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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. I hope for some hq rips of the 2 bonus tracks, dunno if they're allowed here. I think @Aiwa08 could be the man, only if this doesn't cause him troubles, of course.
  2. None of the items listed seem to esist or to be' available, aside from Sticky St. Petersburg. But I guess these are traders-kind items, I don't think any of the owners would make them available through a crowdfunding...
  3. @konfideinmenow @Pretty Madonna would you be in for the "Various Remixes Cd#1" (featuring most of the digital transfer of the "You can dance" unmixed versions)? If so, please check the featured and dedicated post on the home section. Thanks in advance 🙂
  4. Where is this red carpet video?
  5. C'mon people, show your interest and partecipation to the very possible Crowdfunding for the VARIOUS REMIXED CD #1 --- it contains the You Can Dance Unmixed versions digitally sourced we dreamt about! Let's make this happen! :heart:check the thread on Featured post!

  6. ...I think it does not take an expert or necessarily a die-hard fan to realize that unheard stuff attracts more than any other "rare" but released stuff, especially in the internet days. There's always been a clear distinction between released and unreleased in any form. They used to label "previously unreleased" to b-sides in the 80s and 90s to boost single sales: Supernatural, Ain't no big deal, Let down your guard... how could be different now? What is the unheard factor when releasing the single edits of You Can Dance as an exclusive? Release Warning Signs and they see the fanbase is suddenly united in tastes!
  7. What a BIG bad-taste joke all this matter is.... attention-seekers, hello?
  8. @Dee Jay AI Studios 100 @Jackie up to 200 @shakeyerdix 75 @The Ghost yes (not clear amount yet) @Slut Dragon yes ? @Candy Perfume Boy yes (not clear amount yet) @danielsevilla yes (not clear amount yet) @Angelman60 yes (not clear amount yet) Me 100 Is it good so far? Let's see how many others and the clear amount for those "yes" ;)
  9. I could do that too, definitely! So are we enough to hope for a YES?
  10. We could start making a names list and offers, I see we're some by now... Who's doing it?
  11. Not realistic. This kind of sellers seek a fast and very oriented instant sale. The interested buyer must have all the money ready on his cart. There's no time to organize a crowdfunding (it takes time) and he won't bother waiting dealing times. Also, unlikely he has a wishing well of tapes, there is always a random and causal selection of materials.
  12. Let's try igniting a "Each Tine You Break My Heart" Demo TikTok trend and let's see if she decides to release it on streaming in HQ...
  13. Very very interesting! How come this 3rd song was totally forgotten by WB or Geffen, as a bside either, since from 1983-1985 they were releasing basically anything from her 😳
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