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Madonna was Confirmed for Lead Role in The Blue Angel


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Alan Parker confirms movie The Blue Angel with Madonna in the lead role

Talking to The Economist, director Alan Parker confirmed the rumors that in the 1980s he wanted to film a remake of the Marlene Dietrich movie The Blue Angel with Madonna in the lead role. Diane Keaton was keen to produce the movie. Unfortunately it never happened.


"I was enthusiastic about making it and we had Madonnaand De Niro pegged for the lead roles, but it just never came to anything. Everyone just lost interest in it."

Alan Parker


Alan Parker worked with Madonna on Evita a few years after that.

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I remember hearing about this rumor back in the day. In fact, she was considered for Evita back in the 80's, but it never got rolling and others were considered after her. Just think she could have had a chance to have a reputable career as an actress if she worked early on with Alan Parker......
















NAH! She can't act.

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Same here, and it probablyh would have given her more credibility early on as an actress. Then again, it could have lost her the role of Evita as Alan didn't seem to think she was that talented as an actress looking back at his experience with her on Evita.

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