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Fighter last won the day on March 3 2022

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Finally Enough Love

Finally Enough Love (89/89)



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  1. Site speed issue is fixed now wooohooo. And guys really stop using the report button for replies. 

    1. Fighter


      People who constantly use the wrong button due to not bothering to read a few letters may end  up banned. Especially those who dont even bother to realise a thread has been locked so theyre using the report button to reply. Seriously people tf...

    2. Andymad


      REPORT! I mean, ABORT!

    3. Guest


      Do you really think those who are doing it, are doing it on purpose though?  The reply button is right above the "report" button.  It's possible they are meaning to push the "reply" button but accidentally pushing the "report".   To me that is a logical thought especially if you've never had this issue before.

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