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  1. Thanks to my delusional constant checking of this thread hoping for real updates about the desired reissues, I learned that I missed this particular leak, I had no idea that this hybrid of arrangements and melodies had seen the light of day. Thank you.
  2. I'd suscribe that but excuding 'Shame', which to me is *the* great unreleased track from the era even if the chorus was too reminiscent of the Motown song 'It's a Shame' by The Spinners, which was fresh in the airwaves when she and Pettibone were writing since the rapper Monie Love sampled it in a single released in late 1990. I think it's one of those catchy songs that come out of her effortlessly.
  3. I am with you 100%. In fact, I was entering this thread just out of frustration after checking one more time (I do it from time to time just in case) to see if the Dance Remix had been brought to streaming platforms already. I always loved the vocals that were not used on the album version, and I like the overall vibe. Even though I like the album version as well, it's too... "polite"? My opinion might be definitely biased though, cause I first heard the Dance Mix way before having the "Like a Virgin" album, since an uncle had the 12", so that's the arrangement I knew for years. I'm impatient for it to be on streaming so I can add it to my definitive Madonna playlist
  4. I love the way this TOP 4 looks! For the rest, my opinion maybe wasn't as clear, but I think the top 4 is fair. Conceptually and artistically, these 4 are flawless and cohesive.
  5. Congratulations and thank you @Blue Jean, I watched it yesterday and it's flawless
  6. I think it's fair that I limit myself to watch this one and not participate, cause I've never been the greatest fan of remixes (I like a few very much, of course, though) and I wouldn't be able to give a coherent vote for all the tracks
  7. I love the top 3. Even if the full order doesn't match all my rates it's one of the times where I most agree with the final results
  8. oooohhhhhh, I really enjoyed re-listening to 'Feeling So Crazy', it was one of my higher rates and it's the last one! :D :D and the top 3 were definitely NOT my favourites, but this is the great thing about megarates! Thanks again @Curtains
  9. Voted! I have rediscovered a couple of these which I didn't like that much back when they were leaked and now have enjoyed more
  10. I'm sorry I missed this one, I never really listened to the unreleased tracks more than a couple of times and I wouldn't have been able to give a well-thought, solid rate to the songs :-)
  11. Nice to see 'Crazy' up there. for some reason that's my most-natural-Madonna moment in the album, just like 'Rebel Heart' was in "Rebel Heart" and it's my favourite.
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