and she's closer to him than all her kids.
  5. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to Voguerista in Madame X Tour | Miami   
    I am so glad to have some people on ignore who only seem to use this forum to cast negativity and assumptions on Madonna (as if she's this awful person)when a cancellation or some other event happens. Otherwise they don't participate in other topics and in other areas of the forum. Not only that, we're suppose to believe they have a connection now? Lol Sorry, not even. ?
    I wish our beautiful Madonna all the best. I am praying so hard she is ok and can continue this Madame X journey for what she's dreamed for it despite the hardships and complications. ....and despite those who have it all wrong and spread lies on her too. 
  6. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to survivalartist in M's new boyfriend   
    Good for her! She doesn’t search, she finds.
  7. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    I read many comments from people complaining they don't want to hear LAP or LAV or LIB or Vogue anymore, but then wish a GH stadium tour.
    I don't get that.
    I realize it's not possible to make everyone happy. Some want music, some want dance, some want stadiums, some want intimate, some want Faz Gostoso, some want I'll remember.
    She'll do what she wants, as always.
     I only hope it won't take her 5 years to record another album (in the meanwhile, LAP anniversary 4 cds would do us good) and that I have the chance to see her again on stage after 2020, somewhere, somehow...
  8. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to Sheridan1980 in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    No greatest hits tour please. Madonna is not dead and Madame X is a great album. Stop living in the past ! 
  9. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from cosmicarlo818 in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    It's absolutely hilarious to see people go on these long rants about how much they hate the show and describe  how bad it is in all ways when not only they never attended it, which can be excusable, but they don't even have one single video clip or a photo to judge by, nothing, nada. They are pissed that she's not doing their Borderline or Causing a Commotion so they decide right then and there that it's the worst show ever
  10. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to mark perry in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    i dont care less if its not sold out totally and there are available seats ......youre obsessed with them lol im not obsessed with madonnas stats ..she is the biggest selling female artist ever ..i think she still remains the highest grossing solo touring artist ever ..i will be ok with these FACTS AND FIGURES ...
  11. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to stfan97 in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    When one spends more time posting negativity or passive aggressive trolling about an artist 24/7, it's possibly time to find a healthier hobby, one that brings you actual joy.
    There are plenty of artists in whom I've lost interest, and I just don't follow or post about them on their forums any more.
    Strange use of one's time.  The way some are posting, you'd think you're getting a personal cut of Madonna's tour income.
  12. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from RUADJAI in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    I'm not a 90 years old  that has to be in bed by 8pm so it's not a freaking tragedy if I'm staying out late for ONE night to enjoy a Madonna show, I treat this like a real huge party, as it's not every day that I afford to see her. I know there is a possibility she will be late and so I plan accordingly.
  13. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from Hydrangeas Up Your Ass in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    I'm not a 90 years old  that has to be in bed by 8pm so it's not a freaking tragedy if I'm staying out late for ONE night to enjoy a Madonna show, I treat this like a real huge party, as it's not every day that I afford to see her. I know there is a possibility she will be late and so I plan accordingly.
  14. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    Do you even have a ticket to her show? lol it's hilarious how it's always the people that don't have tickets and were clearly not even planning to see the show that are complaining the most and want "refunds", for a show that they're not attending lmao.
  15. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from madgefan in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    I'm not a 90 years old  that has to be in bed by 8pm so it's not a freaking tragedy if I'm staying out late for ONE night to enjoy a Madonna show, I treat this like a real huge party, as it's not every day that I afford to see her. I know there is a possibility she will be late and so I plan accordingly.
  16. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from kesiak in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    I'm not a 90 years old  that has to be in bed by 8pm so it's not a freaking tragedy if I'm staying out late for ONE night to enjoy a Madonna show, I treat this like a real huge party, as it's not every day that I afford to see her. I know there is a possibility she will be late and so I plan accordingly.
  17. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    I'm not a 90 years old  that has to be in bed by 8pm so it's not a freaking tragedy if I'm staying out late for ONE night to enjoy a Madonna show, I treat this like a real huge party, as it's not every day that I afford to see her. I know there is a possibility she will be late and so I plan accordingly.
  18. Like
    IconicQueen got a reaction from Kuba Pondel in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    I'm not a 90 years old  that has to be in bed by 8pm so it's not a freaking tragedy if I'm staying out late for ONE night to enjoy a Madonna show, I treat this like a real huge party, as it's not every day that I afford to see her. I know there is a possibility she will be late and so I plan accordingly.
  19. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to stfan97 in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    Well, tonight was fantastic and one of the best M shows I've ever been to.  A welcome reminder that when Madonna decides to be on, she is unparalleled as a live performer.  She was super happy tonight, warm and charming, and her humor was on point.  There were a lot of impromptu moments and jokes that set it aside from the other nights.  The best show of the week by far (and Tuesday was also amazing!).
    Her moves tonight were effortlessly smooth and sharp, everything went seamlessly, and the beer fan moment was heartwarming.  The guy (Kevin) thanked her on behalf of himself and all of his friends who survived for her advocacy and everyone cheered.
    The Polaroid moment was even hilarious.  Poor guy offered $1500 but she was actually considering him seriously and said it depended on what he did for a living.  Sad fool said he was a lawyer who specialized in representing kids.  "You mean like the lawyer who represented my son... who was hired by my ex-husband?"  A giant OH SHIT went through the audience.   "If you had represented him, would I have gotten custody?  Wait, this just got all way too personal.  Now everyone knows everything about me."  He was eventually outbid by someone with $2k which she happily took tonight for Raising Malawi.
  20. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to mark perry in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    where are you hearing all this , all ive read from fans who have been to the show is positive things with just a grudge against her lateness and not to mention the critics seem to like it ..it seems its fans who have not seen the show who are having a meltdown over it and making assumptions of course she is making money from it lol did she happen to say this " not making a dime " for the show during trying to sell her polaroid picture by any chance shes prob just joking like saying " a woman has to make some money some how " ..fans who are not attending this tour need to calm down ranting about it and blowing things up out of proportions ....except her lateness ..that sucks ...lol
  21. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to mark perry in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    they are high ..youre the idiot who spends all day bloody looking at ticketmaster looking for empty seats and prob get delighted when you find them so you can report back to forums ..yawns ..
  22. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to mark perry in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    what are you talking about with your useless information again about tickets etc etc ..i couldnt care less if there are tickets remaining ...she no doubt will be making millions from this tour its no big deal ..its not empty is it ...bore off again with your negativity - i dont spend all day counting how many seats are left at a tour nor do i feel the need to remind a forum its not totally sold out on a daily basis like ...cough cough ...you 
  23. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to mark perry in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    she gets pissed if the crowd is less energetic i think well maybe if she wasnt so late then they would be in a better mood lol ...does she not know this ? - where is guy oseary ? oh well least the fan who offered 2000 is 2000 pound richer still ...
  24. Like
    IconicQueen reacted to o_g_c_x in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    Seems that there are 2 groups of reviews: negatives from people that didnt even attend and positives from people that did attend.
    Simple as that.
  25. Thanks
    IconicQueen reacted to RUADJAI in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    For all the people who haven't been to the show... Crave Remix is a bit random, but it's also a welcomed upbeat dance number. By this point you've already been wowed by visuals and projections. That's not what this number is about. If the Girlie Show was judged solely by looking at a crappy recording of  "Everybody" , people would be saying the same negative stuff. 
    This disco ball illuminates the entire theatre.

    The outfits everyone wears are like a fashion show like the fashion show of Vogue MDNA. Chaz is featuring the God Control outfit Madonna wore. YOU CANNOT SEE THIS FROM A CRAPPY RECORDING.
    Not to mention... has anyone seen MDNA Tour? The first whole section is basically lip synced minus a 1 minute Papa Don't Preach. Sooooo I really don't know what anyone is talking about when they are upset she's using a vocoder or autotune. Madonna's voice is live 100% of the time in this show. 
    If you haven't seen the show and your opinion is negative... you should probably refrain from a review. 
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