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Unapologetic Bitches
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    I don't think I need to Spell it out.???
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  1. Does anyone have a link where i can download the Who's That girl ep. I can't seem to find it anywhere, even the paid sites won't let me buy it as I'm not in the US. And im not buying those shitty Apple music versions. I just want a flac or wav file.
  2. In Australia Bedtime Story was a Top 5 Hit, Printed on a Limited-Edition Gold CD Single. It kind of reminds me of her first dip into the Ray of Light Era.
  3. Thats how forgettable it was. I forgot about that but its that shitty radio version which they replaced the SHIT with Its Human Nature, Hardly inspiring. At least the Video Version Leaves it a Mystery.
  4. Sorry people. I hate this song. She performs it all the time. It never gets a big response. It's Boring and Not worthy of a greatest hit. It's Not on Celebration or even Finally Enough Love. It was never a hit but, the video is a classic and a pisser. To all those who enjoy it, Good luck to you. The only reason i bought this cd single was it had the rare Video Version on cd. I dont think that was on any others around the world, but im probably wrong. I would rather she pulled out Angel and Number 1 in OZ and top 5 Worldwide and she never plays it. She has probably forgot that she even recorded it. How many songs has she recorded Over 1000? I dont know, Does anyone have any idea?
  5. Yes, it was a live performance, but it was from the MTV awards in Paris That Year not Sydney. I remember as it was Indoors. www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTffP2fXp24&ab_channel=jaimotto
  6. How did they stuff it up? I have the Original Japan EP which has 10 tracks including this. I can't hear the edit mistake. [Hidden Content][/hide] I can't hear it.
  7. I remember more damage control for the sex book rather than the album. The album was huge in Australia, Numbered Editions, Gold Pressed, Re-Release Of Immaculate Collection Numbered and Gold. Plus Rain was on the radio every 3 dam songs when she touring that whole month down here. They should have recorded the Melbourne shows. They were 80,000 people 3 nights and its huge at the MCG, Better atmosphere. Instead, they used Sydney Cricket Ground which did 4 nights at 50,000 people. I was lucky enough to attend the taped Sydney Release and the Melbourne Concerts. Thats when I had Zero Responsibility and lots of money. I still don't understand why she hasn't released Confessions in HD. It requires Zero work, was recorded In HD and can easily been thrown on a streaming service or for sale. Mariah and Kylie did this with their recent releases. Mariah has released live from Tokyo in HD to purchase and Kylie release a HD version of the Golden tour yet that was released only on DVD to Purchase But went HD for streaming. Just put it out.
  8. Now if it was asked have you made love to 2 men at once I'm sure my response would be different.
  9. We had to learn that crap in high school. You kind of need a car in Oz, or a broom. But one of the compulsory classes you have to take is Drivers ed and you learn this shit and have to drive around a massive school oval.
  10. Wow I'm Australian and I heard that it was going to be called get up Lisbon but nothing about menus and stuff. How bad can their professionally filmed concert with all that technical equipment could be? Worse than MDNA or a crappy Blonde Ambition concert. She is not truthful about that Paris Footage, there was a whole blog on this years ago and they interviewed one of the people who shot the concert. It was over 3 nights in Paris at the Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy Arena. All the camera men were dressed in black head to toe. 1 night they did Mid and Far away shots. another night they did close ups the person interviewed said they were on stage all in black and did Steady cam shots, which you can clearly see in Live to Tell. Then they shot from the stage looking out to the crowed and they also filmed a dressed a as well. This woman Had Deep knowledge of the whole process. her hair changes in shots even though it's the same curls, but some look tighter and different than others. Also, they had the full performances of Hanky Pankey & Like A Prayer, we can't even get that anymore, I used to own all that on VHS and yet know those are lost as well now? they all looked amazing and as it was shot on film it would look fantastic in HD in 4K. Taylor Swift just did the same thing on this tour. I've got that concert on digital. And its shot again in red one 4K and it looks brilliant. Madonna always was at the top of trying new things [Q sound] to make her music sound its best. Now, Quality control has not been the best. You'll notice in the concert parts of truth or dare you never see a camera as all three nights were taking the best performances. We will never see it. Still, I hope I can pick up the pieces and move on with my life. 😁
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