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    Loki got a reaction from Beautiful Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Personally, I don't like tattoos and frankly I'm scared by needles. But what intrigues me about her tattoo is where she did it. I study medicine and I immediately recognized the radial artery, which is associated with the radial pulse: it's one of the points where you can check the heart rate and you can feel the heart beat. Secondly, it's near her red string, which, according to Kabbalah, wards off misfortune. If we consider these aspects, it doesn't seem to have strange meanings: we can safely assure it's all about her love for her kids. Plus, it is very minimal and discreet, so maybe she didn't do it for shocking people. Anyway, we don't even know if it's temporary or not, perhaps we're discussing about nothing.
    Above all, I found it very cute and sweet.
  2. Thanks
    Loki got a reaction from Brandon Clark in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Personally, I don't like tattoos and frankly I'm scared by needles. But what intrigues me about her tattoo is where she did it. I study medicine and I immediately recognized the radial artery, which is associated with the radial pulse: it's one of the points where you can check the heart rate and you can feel the heart beat. Secondly, it's near her red string, which, according to Kabbalah, wards off misfortune. If we consider these aspects, it doesn't seem to have strange meanings: we can safely assure it's all about her love for her kids. Plus, it is very minimal and discreet, so maybe she didn't do it for shocking people. Anyway, we don't even know if it's temporary or not, perhaps we're discussing about nothing.
    Above all, I found it very cute and sweet.
  3. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Fighter in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Personally, I don't like tattoos and frankly I'm scared by needles. But what intrigues me about her tattoo is where she did it. I study medicine and I immediately recognized the radial artery, which is associated with the radial pulse: it's one of the points where you can check the heart rate and you can feel the heart beat. Secondly, it's near her red string, which, according to Kabbalah, wards off misfortune. If we consider these aspects, it doesn't seem to have strange meanings: we can safely assure it's all about her love for her kids. Plus, it is very minimal and discreet, so maybe she didn't do it for shocking people. Anyway, we don't even know if it's temporary or not, perhaps we're discussing about nothing.
    Above all, I found it very cute and sweet.
  4. Like
    Loki reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    You seem to be very very comfortable judging other people's bodies and appareance. Madonna does what she wants with hers and so do you. Would you feel comfortable if i started telling you what to do with your body ?  Yes she's a public figure but she does not belong to you or us. Wat you projected onto her is your problem to deal with. Frankly this has to stop. Especially sinc she's a woman. These conversations, here, everywhere, all the time about how women should behave and present themselves really show how it is ingrained in society thatit is normal to judge others. Judge her work. We all are frightened by her face modifications but we shouldn't take it so personally either. And if you loved somebody for her or his body than the problem comes from you. Maybe you are shallow. I mean who does that ? AND, i realized that most people who judge other people's appearance are themselves struggling with body image, fear of getting old or getting fat etc....You are in fact not only projecting your fears on her but also actively perpetrating the very poison that makes you and so many people not feeling good in their own skin and by doing so crating your own poison. We really need to stop doing that. And that goes for all the popstars.
  5. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Angelo in An ideal "Rebel Heart" (Let's fix it!)   
    I know it, I know it. It was a cursed project, 'cause potentially it could have been really interesting.
  6. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Voguerista in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    My dreams:
    1.Rock/Folk Rock with Mark Knopfler
    2.Swing/Electroswing/Jazz with Parov Stelar (he's a dj, so he could do the remixes) 
    3.Ambient Music/Space Music with Brian and Roger Eno, William Orbit (classic Ambient Music, although Orbit is not completely an ambient musician) or Aphex Twin or FlyByNo (for a modern touch).
    I would appreciate if she worked with Leonard and Nowels for the lyrics.
    Above all, I hope she'll continue to create something outside the box, along the lines of Madame X project or even more extreme. I pray she'll avoid current trends, because these days music is all about recycling (badly) '80-'90 most popular trends (so yes to disco-dance music but no to folk and rock), and she'll stop working with rappers, trappers (actually they're not on the same level of 2pac or Notorious B.I.G) and superstar producers, who are only interested in creating their own music without comparing their ideas with someone else's ones. 
    Let's pray this rumor is not a joke.
  7. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Shoful in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    My dreams:
    1.Rock/Folk Rock with Mark Knopfler
    2.Swing/Electroswing/Jazz with Parov Stelar (he's a dj, so he could do the remixes) 
    3.Ambient Music/Space Music with Brian and Roger Eno, William Orbit (classic Ambient Music, although Orbit is not completely an ambient musician) or Aphex Twin or FlyByNo (for a modern touch).
    I would appreciate if she worked with Leonard and Nowels for the lyrics.
    Above all, I hope she'll continue to create something outside the box, along the lines of Madame X project or even more extreme. I pray she'll avoid current trends, because these days music is all about recycling (badly) '80-'90 most popular trends (so yes to disco-dance music but no to folk and rock), and she'll stop working with rappers, trappers (actually they're not on the same level of 2pac or Notorious B.I.G) and superstar producers, who are only interested in creating their own music without comparing their ideas with someone else's ones. 
    Let's pray this rumor is not a joke.
  8. Thanks
    Loki reacted to Fontainebleau in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Patrick Leonard, William Orbit, Mirwais and Stuart Price all did something amazing. But for me that's all in the past now. I would love to see her work with producers like Nigel Godrich, Richard Barratt, James Ford, Nicolas Vernhes, Ben H. Allen, Geoff Barrow and Nicolas Jaar. Madonna going indie/alternative and a little bit dark/obscure would be a dream come true.
  9. Like
    Loki reacted to Fontainebleau in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Why not play the ukelele in a wheelchair while doing a Covers Tour, singing Creep and Glory Box?
  10. Like
    Loki reacted to NowRadiate in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    More of an analog feel to the music, real instruments, real voice, good lyrics, good melodies, a good arc in the songwriting and composition, proper production, not files being sent but people in a room, working in a more intimate setting. Get tested regularly though... or vaccinated.
  11. Thanks
    Loki got a reaction from NowRadiate in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    I believe that we can describe two different categories of artists: the ones who have a 'normal life' and the ones who are intrinsically restless and hunger for life. We can take Antonio Canova as a model for the first category: he was successful, he had his own workshop and he was appreciated by sovereigns. After all he had a normal life, just because he guided his artistic instincts rationally and pragmatically. On the other hand we can take Vincent Van Gogh as an example: as everybody knows, he had a restless life, he lived in lots of cities and he was never satisfied with his life and his art. Artists who belong to the second category need to feel connected with their inner self, with the universe, they need to find the inner sense of their life and they live art viscerally: that's why they feel the necessity of being always challenged by society, by their loved ones and it explains why they travel frequently and try everything. But the most important thing about this kind of artists is that they need to feel loved and appreciated to be able to create something astonishing. Artists who belong to the first category carry out their project no matter how they feel: they want to fulfill the contract and then move on. 
    Said that, I believe that our beloved singer belongs to the second category, so the quality of her projects mirrors how much happy she was when she made them. If it was confirmed she is working with Leonard, I wouldn't be surprised at all, because, before being a producer, he is a friend for her (let's be honest, they had a long term partnership and lyrically their songs are stellar, so it would be reasonable she came back to collaborate with him). 
    In conclusion, I don't give a damn about her relationships: if she's happy and satisfied with her life, her contract and the freedom the label gives her, it's enough for me. (sorry, I'm quite wordy, I know it) 
  12. Thanks
    Loki got a reaction from steady75 in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    I believe that we can describe two different categories of artists: the ones who have a 'normal life' and the ones who are intrinsically restless and hunger for life. We can take Antonio Canova as a model for the first category: he was successful, he had his own workshop and he was appreciated by sovereigns. After all he had a normal life, just because he guided his artistic instincts rationally and pragmatically. On the other hand we can take Vincent Van Gogh as an example: as everybody knows, he had a restless life, he lived in lots of cities and he was never satisfied with his life and his art. Artists who belong to the second category need to feel connected with their inner self, with the universe, they need to find the inner sense of their life and they live art viscerally: that's why they feel the necessity of being always challenged by society, by their loved ones and it explains why they travel frequently and try everything. But the most important thing about this kind of artists is that they need to feel loved and appreciated to be able to create something astonishing. Artists who belong to the first category carry out their project no matter how they feel: they want to fulfill the contract and then move on. 
    Said that, I believe that our beloved singer belongs to the second category, so the quality of her projects mirrors how much happy she was when she made them. If it was confirmed she is working with Leonard, I wouldn't be surprised at all, because, before being a producer, he is a friend for her (let's be honest, they had a long term partnership and lyrically their songs are stellar, so it would be reasonable she came back to collaborate with him). 
    In conclusion, I don't give a damn about her relationships: if she's happy and satisfied with her life, her contract and the freedom the label gives her, it's enough for me. (sorry, I'm quite wordy, I know it) 
  13. Like
    Loki reacted to steady75 in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Typically I’d agree with the “her private relationships are her business”
    and they are. 
    I have personally never had a problem with people discussing her relationships. This is a very specific fan forum and not a general discussion board of celebrities in general. It’s not Instagram Facebook or Twitter where she trends or can be deliberately targeted. It’s not a think piece on an online publication, entertainment section or local rag. 
    It’s hard core fans who have likely followed every minute of her life and career. There IS a differentiation here.
    Romantic Relationships, whilst I don’t find particularly interesting part of the Madonna brand will always be of interest to the fan base because we know historically they often fall into her professional career, whether it be a musical pairing, a film project, a magazine spread or someone who is featured in her documentaries. Madonna has always invited us into her personal world. Even in recent years her boyfriends have been part of her work and she continues to align herself with them in front of the camera. I would probably say more than any other legit megastar I know. 
    Madonna is a cultural, feminist and gay icon. Choices and alliances in her personal life have a direct correlation to understanding who she is and what she stands for. Her alignment with the gay and black community in particular. 
    I think it’s naive to think otherwise.
    Her children on the other hand, I have reservations about. They have no choice in the matter. Yes she over exposes them to us but in some way maybe that’s her way of protecting them. I don’t know it’s something I’d like to steer clear on commenting on too much. They too have been politicised in many ways through the media. But I think the kids deserve more respect. Her partners... they’re fair game for commentary in a forum like this for sure. As long as it’s respectful and doesn’t lurk behind walls of misogyny, racism or ageism I’m good. 
  14. Like
    Loki reacted to danielsevilla in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Hi All!
    Like a lot of fans lately I do not understand her, and I am in a love/hate relationship with her at the moment.
    But the only thing that it matters to me is to know if she is happy. We do not know that, but if she is happy with all her choices, that's fine with me. We should never forget how many things she has done to entertain us during the last 4 decades, and she is still there. 
    She might not be the best at taking care of her legacy or her social media, but we should never forget how amazing her career has been.
    Let's try to focus on the topic of this thread, her possible collaboration with Pat. I am not extremely excited about this, as we know that usually her collaborations with previous producers have not been as great as the first one, but maybe with Pat that could be different... who knows?
    I guess all this time looking back has maybe inspired her to go back to her roots. It will be interesting to hear a collaboration with Pat again, but I would love her to work with other new people, like as someone said, Brian Eno.
    She just needs to focus on her creativity side and stop trying to sound like the rest of artists and stop all these featurings.
    But once again, if she happy making that type of music I am happy. I can always revisit other albums and enjoy them. She is an artist and that's her evolution, if I don't like Madame X, I don't have the right to say she is downgrading her art, she is simply evolving into a different type of artist. We are all growing, and she can't please all of us.
    I just want her to be happy, she deserves it.
  15. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Enoch in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Hope it will not be only movie related.
    I suspect she didn't appreciate the way Interscope tried to change her music in favor of something which could catch younger generations (I'm 21 and I hate most of the current music) and pushed her to be someone she isn't: her music is commercial but not banal. That could explain why, since Madame X project, she decided to come back to her old collaborators and Pat Leonard is on the list. Since it's quite certain her comeback to Warner, I pray she'll release a classic Madonna album, maybe with Orbit (it would be a dream), Leonard himself or Brian Eno, Rick Nowels and so on. I believe she still has an ace up in her sleeve. 
    P.S. It's my first post here. I want to apologize in advance 'cause English is not my first language.
  16. Like
    Loki got a reaction from SpencerCSR in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Hope it will not be only movie related.
    I suspect she didn't appreciate the way Interscope tried to change her music in favor of something which could catch younger generations (I'm 21 and I hate most of the current music) and pushed her to be someone she isn't: her music is commercial but not banal. That could explain why, since Madame X project, she decided to come back to her old collaborators and Pat Leonard is on the list. Since it's quite certain her comeback to Warner, I pray she'll release a classic Madonna album, maybe with Orbit (it would be a dream), Leonard himself or Brian Eno, Rick Nowels and so on. I believe she still has an ace up in her sleeve. 
    P.S. It's my first post here. I want to apologize in advance 'cause English is not my first language.
  17. Like
    Loki reacted to steady75 in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    I think apart from the 2007 face lift most of the work she has had done is superficial. Injections and fillers and stuff so it’s not a Jackson situation where she is altering her bone structure and cartilage.
    The severity of the cheeks that are seemingly wider than her actual face now is a bit odd though. I’m not sure you can achieve that with fillers. I don’t know. 
    Its her face and a womans agency is important and must be respected. If I trusted that she was doing it without any dark thoughts I’d be happy for her. I just think there’s more going on. 
    Awww ... my mom. My heart x 
    #freebritney vibes
  18. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Redha DBL in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    In psychiatry this behavior is called dysmorphophobia; it's quite common today due to the social media overexposure: people are always ready to judge your body, your face, so you begin to dislike yourself, even if you are pretty, because someone said you look like a monster. At the end you abuse of cosmetic surgery to please the society. I don't know if this is our case. I remember that, when Hung Up came out, all of mass media were amazed that a 47-years popstar released a dance bop instead of a ballad: some of them already started to call her 'old' and attack her for the age, the only thing she can't fight. Then lots of journalists began to criticize her body because it was too muscular. Finally, divorce arrived: perhaps it meant for her that she wasn't no longer interesting for someone, maybe she felt alone (it would explain why she's always surrounded by tons of people), what's sure is that divorce hitted her like a truck.
    What I want to say is that probably she started to care too much about what people think of her, her body, her music, her age, although she pretends she doesn't, likely because she felt hurted by criticisms. She's never been a reassuring singer like Céline Dion, Mariah Carey& company, she can't even compare herself with current young, silly popstars who dominate the charts, because what made her what she is now is that she's always followed her path, no matter what.
    I hope she'll let the character she's built during these years die: no more surgery, no more silly yes men. She can do it, nothing is lost forever: only this way she'll be really free to be herself.
  19. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Levon in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Wow, so many topics to reply to.
    1.I think it's unfair you believe I live in a bubble or under a rock. I'm quite aware of how the world works. 
    2.I only tried to reflect on why she "suddenly" decided to work again with Mirwais after more than 10 years and now, apparently, with Leonard. I didn't blame anyone or tried to justify anything. I read a comment she posted some years ago where she wrote that she wasn't allowed to be the visionary artist she was before (an ironic post? Maybe, who knows) and I started to figure out why she did it. Then I read an interview with Orbit where he said that she wasn't in the mood of creating music during the MDNA era (why she released that album if she wasn't interested?), so after I read all these things and something more, I thought that probably something didn't work with the label and maybe it was the reason why she came back to her previous collaborators. Obviously she decided every single move she did last 10 years. 
    3.I didn't complain about anything: I don't mind her hair or something like this. I didn't complain about her last albums: probably I'm one of the few people who enjoyed her Madame X project. 
    4.I shared what kind of album I would love from her, but I will be happy with everything she'll release. I'm not stuck on only one genre of music. 
    I'm here to enjoy music and share my thoughts, not to argue: if you don't agree with me, I'll be glad to read your reasons. I'm open to a polite discussion 'cause I don't think I'm always right. 
  20. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Fontainebleau in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    She could (and should) bring Veronica Electronica back to life. I don't know why but it doesn't seem to me an airy-fairy hypothesis: she started to post about incantations, eastern religions, poems (in one of her posts I saw she was reading Anne Sexton's poems) and artists she listened to some years ago (Nina Simone, Josephine Baker). Well, maybe it means nothing, but please, let me dream...
  21. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Fontainebleau in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Hope it will not be only movie related.
    I suspect she didn't appreciate the way Interscope tried to change her music in favor of something which could catch younger generations (I'm 21 and I hate most of the current music) and pushed her to be someone she isn't: her music is commercial but not banal. That could explain why, since Madame X project, she decided to come back to her old collaborators and Pat Leonard is on the list. Since it's quite certain her comeback to Warner, I pray she'll release a classic Madonna album, maybe with Orbit (it would be a dream), Leonard himself or Brian Eno, Rick Nowels and so on. I believe she still has an ace up in her sleeve. 
    P.S. It's my first post here. I want to apologize in advance 'cause English is not my first language.
  22. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Enrico in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Wow, so many topics to reply to.
    1.I think it's unfair you believe I live in a bubble or under a rock. I'm quite aware of how the world works. 
    2.I only tried to reflect on why she "suddenly" decided to work again with Mirwais after more than 10 years and now, apparently, with Leonard. I didn't blame anyone or tried to justify anything. I read a comment she posted some years ago where she wrote that she wasn't allowed to be the visionary artist she was before (an ironic post? Maybe, who knows) and I started to figure out why she did it. Then I read an interview with Orbit where he said that she wasn't in the mood of creating music during the MDNA era (why she released that album if she wasn't interested?), so after I read all these things and something more, I thought that probably something didn't work with the label and maybe it was the reason why she came back to her previous collaborators. Obviously she decided every single move she did last 10 years. 
    3.I didn't complain about anything: I don't mind her hair or something like this. I didn't complain about her last albums: probably I'm one of the few people who enjoyed her Madame X project. 
    4.I shared what kind of album I would love from her, but I will be happy with everything she'll release. I'm not stuck on only one genre of music. 
    I'm here to enjoy music and share my thoughts, not to argue: if you don't agree with me, I'll be glad to read your reasons. I'm open to a polite discussion 'cause I don't think I'm always right. 
  23. Thanks
    Loki got a reaction from Enrico in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Hope it will not be only movie related.
    I suspect she didn't appreciate the way Interscope tried to change her music in favor of something which could catch younger generations (I'm 21 and I hate most of the current music) and pushed her to be someone she isn't: her music is commercial but not banal. That could explain why, since Madame X project, she decided to come back to her old collaborators and Pat Leonard is on the list. Since it's quite certain her comeback to Warner, I pray she'll release a classic Madonna album, maybe with Orbit (it would be a dream), Leonard himself or Brian Eno, Rick Nowels and so on. I believe she still has an ace up in her sleeve. 
    P.S. It's my first post here. I want to apologize in advance 'cause English is not my first language.
  24. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Voguerista in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Hope it will not be only movie related.
    I suspect she didn't appreciate the way Interscope tried to change her music in favor of something which could catch younger generations (I'm 21 and I hate most of the current music) and pushed her to be someone she isn't: her music is commercial but not banal. That could explain why, since Madame X project, she decided to come back to her old collaborators and Pat Leonard is on the list. Since it's quite certain her comeback to Warner, I pray she'll release a classic Madonna album, maybe with Orbit (it would be a dream), Leonard himself or Brian Eno, Rick Nowels and so on. I believe she still has an ace up in her sleeve. 
    P.S. It's my first post here. I want to apologize in advance 'cause English is not my first language.
  25. Like
    Loki got a reaction from Voguerista in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    She could (and should) bring Veronica Electronica back to life. I don't know why but it doesn't seem to me an airy-fairy hypothesis: she started to post about incantations, eastern religions, poems (in one of her posts I saw she was reading Anne Sexton's poems) and artists she listened to some years ago (Nina Simone, Josephine Baker). Well, maybe it means nothing, but please, let me dream...
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