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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by baymad4her

  1. 1 hour ago, DaddyZ said:

    Not all of her fans are big old cha cha queens who want girl gone wild vibes. Some of us actually love her voice and would love to hear it in an organic setting. 

    Why not root for all of us to get a bit of what we desire to hear from her? You can have your cheap dance beat loops, as always and we can root for more organic stuff. It’s really not one or the other.  

    Firstly, I am no queen! So take your stereotypical crap somewhere else.

    Secondly, this debate or whatever it is with you, is redundant. Madonna will never release that crap you want, ever. Go listen to Michael Bublé or something. 

  2. 20 hours ago, DaddyZ said:

    Whatever happened to Pat Leonard’s “bring the circus home”?


    Maybe he’ll be involved and we will get his new “dub versions” with each release. I would hope so. 

    and I’ve been saying for years that a lot of us would love timeless, organic, acoustic versions of her songs with her naturally warm singing voice. It can’t be that hard nor expensive to record each album as an acoustic set and make us happy, people who’ve supported even her utmost ridiculous endeavors. ;)

    She could film each acoustic recording session and stream it. Doesn’t have to be a live stream, edit it, fix the vocals bla bla. Fukk i would be so into it. 

    No thanks, who actually wants an album of acoustic crap of her old albums. I don't know anyone who would want that nonsense. That would be an utmost, ridiculous endeavour. Luckily that will never happen, thank goodness.

  3. 8 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

    This is probably my fave discussion on M(Plus anything to do with unreleased demos and concerts)

    To be honest i dont know if this will ever happen. I dont care about 4k as no music videos are shot in 4k so at best its going to be just an upscale which i loathe anyway(even more so when fans upscale vhs/dvd files to 4k - whats the point ?? - just to get praise im sure )

    i would be more than happy to just get true 1080p files with pcm stereo and pressed on a blu ray so i can watch whenever and wherever i want - i cant stand youtube video compression. To my knowledge though no major artist has yet to release any music videos on a blu ray (not even MJ) and there are plenty of artists who could that i would gladly buy(Gaga, Bjork, Prince, Belinda Carlisle, Garbage)

    Im not really a massive Carey fan but i was impressed with her daydream tour blu-ray and at least she bothers to release stuff from her archives(rarities), why cant M be botherde is the biggest question of all ??? she knows we all want it :(

    The Beatles released their music videos on Blu-ray.

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