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Unapologetic Bitches
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About vesalii

  • Birthday 11/19/1990

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  1. Madame X is the worst one, that intro, the slow motion, Truth or Dare interview out from nowhere????, the explanation on why she loves “I Rise”, the auto tuned vocals, it is just unlistenable for me.
  2. Oh, so she's back doing boring stuff again, stuff that she thinks has an impact but literally nobody cares, what a surprise...
  3. Not sure that Madonna is included, maybe she is, maybe are my cravings for new Madonna music but I think I hear her background vocals in this clip https://x.com/zeddyinnit/status/1802757929231110454
  4. Also M on instagram, she seems to have a secret…
  5. I'm desperetly seeking one of these artist shirts, can someone please sell me one?
  6. What happened to the article? Can someone please share it?
  7. Thanks M! Saw you all dates in Mexico City and this broadcast was amazing, I feel moved, touched, it was amazing!
  8. 1. Confessions 2. Blond 3. MDNA 4. RIT 5. Sticky 6. Drowned 7. RH 8. Celebration 9. Girlie 10. MX 11. VT 12. WTG
  9. Gosh Ricardo is one of her worst photographers ever!
  10. So now Madonna and Peso Pluma are following each other on Instagram 😪 Peso Pluma is one of the most hated/loved Mexican singers due that his lyrics elevate drug cartels and violence by making apology of crime. Not to mentioned that his music style is often related to narco. It’d be disappointing to see her working with those kind of “artists”, but sadly I see this happening.
  11. According to discogs, the song is even older (1998) than we first think (2013), the song was not even a single, I couldn’t find any remixes nor official or fanmade, so, make your own assumptions… 🫨 I think is a new song, I’m pretty sure it is a new one, is not Madonna the one that is signing but maybe they decided to use it as a sample since the singer voice is pretty similar.
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