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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Wow
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from PlayPause in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    i ll take that mob behavior anytime instead of the mop behavior some of the Madonna fans really enjoy having
  2. Like
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from vesalii in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I dont like the person shes become = I dont like her anymore = not a fan . Giving her your $$$$$ makes you a buyer, not a fan.
  3. Thanks
    madonnaultimate reacted to 50ft Queenie in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    Fine, we just kindly ask you keep your constant negativity to yourself. If you dont, there should be talk about removing you from this fan page. I was reading through your comments and about 98 percent of them are totally negative.
  4. Haha
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from vesalii in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    tell that to half of the people in here , who dont have a specific fanbase name but take every opportunity to push their own fantasy world and ego agenda and over criticize Madonna for being Madonna. 
    They do have a meaning and they protected Britney.
  5. Haha
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from PlayPause in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    tell that to half of the people in here , who dont have a specific fanbase name but take every opportunity to push their own fantasy world and ego agenda and over criticize Madonna for being Madonna. 
    They do have a meaning and they protected Britney.
  6. Like
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from Andreo in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I am so angry that I also have to defend Madonna in one of her fan forums
  7. Thanks
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    "I will never be what society expects me to be" do your research. Your post is disgraceful. 
    Truth? People get bitter cause they grow old and are ashamed or give up and cant enjoy life. she does and good for her.
  8. Like
    madonnaultimate reacted to 50ft Queenie in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    More and more I am getting the feeling that you are a troll on here and not a real fan at all. You dont seem to understand that as Madonna fans we dont want her to at like she is 100 years old and knit, that would be boring and a drag. You are obviously ageist and think that society has the right to tell a woman how to act, it does not and I am getting tired of you.
  9. Like
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from Bohh in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    What UNITES fans of an artist is the LOVE + RESPECT  they have for the PERSON + the ARTIST. period.
    If those things are missing , then there's a problem. not with artist but with the person who is a "fan" of the artist.
  10. Like
    madonnaultimate reacted to 50ft Queenie in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I am gonna say this for everyone interested, I am not a blind worshiper, but those people who gave the Madame X documentary a one star review and have the balls to call themselves fans should be ashamed. I saw that tour live and it was incredible, the people bitching about lack of energy might not realize she put herself through hell on earth completing the tour with such a serious injury. need to get with the times, its incredible that she is still kicking the way she is at 63 and we need to support our Queen. People like that do not deserve to call themselves fans and should be removed from fanclubs.
  11. Like
    madonnaultimate reacted to Andreo in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    Sorry but this is SO extra. You can say anything about Madonna but she ALWAYS had that fuck you attitude. Just because she says that shit on stage now, it doesn't mean she's regressing mentally or she's "slaved" by the industry, you really had the audacity to call her an industry victim as if she's got destroyed and killed by fame (example is the poor Britney), just because some fans don't like her "fuck u hater I do what I want" attitude, bro are you even ok? How is that even a bad thing. She has always given 0 fucks and that's why she has always felt free to say whatever she wants, including the "get pissed lmao" comments like the grill one. I understand fans getting annoyed at her attitude sometimes, totally, but comments like this are something else Imo no offense, sometimes fans really describe Madonna as if she's an old rotten lady suffering of dementia, really, you guys make her appear WAY WORSE than who she's actually is, someone who never gave a fuck about not being liked and just having fun with this
  12. Thanks
    madonnaultimate reacted to Andreo in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    Sorry but this is so stupid and shallow I barely know what to say. You can give 0 fucks and still have a fuck u attitude, it seems literally so normal to me, how is that even a childish thing? Also, do you really think dealing with shit she fights against such as sexism and ageism everyday wouldn't make you scream of anger at least once? 
  13. Like
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    guys i am not referring to Britney as an artist, im refering to her fanbase.
    Brit went through HELL and very considerable choices but her fans were always there, the vast majority.
    Madonna had a f hip replacement and i still see comments from "fans" in here saying i will score MadameX with 1/10 because it was not energetic and messy.......this is absurd  to me  sorry.
    what did you expect? A Madonna being active as she was in her 30s?
    some of the "fans" dont make any sense AT ALL. 
  14. Like
    madonnaultimate reacted to 50ft Queenie in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I agree with you man, I think those fans need to wake up though. Sometimes I think that Madonna fans forget that she is 63 years old now and wishing for the old Madonna is living in a fantasy world. I am just happy she is still around and creating things, she is a legend, she has nothing to prove. People need to relax and enjoy the ride
  15. Like
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from cosmicarlo818 in The Biopic; Untitled     
    its not a biopic!! its a VISUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ! 
  16. Haha
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from Alm47 in The Biopic; Untitled     
    its not a biopic!! its a VISUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ! 
  17. Thanks
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from Redha DBL in The Biopic; Untitled     
    its not a biopic!! its a VISUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ! 
  18. Haha
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from survivalartist in The Biopic; Untitled     
    its not a biopic!! its a VISUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ! 
  19. Haha
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from Vogue Italia in The Biopic; Untitled     
    its not a biopic!! its a VISUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ! 
  20. Haha
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from RUADJAI in The Biopic; Untitled     
    its not a biopic!! its a VISUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ! 
  21. Like
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from valinecode in The Biopic; Untitled     
    its not a biopic!! its a VISUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ! 
  22. Haha
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from madgefan in The Biopic; Untitled     
    its not a biopic!! its a VISUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ! 
  23. Thanks
    madonnaultimate reacted to Andreo in Support MadameX on IMDB   
    Fans usually:"guys, let's rate this film/song/whatever with the max score! Let's support our idol!" 
    M fans:"not like TCF or BAT. I give it a 1/10"
  24. Like
    madonnaultimate got a reaction from nito84bcn in Support MadameX on IMDB   
    I suggest we all better support it than giving it low scores....otherwise theres no point in being in this community.
    Obsessing over stem tracks  but scoring her products low is at least weird . if you love her support her.
  25. Thanks
    madonnaultimate reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Support MadameX on IMDB   
    So you gave it a bad review because you wanted a different product then the one Madonna made and not directly related to its quality?
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