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Would You Like To Try

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Would You Like To Try

  1. Madonna performs Holy Water while making TikTok dances at last part and throws water full of pee to all people in the crowd all while twerking while the backdrop is a lot of TikTok girls twerking and kissing men randomly.it then transitions into holy water vs open your heart and Cupcakke starts rapping about her fetishes while you can hear some weird noises.It then happens that Eminem raps to back that up to the beat and Madonna starts doing plastic surgery while everyone is watching her and becomes her confessions self

  2. 18 hours ago, HC Charge said:

    I think GH album will have a few more new songs than just one. 

    Back in 2019/2020, insiders confirmed there are not many unused tracks from Madame X, only 1 or 2 another songs she recorded for Madame X but keeping those for some GH album in future. I guess she might have recorded 1 or 2 news songs last year as well with recent producers, so GH album will have 3-4 new tracks + probably 3CDs including all her hits similarly as FEL. 

    But this is just my logical assumptions, nothing confirmed. 

    MADAME X.Cant wait,let me get some quick candy shop Turkish delight to enjoy this masterpieceawkward queen of pop GIF

  3. 5 minutes ago, MerBoy13 said:

    Yes please :)

    I will finish it and try my best to make them sound coherent to it's name.Push had horrible bass when trying to Dolby Atmos it with my phone audio system,sounds like back that up demo on streaming

    Also get together sounds weird,and i need to get the "DOLBY ATMOS" tag in the covers

  4. 35 minutes ago, MerBoy13 said:

    No disrespect but please can you stop with these random rubbish posts and condense it into one thread.

    Ok,would you like if i put all the confessions Dolby Atmos concepts into one big thread for everyone to Download?

    When i finish it of course,would love if if there were official ones

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