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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by bedtimestory

  1. Sodade was not performed, I guess they removed it permanently from the setlist ?
  2. I was at the Tuesday, Dec. 18th show. It went well! * A/C was off. People where complaining about the heat. I asked an employee if the ac was working, and he answered : "No, because Madonna don't want air conditioning" lol. A few songs into the show, they turned it on! Thank god! * Show started at 11pm! (Only 30 mins late) , which is probably the most on time she's ever been on this tour. * Theather was completely packed. Great, energetic crowd. Madonna seemed to be in a good mood. * In one of the monologues, she said : "it's so cold in here" then a few seconds later said : "no, it's hot" "I guess i'm bipolar, im still trying to figure Madame X out, I love her, but sometimes I hate her" "Sorry I'm stalling, I don't feel like working".. * DJ Tracy Young was the beer pal of the night. * Show ended at 1am. It was a great concert, totally worth it. She did well and her voice sounded really good!
  3. #1 Get together - a disco banger! #2 Hollywood - an ICONIC, fabulous, and unique song
  4. Bedtime Stories, Ray of Llight, Rebel Heart
  5. looks like this tour is finally shifting into something better! Im happy for her that everything is going more smoothly now! At 1st it was rough...
  6. Thank you for this, I didnt know the stage was that tiny and simple! Seems this tour was made on a small budget.
  7. This tour has been a disaster, it has harmed madonnas career, by her being late night after night, all she got from this tour was bad press, instead of news reports praising her show like in the past. She has to regain her discipline and be more professional. Stop defending her unacceptable behavior! Tough love is better than ending her once perfect career. Since shes always late I have the perfect life hack for that : I will arrive to the theater only after 10pm, to avoid waiting 4 hours of boring wait without a fun opening act.
  8. Dance / disco music that will make you happy! No more dark, diabolical beats. Id also love all her ballads. No more heavy autotune would be REFRESHING for a change.
  9. Ouch! From what i've read on this forum, date after date, this tour seems unfortunatetly off. Its not really taking off as the thought. Is she really late for every single date? god! how unprofessional! She needs to regain her discipine. I think she should go back to her amazing arena tours. On this one, the public isn't responding well to the awful autotune or the poor song choices. *btw : IM STILL A FAN, AND WILL BE SEEING HER AGAIN On december!
  10. Yes, I saw it in NY. Ive been to her other past tours as well. But its getting hard to defend her nowadays, after eurovision, after her being late for every tour date and her 'style' choices. About the show, I loved : I dont search, Killers, frozen, medellin and the Crave remix! Im still an M supporter, ill be seeing her again in miami! I think MX is a good show, but not an INCREDIBLE concert like confessions or Mdna. I think she should prioritize conserving whats left of her voice, and take singing more seriously. She needs vocal training lessons to learn how to use her new voice (voice range changes as we age). She should focus on delivering better vocals instead on relying on that annoying autotune. Its better for her to just sing at this age, dancing can be dangerous if she falls, etc. I dont want her to keep over-pushing herself physically or overwork, she danced hard all her life, she earned her iconic spot already.
  11. I will rate it 3 stars. Nothing exceptional, but not that bad either. Some of the outfits look like rags, the setlist is very short too (lots of talking, interludes and instrument solos). The autotune is EXCESSIVE and annoying, to the point you cant enjoy the songs. This needs to STOP.
  12. True Blue...The only good ones here are only the singles...the rest are boring...
  13. In ''The Girlie Show Tour'' at Puerto Rico , she wiped the Puerto Rican flag on her crotch! : https://todayinmadonnahistory.com/tag/puerto-rico/ Then when she came back to Puerto Rico for the Rebel Heart tour she was 3 hours late on both of her 2 dates! Show started at 11pm instead of 8pm! She also never apologized for the flag incident.
  14. I dont care if she lipsyncs or uses autotune. as long as she looks BEAUTIFUL and she stage is up to standards.
  15. VIP ''experience'' looks poor af, food looks nasty. Not Worth it. If it included a meet and greet photo, fast vip entrance, and a more generous bar, then it'll be worth it.
  16. Most straight rappers are homophobic af RECEIPT #1 https://theboxhouston.com/9724390/migos-quavo-fails-again-at-trying-to-apologize-for-homophobic-comments-about-ilovemakonnen/ RECEIPT #2 https://www.nme.com/news/migos-refused-appear-drag-queens-katy-perrys-snl-performance-2076582
  17. The setlist needs a LOOOT of improvement. I love that she included many tracks from the new album, but seriously human nature again? Sodade cover?! Where's nothing really matters? Bad girl? Rain? Celebration? Faz gostoso? I hate when she does the same overrated expected singles....
  18. I don''t think it will be released...seems like they want to keep this tour as rare as possible...
  19. If they have told the fans about the phone ban before, nobody would have bought tickets! lol
  20. I do not support this phone ban at all. Why pay for a pricey ticket, and then not being able to take a single picture to remember, or share on social media?
  21. I don't think it will happen, sadly Kylie lost her popularity and relevance after Aphrodite. As a Kylie fan myself, I noticed after 2011 her body of work got poor, nothing innovative or different. Her music and style got too safe and commercial, nothing memorable.
  22. CRAVE is a modern R&B MASTERPIECE, very unique and rare.
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