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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by baymad4her

  1. 1 hour ago, Blue Jean said:

    Your friend is probably a Kylie or Gaga fan. They don’t want to accept that their fave is much less successful.

    That's not it, she's very old fashioned, she only likes 70s and 80s music, she actually likes Madonna stuff but anything past 1989 is a no no. 

    I don't know why I let her comments annoy me so much. I think I was fed up of the constant Madonna bashing I hear all over the place. 

  2. I clearly don't think this at all as I'm a huge Madonna fan and always will be, but, I ask this as I had a big argument with a friend of mine who said Madonna was overrated. 

    She said, if Madonna is so great, why hasn't she had a million seller in the UK and why are her YouTube views so low and why can't she have a hit single anymore, then she mentioned Madonna's age, saying she should retire, then I said, it's interesting I never hear people saying Paul McCartney or Elton John need to retire. She said loads of other stuff but you get what I'm saying.

    Why does Madonna get so much hate her way and why do people say she's all hype?

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