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Unapologetic Bitches
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confessed last won the day on February 23 2021

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  1. greatly disappointed in this forum and some of it's people.  you can call it stupid drama things until it comes to your own life and you have to face this shit every now and then 

    thanks, it was nice to be a part of it ;)

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    2. Jipie


      Just ignore the haters!

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      No one can be white.
      There is but one Humanity.
      Race and notions of it was dreamt up by an idiot who didn't know about DNA.
      12 minutes.....


    4. mevolution


      3 hours ago, confessed said:

      Nah, this is too toxic to bear. Those guys mevolution, nito84bcn, Monsieur Hugo X, emanon don't know what the are talking about calling other racists and making it all a comedy when it's too serious. I am very happy that they never face racism like I did, and still fighting for my right to be "white" or be the guy of my nationality in China (many people are racists here, especially now with Corona shit). So maybe this after "drama about stupid things" they will think before opening their mouths. Just like I said, they call it stupid or comedy until they're banned from entering a restaurant because they're white, or until they have to fight for the right/visa to live in another country, then we'll talk 

      OMG Sorry but I never said that you are recist or anything like that. I just said that we should all use our translator to help those who don't speak well english. That's all.

      I consider the matter closed, also it was very clear what the administrators said, only English. 

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