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Fighter last won the day on March 3 2022

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Finally Enough Love

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  1. What is it with people being rude for no reason lately? Is everyone on edge? :yarn:

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    2. Fighter


      im sure in real life they're real cowards and so they feel powerful with a keyboard. that is just sad and everyone's cheap way of coping with stress nowadays I guess. i rather focus on things i like :pop: 

    3. survivalartist


      That Marianne Williamson called it a "dark psychic force" and everyone laughed but I sorta can't help but agree with her

    4. Voguerista


      She's right. The political climate has a lot to do with it too. And imo, it's not the fault of one leader or party. It's all leaders and parties.  The lying, sensationalizing media, the forcing, name calling, judging, and demeaning is off the hook if you don't agree on something or with someone.  In an internet age, maybe as a whole(for many reasons), we just don't know how to talk to people anymore? I don't know ...but it's hard on everyone.    

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