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50ft Queenie

Unapologetic Bitches
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    50ft Queenie reacted to Andreo in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I'll never understand all these problems you guys have with her just having fun in her 60s, she gives 0 fucks, enjoys her life and loves to say "fuck you" so what? She has always been like this. How is all of this even a problem for you guys to always talk shit about this woman making her seem a mentally ill old lady with dementia? This is getting more and more difficult to ignore everyday, of course people will say it's ageist at one point, because it is. Talking shit about her and making the same comments on how she's embarrassing and should "act her age" is ageist but sure, let's call every fan who doesn't do the same a blinded sheep and let's hope she stops being herself in order to become the usual stereotype that people expect women past their 50s to be. Pathetic. 
  2. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Andreo in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I think it is fairly obvious you have been revealed as a troll, you are most likely one of those frauds that I see on her social media sometimes. Right now im just trying to figure out who I can message to have you banned.
  3. Thanks
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from proxy in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I think it is fairly obvious you have been revealed as a troll, you are most likely one of those frauds that I see on her social media sometimes. Right now im just trying to figure out who I can message to have you banned.
  4. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Andreo in Ongoing Conversation   
    Everytime she went dark in her career she came back right after with a lighthearted, joyous album, so I'm optimistic about M15 being lighter 
    If Madame X is her modern American Life, she might come back with a new COADF 
  5. Haha
    50ft Queenie reacted to Andreo in The Biopic; Untitled     
    This. They must include MDNA, turn up the radio, her discovering Instagram and snapchat filters and the Rebel Heart fall on stage, ending with her at Eurovision. Really, who cares about the 80s when we have MDNA, Rebel Heart and the twins spam videos in the 10s? Absurd! 
  6. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    Fine, we just kindly ask you keep your constant negativity to yourself. If you dont, there should be talk about removing you from this fan page. I was reading through your comments and about 98 percent of them are totally negative.
  7. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from luchoypx in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    More and more I am getting the feeling that you are a troll on here and not a real fan at all. You dont seem to understand that as Madonna fans we dont want her to at like she is 100 years old and knit, that would be boring and a drag. You are obviously ageist and think that society has the right to tell a woman how to act, it does not and I am getting tired of you.
  8. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    More and more I am getting the feeling that you are a troll on here and not a real fan at all. You dont seem to understand that as Madonna fans we dont want her to at like she is 100 years old and knit, that would be boring and a drag. You are obviously ageist and think that society has the right to tell a woman how to act, it does not and I am getting tired of you.
  9. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I am gonna say this for everyone interested, I am not a blind worshiper, but those people who gave the Madame X documentary a one star review and have the balls to call themselves fans should be ashamed. I saw that tour live and it was incredible, the people bitching about lack of energy might not realize she put herself through hell on earth completing the tour with such a serious injury. need to get with the times, its incredible that she is still kicking the way she is at 63 and we need to support our Queen. People like that do not deserve to call themselves fans and should be removed from fanclubs.
  10. Thanks
    50ft Queenie reacted to madonnaultimate in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    What UNITES fans of an artist is the LOVE + RESPECT  they have for the PERSON + the ARTIST. period.
    If those things are missing , then there's a problem. not with artist but with the person who is a "fan" of the artist.
  11. Thanks
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from remixed224 in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I am gonna say this for everyone interested, I am not a blind worshiper, but those people who gave the Madame X documentary a one star review and have the balls to call themselves fans should be ashamed. I saw that tour live and it was incredible, the people bitching about lack of energy might not realize she put herself through hell on earth completing the tour with such a serious injury. need to get with the times, its incredible that she is still kicking the way she is at 63 and we need to support our Queen. People like that do not deserve to call themselves fans and should be removed from fanclubs.
  12. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Andreo in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    Sorry but this is so stupid and shallow I barely know what to say. You can give 0 fucks and still have a fuck u attitude, it seems literally so normal to me, how is that even a childish thing? Also, do you really think dealing with shit she fights against such as sexism and ageism everyday wouldn't make you scream of anger at least once? 
  13. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I agree with you man, I think those fans need to wake up though. Sometimes I think that Madonna fans forget that she is 63 years old now and wishing for the old Madonna is living in a fantasy world. I am just happy she is still around and creating things, she is a legend, she has nothing to prove. People need to relax and enjoy the ride
  14. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from RUADJAI in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    I agree with you man, I think those fans need to wake up though. Sometimes I think that Madonna fans forget that she is 63 years old now and wishing for the old Madonna is living in a fantasy world. I am just happy she is still around and creating things, she is a legend, she has nothing to prove. People need to relax and enjoy the ride
  15. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Vogue Italia in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    All in all the Madonna fanbase is a danmm good community. We are all united behind the great things she creates but that does not mean we need to become a group of zombies who worship the ground she walks on and says she can do no wrong, Madonna herself as no respect for those types. I love the open discussion and different opinions here. I dont want us to ever become like MJ fans, who live in blind adoration every day of our lives, how boring a community would that be? I also dont think that what is going in with Britney Spears is very relevant topic to compare, Madonna is not going through a crisis and if she was, I am certain we would all unite behind her. Idiots that troll on social media are not representative of Madonna's fanbase. I do think that the negativity can go too far sometimes and the fans still living in the past need to wake up, she is still working hard and giving us entertainment at her age, I would dread the day she ever said she was retiring.
  16. Thanks
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from artlover in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    Dont misunderstand what I was trying to say. Yes I am perfectly fine with everyone having different opinions but at the same time I think that if someone is going to do nothing but bitch and complain every time they post something here, those types should not belong in a fan club because it just spreads a sore attitude. I also disagree with your comments about her age, Madonna will never stop being Madonna regardless if she is 25 or 100 and thats why we love her.
  17. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from luchoypx in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    All in all the Madonna fanbase is a danmm good community. We are all united behind the great things she creates but that does not mean we need to become a group of zombies who worship the ground she walks on and says she can do no wrong, Madonna herself as no respect for those types. I love the open discussion and different opinions here. I dont want us to ever become like MJ fans, who live in blind adoration every day of our lives, how boring a community would that be? I also dont think that what is going in with Britney Spears is very relevant topic to compare, Madonna is not going through a crisis and if she was, I am certain we would all unite behind her. Idiots that troll on social media are not representative of Madonna's fanbase. I do think that the negativity can go too far sometimes and the fans still living in the past need to wake up, she is still working hard and giving us entertainment at her age, I would dread the day she ever said she was retiring.
  18. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Britney Army is the leading example of a fanbase   
    All in all the Madonna fanbase is a danmm good community. We are all united behind the great things she creates but that does not mean we need to become a group of zombies who worship the ground she walks on and says she can do no wrong, Madonna herself as no respect for those types. I love the open discussion and different opinions here. I dont want us to ever become like MJ fans, who live in blind adoration every day of our lives, how boring a community would that be? I also dont think that what is going in with Britney Spears is very relevant topic to compare, Madonna is not going through a crisis and if she was, I am certain we would all unite behind her. Idiots that troll on social media are not representative of Madonna's fanbase. I do think that the negativity can go too far sometimes and the fans still living in the past need to wake up, she is still working hard and giving us entertainment at her age, I would dread the day she ever said she was retiring.
  19. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in V Magazine Photoshoot ( November Edition)   
    Does anyone know if any of this is tied to promotion of a project? Seems like she has been doing loads of publicity stuff lately. Biopic is in the future but its gonna be some time before thats released, they are still writing script.
  20. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Celebration in Ongoing Conversation   
    I have really enjoyed the Madame X Era as well, it has been something for Madonna and her fans rather than trying to obtain mass market appeal, the tour reflected that mindset. However, I am excited it is finally coming to an end. I think that with the biopic, increased media attention, all the reissues coming in 2022 and proper promotion from Warner for a new potential album down the pipeline, there is tons of stuff to look forward to as Madonna fans.
  21. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from valinecode in The Biopic; Untitled     
    I dont praise everything anyone does including myself lol. I just dont believe in constant bitching before a project has even been released.
  22. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Papa Zelko in Ongoing Conversation   
    I have really enjoyed the Madame X Era as well, it has been something for Madonna and her fans rather than trying to obtain mass market appeal, the tour reflected that mindset. However, I am excited it is finally coming to an end. I think that with the biopic, increased media attention, all the reissues coming in 2022 and proper promotion from Warner for a new potential album down the pipeline, there is tons of stuff to look forward to as Madonna fans.
  23. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from into the erotico in Harlem performance Oct. 9, 2021   
    I have never been a fan of these small time performances to be honest. Madonna shines on tour with stunning visuals, vocal prep and looking great in her stunning stage outfits. I dont really have an issue with not releasing this. 
  24. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in Ongoing Conversation   
    I have really enjoyed the Madame X Era as well, it has been something for Madonna and her fans rather than trying to obtain mass market appeal, the tour reflected that mindset. However, I am excited it is finally coming to an end. I think that with the biopic, increased media attention, all the reissues coming in 2022 and proper promotion from Warner for a new potential album down the pipeline, there is tons of stuff to look forward to as Madonna fans.
  25. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Chris in Ongoing Conversation   
    I have really enjoyed the Madame X Era as well, it has been something for Madonna and her fans rather than trying to obtain mass market appeal, the tour reflected that mindset. However, I am excited it is finally coming to an end. I think that with the biopic, increased media attention, all the reissues coming in 2022 and proper promotion from Warner for a new potential album down the pipeline, there is tons of stuff to look forward to as Madonna fans.
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