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Stop abusing nicknames

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Stop abusing nicknames

  1. what happened to having fun on here? I'm done with the fuckery. Talk about abusing the very little power you have. bye doritos

    1. Andymad


      Girl you got your Dorito fantasy?

    2. BringUrLUV


      Cool Ranch tho, right?

  2. It's been a very generous week on here. Thank you to all of those who have shared. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. poserdemadonna


      True Blue demos would be very welcome

    3. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      Yes all RH demos are banned. I hope someday they are unbanned. A lot of the RH demos I have are in piss poor quality

  3. All this hate over adopting a child? smdh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      by who, disgusting...

    3. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      most of the people in the comments section, esp Daily Mail

    4. Andymad


      I think it's absolutely fantastic. Mamadonna to the rescue!!

  4. Is there a megapost for all the Madonna instrumentals out there?

  5. For those who are interested. GEM's/Spice Girls Song For Her & Geri's Man On The Mountain album http://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/d2922727f6a2c6336421875766b33bd420161122185345/493f6a

  6. Happy 30th birthday True Blue!

    1. mr00mister


      M just changed her profile and cover picture on FB celebrating True Blue

    2. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      ^ great that she's acknowledging the 30th anniversary!

  7. I wish M would release another ballads compilation/Something To Remember 2. She has sung so many beautiful ballads since '95.

    1. Enrico


      I'd love it! She could also include some ballads that only leaked such as The game and If you go away. I'd also love to hear the original Devil wouldn't recognize you version.

  8. So I just notised this on MEGA. Will they soon be adding expiry dates to links if you don't have premium? http://s31.postimg.org/tdyy80b6z/Capture.png

    1. Headless.Headphones


      Yeah the links you keep on having to get them back if you try and retrieve it again, what a jip!


    2. Fighter


      idk I hope they dont destroy mega :(

    3. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      Well, I guess I rather they do that then remove the site completely.

  9. Love this interview. Madonna really talks honestly and I love her reminiscing on the past. Would love her to write an autobiography some day.

    1. Fighter


      it is an amazing interview. hands down the best last year! didnt care that much for some of the video interviews tho. too much fluff, this one was the real thing

    2. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      ^ agreed! I don't think she's done many other interviews like this, which makes this one even more amazing

  10. Vote in MeantToBeIconic's new game! #promo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      i did tbh did u get it

    3. Stevo


      "express yourself, don't repress yourself" and vote in the poll of all M's concert tours.

    4. MeantToBeIconic


      I got everyone who voted so far, but this is fun, trust me. The actual countdown is something you have to experience

  11. In case you missed it, Donna & Niki released there version of Rain

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RebelHeARTPOP


      Not fannin. There's something ethereal and haunting about Madonna's voice in that track that is totally necessary

    3. RebelHeARTPOP


      I would love to hear her vocals mix into the track

    4. IconicRebel
  12. Sorry about asking for this in a status, but if you have the HDX master of Deeper & Deeper could you reupload it please? :kissy:

    1. madgefan


      I second this, that one and the missing videos :)

  13. Apparently Whitney Houston is going to be "resurrected" as hollagram on The Voice final. What do y'all think of this? Personally I find holograms rather untasteful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Headless.Headphones


      No because I am not a fan of Tupac but if I were I wouldn't find going to see that entertaining or pay money to see? It's not really distasteful but more unwanted.

    3. kurushitovska


      It would be emotional if they did this in some kind of super megs event but The Voice... -_-

    4. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      I'm just praying that the hologram isn't like Michael Jacksons, his hologram didn't really look like him...

  14. News article about Strike A Pose from the BBC. Nice to see that It is getting recognized by a major news channel :)

  15. Hard Candy is 8 years old today!

    1. Fighter


      thats so disturbing

  16. Maverick have just taken down the Iconic backdrop...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      ^ I wasnt disputing that fact, they have the right to take it down. I was only posting about it because it has been removed from YouTube as well :)

    3. wtg1987


      So it wasnt leaked by M then i take it ? If not who actually leaked it ?

    4. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      I think that it was somebody who worked on the backdrop


  17. The Take A Bow vox outtake is amazing!

    1. Stevo


      Are these new vocal outtakes or the ones that leaked a few years ago? Does anyone know for sure? Thanks

    2. wtg1987


      Theres about 30-40 vocal outtakes i think - it does annoy me when people share just teases of files and im sure they are wav too and all we got were downscaled mp3s :(

  18. How have I only just realized that the Sorry video is the continuation of the Hung Up video lmao

    1. Fighter


      yeh that was so coool

  19. Even hearts made out of steel can break down.

    1. madgefan


      I so love the acoustic mix leaked along with Queen and the others!

    2. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      So do I! I've been listening to them more then the album versions


  20. I'm extremely out of the loop here. But did she perform WTG during the last two shows? What extras did she perform? :)

    1. G House

      G House

      Like a Prayer and Take a Bow

    2. Fighter


      we're getting tears of a clown thats a huge extra for me i cant complain

    3. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      Thanks guys! @Fighter I agree!

  21. 4 shows left and still no announcement of a recording :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kurushitovska


      They better release a pro recording of the tour. I need it. It was my first Madonna show and I want to have it in great quality for the rest of my life.

    3. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      But the Miami concert is the only concert in the MDNA they used that higher camera that I forgot the name, I think it's crane

    4. Fighter


      they use cranes to put some of the cameras for those great flying shots. madonna shows are usually shot on film which has really high resolution and of course it can survive for historic purposes, it's a physical thing. But I guess now digital HD will do (easier, cheaper), not sure what cameras they use for the screens on this new tour though. Ovbiously it's not gonna be amazing if there's no proper shoot but I'll take anything as long as it's not a complete joke.

  22. This honestly makes me depressed (From 5:34-6:58)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      Same. The 90's one is even worse. There completely clueless

    3. kurushitovska


      Same MeantToBeIconic lol how can them be so uncultivated haha

    4. Fighter


      its normal like i dont know a lot of popular songs from that time tbh

  23. Finally got a copy of ciao italia on dvd, for such a cheap price as well. My madonna dvd collection is nearly complete :)

    1. madgefan
    2. Winn


      It's a great tour. I watched it hundreds of time on VHS. Enjoy!

    3. madgefan


      I managed to get a copy of the japanese VHS, the Mitsubishi special. It's quite nice too!

  24. Just found this on YT. Is this a new or old leak?? https://youtu.be/vhw730pdHKE

    1. Brendanlovesu1


      AFAIK i think LAP and Where's The Party have been released as teasers, not sure if this is a new one, it has shots ive never seen before

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