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Rays Of Light
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  1. Wonder what the unexpected surprise is next week that Ricardo put on his insta?
  2. I thought it was one of the twins too…
  3. I thought the long coat was a throw back to the girlie show performance of holiday…maybe not..
  4. Full song removed now…just this snippet https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3nfIgtMtkD/?igsh=dGl6ZjF4eHFtejBh
  5. Anyone heard the Madonna/Breakfast Club cover? In parts sound like M in others I don’t think it does. On Dankmadonnavideoedits on insta.
  6. Just heard a snippet of another version of Funny Gams..sounds completely different…it says demo #2. Would love to hear it in full.
  7. I can’t put them in order of favourite as they all mean something different to me: WTG BA GS DW RE-IN CT S&S MDNA RH MX Celebration
  8. Who do you think you’re talking to? Shut my ass? Shut your your own mouth until you can talk with some class. I won’t hold my breath.
  9. I’m not excusing or justifying anything…thanks… there’s no difference to what he saying or doing compared to what her own fans are saying. So don’t YOU try to excuse or justify her fan base..
  10. He’s an idiot. But He’s only saying what her own fans are saying.
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