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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Headless.Headphones

  1. 9 mins just makes it more sassy!
  2. Dessert and Bacon > Everything else.

  3. Finally got back from Ghostbusters, it was a blast! can't touch the first one but way better than the sequel. Busting makes me feel good.

  4. Has 4 days til his b-day but 24 until Ghostbusters dangnabit

    1. Gabvinet


      time goes by so slowly for those who waits ;)

    2. Headless.Headphones


      Tick tick tock and it's a quarter to two and i'm done!

  5. I won't admit I also think the Ariana album is cool, different and hated her entirely and her conjoined mic twin before this lol.

  6. Is boppin' to the my favorite Swedish chick

  7. Is getting more pumped for The Conjuring 2, that first one was a random picking on Netflix and being a horror buff can say that scared the shit of me! can't wait!

  8. Is going to have a scally wet dream tonight. :)

  9. Is so curious as to the sound of Gagas new single, in no time now.

    1. Andymad


      yes I know! I'm hoping to GAWD we can dance to it

    2. Headless.Headphones


      Hey if you can't bust a move to cheek to cheek you can't dance :P


  10. Is wishing everyone a Happy Radiohead Day!

  11. Isn't too upset that Beck pushed his record back for Joanne as long as produced some bops on that album in the meantime.

  12. Knows there is so much awesome music left this year and fucking Ghostbusters!

  13. Meg White was The White Stripes

  14. Needs a new onslaught of M demos or just one in his life, sad face!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wtg1987


      I dont think we will ever get these unless they are released in a box set which i doubt she is interested in - shame :((

    3. wtg1987


      I dont think we will ever get these unless they are released in a box set which i doubt she is interested in - shame :((

    4. Enrico


      Well some fans claim they have Warning Signs...

  15. Ok Gaga i'm on board with this era, sexy bitch!

    1. Andymad


      I haven't heard anything yet... kinda scared I won't dig it...

    2. G House

      G House

      Perfect Illusion and Million Reasons are cool, but A-Yo and Sinner's Prayer are just boring.

    3. Gabvinet


      Downloading Million Reasons was the first thing I did this morning and gotta say It's a wonderfull balad ! love it

  16. Only has 10 days til Ghostbusters, so excited I want to pee

  17. People are comparing the new Garbage to their debut and I love the band but if you had to say it they have really one great album so hope so!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      The new song is really really awesome, Garbage has never dissapointed me since the first time I heard 'em, so I doubt the new album will do it

    3. Headless.Headphones


      That new super deluxe version is just filled with so much cool remixes and brilliat remaster.

    4. Brendanlovesu1


      So exicited for the new record, they keep going from stregnth to stregnth imo and That's a proper 20th Anniversary present and M should take note

  18. Radiohead are the tits and going for the boob theme

  19. Shhhh guys demos! shhh! kidding unless you threaten to leak personal stuff n her computer, or I guess the entire album of dermos (but send to me!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Headless.Headphones


      Don't worry I have no tea, but I would spill it like a drunk :)

    3. poserdemadonna


      They're already circulating?!

    4. Dazedmadonna


      Nothing is circulating, for fuck sake 😂

  20. Slay us tonight purple queen!

  21. So Trent Reznor is my boyfriend, he doesn't know but hush hush.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Headless.Headphones


      Yeah she did heroine with Kurt and yeah she did slighty pregant and yeah it's insane that part is the most unforgiveable but Frances is awesome.

    3. James19709


      No, she didn't. She pretended to. You can't give up heroin when "slightly pregnant", that isn't how it works.

    4. James19709
  22. The new Sleigh Bells is slaying me and cannot wait for new Justice and remastered Tori Amos on Fri!

    1. RUADJAI


      which Tori?


    2. Headless.Headphones


      Boys for Pele deluxe release. :) One closer to Choirgirl!


  23. The Spice Girls 20th is upon us! :O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fighter


      hope its better than the bs music they did in 2007

    3. Headless.Headphones


      Amen to that Headlines was so dull and the video was strangely trashy LOL.

    4. Stop abusing nicknames

      Stop abusing nicknames

      ^ plus the video looked like it was a commercial for Victoria Secret. The song is very sweet, not there best ballad, but it has grown on me

  24. Think Grace Jones need to turn out a new LP stat!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mr00mister


      ^ she appeared on Humanz, the new Gorillaz album

    3. Headless.Headphones


      I didn't think she was working on a new one but I hope so, she also has a killer song on the Hunger Games soundtrack Original Beast

    4. Headless.Headphones


      I didn't think she was working on a new one but I hope so, she also has a killer song on the Hunger Games soundtrack Original Beast

  25. Thinks it's about time for a new Madonna leak or two, American Life session please!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PlayPause


      Can't you see my mind ? PLEASE

    3. Headless.Headphones


      stefo was have too many from ROL already I want to know if there is like some crazy music experiments from AL cause there has to be right?


    4. PlayPause


      of course there are, Mirwais was in charge!

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