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Rays Of Light
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  1. I can’t see a new album anytime soon. My thought is the reissues will start this year and keep up topped up while she focuses on the film. I hope If and when the film gets released there maybe new songs attached to the soundtrack . Otherwise it’s just gonna seem like another greatest hits album to me…and we’ve just had a re issue of celebration.
  2. https://www.hmv.co.jp/artist_Madonna_000000000001478/item_Vogue-Hot-Pink-Vinyl_15069148 is this official? Released 19th July….on some UK. Record stores too.
  3. I can’t see them getting rid of her old stuff to be honest. I think it’s fake news
  4. I saw this years ago. It looks like the original ideas for the album track list. Looks like playground was considered to be in the album too. Along with a few tracks I can’t make out the names for.
  5. Great show…she was moving so good too. Looked like she was having a blast…
  6. I just read there’s 2 new songs added. Music and another but the other wasn’t said what it was…
  7. Wonder what the unexpected surprise is next week that Ricardo put on his insta?
  8. I thought it was one of the twins too…
  9. I thought the long coat was a throw back to the girlie show performance of holiday…maybe not..
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