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Unapologetic Bitches
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About kineticsolace

  • Birthday October 16

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  1. That's because I accidentally hit the 6 and not the 7 because the Atmos track is 7.1 so it's 8 channels. For Fleetwood Mac Rumours the Atmos is: Channels 8 Audio Channel Layout 7.1 Bit Depth 24 If you listen to it compared to the DVD Audio (now lossless on the bluray) it is a completely different instrumentation/mixing - listen to Songbird in all 3 formats (Atmos, Surround and Stereo) and you will see what I am saying.
  2. I have the Fleetwood Mac Rumours bluray release and I have to admit the Atmos is good but I prefer the older DVD audio surround mix that was redone lossless on the disc because it mixed the music differently. The Atmos is the stereo tracks expanded to 6 speakers while the 5.1 surround uses some different instrumentation on several track.
  3. I'm looking forward to the new US 2k remastered bluray - hoping Shout Factory or Warner (through the Archive) cleaned it up and curious what the commentary will say
  4. I don't think he means for M..think he means himself
  5. I might be in the minority, but I absolutely love when compilations are "jumbled". If I want album versions and release order - I grab the albums. I wish Celebration didn't have the glitches in audio it does but I tend to play that followed by FEL (when I want mixes)
  6. One of my absolute favorite dubs is the NRM Speed Dub and the MATM Rauhofer Electrohouse Dub because it removes Brit and leaves just M LOL
  7. If she was interested, she would have placed Masterpiece in the film or as the first end credit song in W.E where she had a strong chance of winning best original song...in my opinion
  8. thank you for all of your posts!

  9. Wish the Stevie Nicks sample was in the unmixed Jacque Lu Cont remix
  10. This is an official release, don't believe it can be shared here
  11. beautiful work Frank and yes, awful that people are looking to make the monies
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