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Adonna last won the day on May 4

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  1. Yeah, I'm just looking at the bigger picture. We can't be sure that the direction she went would have changed much under Warner. After all, Warner didn't stop her from doing American Life, which is quite the polarizing album among fans. Yet it's always interesting to think "what if". It's also interesting how we all have different opinions about would made things better. It just proves that we all are wanting the best for her and from her. At the end of the day, I'm still quite satisfied with her output, even her last three albums. I never had an issue with GMAYL. I also thought Rebel Heart was a really super album even though it was a mixed bag of songs. I still loved it. As for MX, she took a chance by doing something a bit more outside the box and I don't think it has to always be about making albums appealing or commercial especially when we're discussing a very polarizing artist like Madonna. No matter what she does, there will always be an opposition. But what I do know she is still the biggest pop star in the world. She's had far more successful records than any other female pop star to date. It is what it is! Like you said, we can't change it, and I don't think Warner would have made things that much different.
  2. The fact is; Madame X was just not a commercially appealing album, especially to the general public. Of course, an artist releasing a pop record doesn't fly well in our society either. I think there will be fans always torn about some of her least successful albums. Even if it was extremely successful, there would be fans who will still say they don't like it. To me, Madonna decided to be inspired by her experiences when moving to Portugal. I do think she put a lot of heart and work in writing this album. It's definitely not a typical pop record, but then again Madonna isn't your typical pop artist. She's still phenomenal in my book. This may not be my favorite album from her, but I can't deny she took a chance in releasing this record. She obviously knew this was not going to gain a lot of attention from the general public, but I don't think she really cared. She shared an intimate and different artistic side of herself with this record. I'm happy we got Madame X. And I really thought there was a lot of greatness put into the music videos. Again, she took chances by talking about some very troubling issues in our society. And as we all know, people have deep opinions about such subjects. What's one thing Madonna has stayed true to is being polarizing and she is fine with that. She knows that alone will change lives.
  3. Yes, but I don't think that necessarily guaranteed her a free ride to success after that. Of course we agree, LiveNation or Interscope really didn't help highlight her artistic efforts with her last three albums. At the same time, it left Madonna and her management responsible for all the promotion. MDNA had the Superbowl, but that unfortunately was short lived. But I do think it still served a purpose in boosting a positive public perception of her. They obviously knew that attention could help sell concert tickets. We must admit, that's where everyone is making the most money from an artist, including the artist. As for REBEL HEART, there seemed to be a hell of a lot of promotion behind it, but it just really didn't seem to make an impact. At the end of the day, it's risky to leave the promotional efforts up to the artist and the management of a huge artist like Madonna. In most cases, a record label (beyond being just a distributor) would be far more beneficial because they are going to be far more involved in trying to sell an album. But we can't forget that those three interscope albums came at a time the music industry was in turmoil. Touring ended up being the best way to go for Madonna because that is where she was going to make her money.
  4. Beyond whatever we do or don't agree on... we can't forget the impact Warner (or anyone that matters) knew 4 Minutes would have because Justin was involved as well. It would have been foolish for Warner to dismiss that. That song really became her biggest hit only because the song was pulling from two huge fan bases. (Not to say, it couldn't have been a hit without Justin, but he definitely helped in making it the "biggest selling hit" of her career. The big difference here is the fact Warner had a bigger stake and role in promoting her while Interscope pretty much served as a distributor. LIVE NATION seem to be about the money she would make. And that's fine, but I also see that her artistic output did not get enough attention through them. Obviously, their intent was to get her back on the road and profit from merchandising and her selling perfumes, etc.
  5. You're twisting it. Looking for right or wrong, when that wasn't my point. I don't necessarily think there is an exact right or wrong here. We all have perspectives. I prefer that then someone coming in and saying, "no, you're wrong" when they clearly have no idea what they are talking about. But it's possible that we all see it from a different perspective. I'm fine with that. Even more, most definitely ours are different as Madonna. Some fans seem to assume doom and gloom to her career at some particular point, while others don't. Then we have Madonna who is seemingly having the time of her life and doesn't appear to be toppling from her legacy. Again, it's all about perspective. I personally try to see it from where Madonna seems to be in her life. Sure, she isn't as successful and popular as she once was, but at the same time, she still can do pretty much anything she wants. She still creates on her own terms and is able to find the best way she can to get her art heard and seen. At the same time, she remains financially ahead. With that said, I just try to enjoy the input. Lastly, this is a discussion, not a contest of words!! You're free to dismiss what I say because it may not agree with you, but it's hardly gonna break my heart. At the end of the day, I know we're just discussing our opinions. We're both fans and I know that I will continue to enjoy her work and I suppose you will too.
  6. Oh, no worries! it was simply a response to your post in relation to what I just saw. It wasn't intended to be anything suggestive.
  7. Do I make you horny? Ha! Excuse me, as I just re-watched her performance of Beautiful Stranger from the DWT. I had forgotten she said that.
  8. Sure, she didn't sell well, but it's only a "mess" to some fans. Certainly, we all can sit here now and say, "she should of done this or that", but it doesn't mean it would have made things any better regarding her album sales. And let's remember Interscope was just the distributor, so of course Warner would have played a more role in the album release and promotion behind it. However, if they were so great, how come they didn't do that with Hard Candy? 4 Minutes was releaseed with a bang, and a huge hit, but then they pretty much dropped the ball from there. But even they probably knew her immediately going on tour was the best bet in profiting from that era. This! I've said it before. They were already dropping the ball with the Music album. I think most of us would agree, Impressive Instant would have made a great 4th single. Even Madonna wanted it, but of course Warner wanted Amazing. So all this talk that Warner knows what to do with her, isn't always necessarily true. It doesn't mean the single would have done any better than Amazing, but from our perspective we all thought Impressive Instant would have made a great single. It did give her another #1 Dance club hit. That's your perspective. You really don't know what the Warner people would have done. Just because some fans may not like the album, doesn't mean everyone agrees it was a bad album. In many cases, most record companies screw the shit out of their artists. It's happened to the biggest acts throughout their careers. Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp, Prince, George Michael, Cyndi Lauper, Tina Turner are just a few that could attest to that.
  9. No Live Nation was originally planning to go the distribution route as well. The deal encompasses all of Madonna's future music and music-related businesses, including the Madonna brand, new studio albums, touring, merchandising, fan club and Web site, DVDs, music-related television and film projects, and associated sponsorship agreement. Unfortunately, LN failed on distribution, so that left Madonna to strike up an additional three album distribution deal with Interscope. It was up to Madonna and Guy to promote the album. The Superbowl was a good launching pad, but after that they knew they were on their own. Touring quickly after the album release, was their best bet of making any money from that album.
  10. She looks so fit. Look at those arms. Wow! Thanks for sharing.
  11. Who said that? Why can't she have both? In fact, that's how I see it. She's got a shit load of money and has triumphed in her artistry and output. Let's not overdramatize everything being discussed here. I think it's safe to say she's proven herself as an artist and business woman equally and very successfully. No other pop star 40 years in still can captivate and draw in the huge audience she still does.
  12. I do agree, but he's a huge in the hip hop world. He' s around since the 80's. He has done a lot of guest features with many artists as well. He's also been in a number of films and been behind a lot of producing in music and films as well. He scored some really collaboration hits with Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Rhianna, Linkin Park, etc. He's spread himself around in so many genres even opening up for people like U2, Coldplay and Sean Combs and co-headlining for Linkin Park, Eminem, 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake and Beyonce. Love him or hate him, he's really worked his ass off in the business to get where he is.
  13. God Control FILM : Shanghai Surprise or Swept Away?
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