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Would You Like To Try

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Would You Like To Try

  1. On 1/5/2023 at 8:41 AM, Andymad said:

    I instantly have a nightmare of Back That Up being the opener giving Candy Shop S&S tour vibes :rip:

    My Madonna tour piggy bank is coming along nicely though. 

    Autotune Baby Mixed With Like A Prayer Then Come Alive:cryin: come alive and like a prayer are really good for a tour

  2. 4 hours ago, Curtains said:

    Don't know if this has been shared here before, but I noticed that many videos containing snippets of I'm Going to Tell You a Secret were removed from Youtube (being the documentary itself, tour edits using the Paris footage...). Also, some HQ uploads of the VMA 2003 performance were removed between yesterday and today (they don't show up anymore on my playlists).

    This could be just a coincidence but it got me thinking... American Life boxset anyone? :Madonna038:

    Maybe it's her team figuring out they rather delete the uploads rather than uploading themScreenshot_2022-12-31-11-48-06-378-edit_com.google.android.youtube.thumb.jpg.5d978da0e07344d5e4a67ec2716d8171.jpg officially and using copyright so the uploader gets the video  unmonetized instead

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