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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. Hypocritical people enjoy attacking their opponents, saying they are misogynistic if they are likely to lose logically.

    Yes, it is Madonna's body. Whatever she does with her body, it's Madonna's choice. Why did Madonna inject fat into her hips to form a huge hip? Why does she try to tighten the corset so hard to make her waist thin that it's hard to breathe? Why does she keep wearing sexy clothes? That's because she wants to look like a hot woman even after she's over 60 year old.
    We don't say anything about her desire. We respect her desire to appear as a hot woman even after the age of 60.
    The problem is that if you want to look like such a hot woman, at least make a practical effort. No one forces her to be as skinny as anorexia. people's advice is to exercise healthy and control your diet to lose some fat. However, there are a few hypocrites who distort and judge it as misogyny because even such healthy advice is not to their liking.
    If Madonna liked the fat in her body, she would have accepted it. However, she photoshopped all her Instagram photos and puts tremendous effort into the photos with a slim figure without any fat unlike her real life. Why? Because that's what she wants people to see. We don't say bad with her desire like this. We just give Madonna healthy advice to lose a little weight through a healthy diet if she wants to look like that photoshopped picture. However, hypocrites distort even this healthy advice to be misogynistic.
    If you want to get a scholarship, sleep a little less than other students and spend more time studying than others. It's a very simple truth and healthy advice. However, hypocrites would say that even such advice is misogynistic if we gave this advice to a female student.

    Decent point there… It’s a matter of taste too, I guess.
  2. revolting.  She looks amazing and apart from from filter slimming on the face.  not much different.  Do they really think the young stars dont alter anything in their pics.  The hands thing is just pathetic. I have never seen them zoom in on Cher, Dolly, Janet, mariahs etc hands.  Please

    Actually, some people on Twitter criticized Janet’s mature hands as seen in a very recent interview.
  3. As this forum is shutting down, I will take the opportunity to express a few personal truths. I have loved Madonna since her rise to prominence. She has been an incredible role model and educator. She is a fascinating person who has marched to the beat of her own drum with courage and conviction. The richness and success of her discography puts most popular artists to shame! She has produced some of the most exquisitely conceived stage performances in history, and she has been able to remain the center of attention for good and for bad throughout her long and illustrious career. 
    I am also able to accept that Madonna’s imperialism has long ended, and her exceptional achievements have for the most part become minor sound bytes in a world consumed by constant change and newness. Her public profile has evolved considerably in recent years due to her adopting social media as her primary content source. Her IG content has often been viewed as awkward and tone deaf, but she is clearly content to convey to the world that she lives a very unique life that most people cannot relate to, and she doesn’t seem to care much what anyone thinks of her (except for certain rappers). I respect these choices and continue to see the same bravery and audacity in her that I’ve always seen. 
    However, this doesn’t mean that I find her modern aesthetic choices pleasant. That you disagree also doesn’t mean that I, or any other critic, should refrain from expressing an opinion that doesn’t placate her fans who are sensitive to her being criticized or objectified.  
    Here’s where it becomes dangerous to express what I experience as the truth because there’s an awful lot of SJW virtue signaling that has become rampant on here, which is unsurprisingly completely in line with the general behavioral fascism society seems intent on imposing. Any narrative that contradicts the prescribed acceptable sycophancy is considered offensive. Well hold onto your hats because I am going to express my truth and risk it all!
    That Madonna has had cosmetic enhancements and procedures is not the issue. She’s 63. She should do whatever she wants to look her very best and feel as confident as she deserves to feel. To me, the problem is that the work she has had done in the last few years is bad. I personally think she looks awful, and I would sue if I ended up looking like she does. It looks botched, or poorly done. Her eyelids barely exist, her cheek fillers are disproportionate and ill-placed, her eyes look like pinholes due to the enormity of the cheeks and the elongated chin, and her stretched jawline is in such contrast to the neck and chin that it looks odd at best. Yes, there are bad angles and there is always the problem of bad lighting. I’m certain that if we saw Madonna up close in person she would look flawless and there would be aspects of her mesmerizing beauty on display, but in photos she looks absolutely ghoulish to me. I understand that I am not allowed to say this out of a code of honor as a Madonna fan, but it is my truth, and one that many others also see. Additionally,  the buttock enhancement is clearly botched. It looks painfully out of place, and only an insane person would want that given the health risks of such a surgery, particularly when you have a hip replacement and serious knee issues. Again, that is my opinion, and I maintain that it is okay to critique Madonna’s physique as she has used her body for commercial and artistic ends since the beginning of her career. If she had a second head attached to her neck, would it also be outrageous to notice or feel it wasn’t the best choice (in my opinion)?
    To take things further, Madonna increasingly chooses creative projects that do not  resonate with me, or large parts of her fanbase for that matter. I find the Frozen remix is of minor interest, and I truly wonder who she thinks she is playing to these days. The once intellectualized mystique I associated with her work has been demolished in the last two years. I find it hard not to cringe when I see the bizarre display of Hidden Hills McMansion photo shoots that appear far too regularly to be of significance, featuring some elfin-filtered version of herself that might appeal to the aesthetic tastes of teenage girls if it weren’t for the fact that she is 63 and they know it. 
    These are just simple truths to me. I don’t think these truths are misogynistic or ageist. They are just an expression of personal feeling to which I am entitled as a human being and life-long admirer of Madonna and her creative journey. It is true that the aspects of Madonna’s career that I most enjoyed are of the past. That doesn’t mean that I am not still an avid follower of her craft, and I am sure there will be Madonna projects in the future that I will be thrilled to discover. Whatever she is doing right now, however, simply isn’t doing it for me, and that, my friends, is okay. 
    The End.

    Thanks for expressing your valid opinions so eloquently.
  4. 14 minutes ago, Frank said:

    I don't think i'll ever listen to it again. It's too short and a bit boring imho. Waiting for the "video" tho, maybe that's longer. Anyway i'm here for her bouncing her huge tits and ass in front of a screen playing the dog and crows blue b-roll footage XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Agreed! This is cool but so short and she's barely in it.

    Much ado about nothing!

  5. I get you,  i think it goes back to the too much exposure..   photo's of her on the toliet saying she's getting her shit together..  we don't need that.   It's inspiring that she has a fantastic family etc also..  but we don't need to see her kids everyday either.   We see far to much.   Everyday i long for info about box sets etc..  I look at her facebook / instagram or whatever and she just appears to be pissing about.   If your going to post images of yourself in a studio why can't we see her singing or doing the mixing.   It's like she longs to be a teenager again and that's what i don't like :(

    I can’t stand hearing about artists’ children! Zzz
  6. On 8/1/2021 at 2:31 AM, thegoldencalf said:
    It’s funny when fans complain about the Sound being to influenced by Justin and Timbaland and then they single out Devil as their favorite track. Which is literally Cry Me A River Part II.
    I totally agree with your take on this. I find all the Justin/Timbaland tracks unoriginal and dated at the time of the release.
    But the Pharrell tracks are amazing and totally make up for it.

    Most of the The Neptunes/Pharrell tracks suck!

    Also, her voice sounds awful in many of these unfamiliar pockets.

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