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Posts posted by baymad4her

  1. 13 minutes ago, MDNA22 said:

    Rebel Heart  is the worst one I think

    I think the demos were mainly better than what ended up on the album and was far too many filler type tracks on there - she should have cut the album down to about 10 tracks or even an EP with only the better ones making the selection and in most cases using the demo versions. Diplo and Kayne producted tracks were the worst offenders 

    You could always just play the standard edition album.

  2. 1 hour ago, Prayer said:

    Just because you personally don't use them doesn't mean million of adults around the world don't either.

    If you're not a child don't think like one. :cute: You can not use them but acknowledge how powerful they are today.

    The concept of a #challenge in social media is basically to make some kind of action (usually an easy one) and upload it with a hashtag (#). The #frozenchallenge is just uploading a video with the remix on it. :cute: When a song is used on these kind of stuff usually that boosts its performance and reach, like it's happening with "Frozen" lately. That's why Madonna's team is trying to capitalize on this.

    To sum up: all of this is good for Madonna. :smile:

    Thanks, that's all I needed to know.


  3. 12 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    There's nothing to answer really... just enter her Instagram and you'll see she's starting to post #frozenchallenge stories with other people using the remix.

    What's interesting is that she's using the non official remix... maybe they'll make it official and it'll be released under her name soon? Interesting.


    11 minutes ago, Blond Ambition said:

    You know, its not hard to go onto social media and figure it out yourself. Nobody wants to waste time explaining something as simple as a tiktok challenge?

    Some of us don't actually use social media. I'm not a child. I don't use Instagram or tiktok ?

  4. 3 hours ago, Andreo said:


    And they said M is in desperate need of success when she did the same LOL the hypocrisy of people! 

    (this doesn't mean she doesn't have the chance to get another good successful song tho, she would actually have some other huge hits if she collaborated with the trendiest artists too and not only with rappers whose songs are barely album cuts lol) 

    Ed Sheeran featuring Madonna will be a surefire number 1 I reckon ?

  5. 12 minutes ago, Andreo said:

    What? No absolutely, this wasn't directed to you personally, you totally misunderstood my reply lol.

    What I mean is that men like Elthon always collab with trendy artists to get hits and nobody has anything bad to say, but as soon as a female popstar (mostly veterans like Madge) do that, they're labeled as desperate and weak for chart success... It happens with Madge but it also happened to my favorite artists too, that's extremely hypocrite. People call Madge desperate because she collaborated with rappers, but then there are Elthon, Ed and many others doing the same and getting even praised, this shit is crazy! 

    Oh, I see. Yes, I agree, but unfortunately that's the way it is. Elton's new album which is gonna be number 1 this week in the UK, also has people like Nicki Minaj and Young Thug on it.

    Madonna has always been controversial and talked about, which has worked in her favour in her early years, not so much now. Let's hope her biopic and expanded reissues of her albums work wonders.

  6. 21 hours ago, scion said:

    Totally agree. It's a quality song made up of two of his best hits... it's fresh, modern and frankly very very contemporary.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    And it looks like Elton is going to have another 1 in December as he's teamed up with Ed Sheeran.

    Why Madonna doesn't do this is beyond me. She's too busy doing a video for Bitch I'm Loca ?

  7. 54 minutes ago, Blond Ambition said:

    Yeah thats bullshit, she is still the best selling in terms of album sales but the stats need updating. I was recently going through the top 100 albums in Europe and the US and Immaculate Collection is still in the charts. Im actually super pumped right now, there are some really positive things going on right now in the Madonna world, being back with Warner, Biopic, 2022 reissues and her songs are starting to trend on tic tok which is why she is getting so many youtube views lately. We just need to increase her power in the streaming market if we want her to get more hits in the future.

    Sorry, I forgot to say, she's the third highest selling female in the U.S, apparently.

  8. 1 hour ago, Blond Ambition said:

    I think as long as she picked the right song and worked with a popular artist right now, she could easily have another hit. Plus we also need to remember she is back with Warner and her stuff will get proper promotion again.

    Warner also need to update Madonna's certified sales, as she's now supposedly the third best selling female artist for albums sales in the U.S :eyesroll:

  9. 18 minutes ago, Andreo said:

    Slightly offtopic, but I can't believe that if a veteran of the music industry, Elthon in this case, works with younger trendy artists to get a hit nobody has shit to say (rightfully, don't get me wrong) but if a woman like Madge did the same thing people would say she's desperate for relevance and uncool. Sexism at its best imo but let's get back on topic ♥ 

    I totally agree with you.

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