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    TwistedRope got a reaction from patrice1711 in Madame X Tour | London   
    So last night was my second and final Madame X show (first one was a couple of weeks ago, a shorter show) and I have to say, apologies to anyone who has only seen the shorter show, but the full thing with the first section last night blew me away.
    Even though I think Vogue does work well as an opener, the reveal of her standing there behind the American flag during God Control was just insane and gave me shivers. Dark Ballet and Human Nature were brilliant too, and the on stage outfit change section is a better ‘first chat’ with M in my opinion in comparison to the Polaroid segment being the first time you properly hear from her. 
    This time I was row B in the stalls as well compared to halfway back in the stalls previously, I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes at times. Especially during God Control, Crazy, Medellin, the fado song... there were moments she was literally 2 metres in front of me. It was so surreal, almost like an outer-body experience!
    Also generally I think her energy and spirit was on another level compared to two weeks ago. Maybe it was just it being the first of two shows as opposed to the second, or maybe her physio etc is working well now, but she had such vitality in her movements compared to before. In God Control when she stomps up those steps for ’a new democracy!’ she was really going for it, her injuries were almost unnoticeable at times. She was also just generally quite smiley and laughing a lot with the dancers etc.
    One funny moment I can remember was just after the typewriter intro before Medellin, she got up as Medellin was about to start and the chair fell backwards off the little platform and onto the floor. She looked down at it then back at the audience and shrugged 
    But yeah she was on spectacular form last night. And seemed genuinely happy and grateful to be there. During the fado club section when she’s sat in the piano about to do the ‘one two cha cha cha’ slide off the piano, she was about to do it then got the band to pause while she ’cheers’ed to London and it being the second to last show and how there’s nowhere else she’d rather be etc. Was a cute moment.
    Sorry for the long post!
  2. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madame X Tour | London   
    So last night was my second and final Madame X show (first one was a couple of weeks ago, a shorter show) and I have to say, apologies to anyone who has only seen the shorter show, but the full thing with the first section last night blew me away.
    Even though I think Vogue does work well as an opener, the reveal of her standing there behind the American flag during God Control was just insane and gave me shivers. Dark Ballet and Human Nature were brilliant too, and the on stage outfit change section is a better ‘first chat’ with M in my opinion in comparison to the Polaroid segment being the first time you properly hear from her. 
    This time I was row B in the stalls as well compared to halfway back in the stalls previously, I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes at times. Especially during God Control, Crazy, Medellin, the fado song... there were moments she was literally 2 metres in front of me. It was so surreal, almost like an outer-body experience!
    Also generally I think her energy and spirit was on another level compared to two weeks ago. Maybe it was just it being the first of two shows as opposed to the second, or maybe her physio etc is working well now, but she had such vitality in her movements compared to before. In God Control when she stomps up those steps for ’a new democracy!’ she was really going for it, her injuries were almost unnoticeable at times. She was also just generally quite smiley and laughing a lot with the dancers etc.
    One funny moment I can remember was just after the typewriter intro before Medellin, she got up as Medellin was about to start and the chair fell backwards off the little platform and onto the floor. She looked down at it then back at the audience and shrugged 
    But yeah she was on spectacular form last night. And seemed genuinely happy and grateful to be there. During the fado club section when she’s sat in the piano about to do the ‘one two cha cha cha’ slide off the piano, she was about to do it then got the band to pause while she ’cheers’ed to London and it being the second to last show and how there’s nowhere else she’d rather be etc. Was a cute moment.
    Sorry for the long post!
  3. Like
    TwistedRope reacted to Madonna_Alltheway in Madame X Tour | London   
    Okay so just got home from London a few hours ago. I saw the 6th and 8th shows! The 6th was amazing, was sitting on upper section. So I saw the show from another POV. I paid £1 for the binoculars that were in front of the seat so I could see the details...Somehow it ended up in my pocket and all the way home to Sweden lol  
    But, the 8th show was A M A Z I N G ! I mean the crowd was wild and she was in a great mood comparing to the 6th show where she rushed thru the whole show. But when I got to the venue with my own Chanel-eye patch, a guy inside the theatre with a badge saw me and asked me: "Oh wow nice eye-patch! I assume you're a big fan then?" and I answered "Yes! I am actually! I have royal circle so will be very close". He looked at me and smiled. He asked me: "Well there is actually 1 seat in the stalls left where a guy tried to sell the ticket thru ticketmaster and no one have bought it. It's row B so it's really close. Would you like it? We can't have an empty seat that close to M right?" and omg!! I smiled so hard and asked if he wanted me to pay for the ticket but he said that I got it for free. I asked if I had to get a new ticket-stamp from outside since they already signed mine but he said no. So I was sitting pretty close to Graham Norton during the beer-bitch moment. Amazing experience!! 

  4. Like
    TwistedRope reacted to Kieran in Madame X Tour | London   
    Long post alert 
    I got back home after  travelling from London - lucky to have left Euston when I did as 20 minutes after my train left, they closed the station doors due to overcrowding. Long delays expected after that and I immediately thought of the fans travelling through Euston for tonight's show... :(
    So last night, at the foot of left-hand side stage steps:
    The typewriter introduction - I was not really looking forward to it, but was hoping to be impressed... but it is quite dull. I get the message and the idea of the repetition - but it's misguided/too long with not enough build up, I feel. One woman just behind me (during the second or third scroll) huffed and moaned quite loudly: "No-one paid to watch this". How rude. I had to laugh lol.
    God Control - my goodness. So surreal. M stood centre stage behind the screen. So intimate and just THERE(!) in front of me.  Her movements, the live vocals - months after watching the GC videos online, right there in real life in front of me this was surreal. This was my 11th M show since DWT, but the dreamlike nature of this moment (particularly the first 2 minutes of GC), with M so close to the crowd, was otherworldly. At one moment it felt like I was in a very small TV studio watching her perform for a TV programme. For many moments throughout the show it felt like there was no audience behind me. Dark Ballet - continued awesomeness. Yes, it might not be the most innovative performance from her, but M thrusting and gyrating on the steps just feet away from me - whilst appearing to look directly at me - was literally a moment that I didn't know that I needed in my life  Human Nature - although I've seen this live many times before, there was something about this performance (perhaps the closeness and intimacy) that made it very special. M stood passionately declaring: "I'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me" towards the end of the song with such conviction, was such a powerful life affirming moment. Think of any moron that you encounter in life on a daily basis - and M just gives you the power to shrug them off with this one line. A mantra. I totally get why she keeps bringing HN back and some live performances are better than others, but his was a fantastic, passionate performance. Although it was a nice novelty to see the girls, the show doesn't really need them (or need Mercy getting the words wrong - is she even a fan? lol)
    After such a long period of time worrying about having the first section cut from my show - I don't get how anyone could refer to there being "two versions" of the show, like a completely different artistic experience is being offered with the changes. No, it's a cut. Many of the images framed in my mind from last night's show are from this opening section and (genuine understanding for M's injury) I feel sorry for the avid fans who get this section cut :(
    The costume change/booth was very entertaining. I yelled out a few times in response to the questions about 'eyes to the soul' etc. This is the moment in the show when M is most interactive with the audience. The most "Madonna' moment of the show for me. From here on in it felt like MX was on stage completely, rather than M, as such! This is the moment where she was most likely to respond to any comments from the audience. Polaroid - she went straight to the Brazilian in Row A and there was another guy briefly involved, but I was hoping for more of a bidding war. At the end of AL as she climbed through the door, I saw a £50 note fall out of her outfit and fall under the set - hope it gets picked up and handed back to M  or that Brazilian night be getting 'a Brazilian' for undercutting M lol. Vogue was nice - lovely staging but not a patch on previous performances of this classic. IDSIF was very cool - loved the whole Dick Tracey references (intentional, right?) and staging of this. However - very surprisingly - AL stole this section for me - sounded amazing and M was so very into it. Such a simple, but so powerful, performance. Loved the screaming at the end.
    Batuka Live - wow. Not a favourite from the album for me, but the bass... the music rumbled through me with such force! I totally FELT the song. It was touching to hear M talk about Celeste. Being so close I could see that M was very, very close to tears as she spoke of her passing. A very sweet, sad moment.  I could have done without Fado - and I didn't get why it was performed before the Fado set is unveiled. I simple fado-style rendition of a classic ballad, oldie-but-goodie would have went a long way right here. Killers was cool and I loved seeing her 'tease' the 'Pope' guys in Row A who wanted a hand grab but she just stared, sung and pointed with sincerity. I really, really enjoyed the Crazy performance - one of the best of the show for me. Another tease was Bonita stuck within Welcome to My Fado Club. This was the moment in the show that I started to feel a bit for the audience around me that I could tell wanted Immaculate Collection Live, lol. I loved it - as most diehards will, but I feel that the setlist is quite trying if you are not an avid M fan or not even a lukewarm fan of the MX album. There were groups behind me sat for chunks of the show around this moment onwards. 
    Medellin - what can I say? I love this song. I was soooo ready. My heart started skipping beats knowing that M was about to come down the steps right infant of me within touching distance. It was going to be a memory for life. The moment arrived... the dancers came down literally next to me. The dancer with the blonde died hair and hat around his back was almost grinding against me, other dancers taking over the floor space around me - with M stood as the queen at the top of the steps at the centre of it all. Highlight of the show - for half a minute - I literally felt as though I was up on stage with M and the gang in Why's it So Hard Live in The Girlie Show!  I was SO alive. Then they all went back up the stairs and finished the song onstage.  I was not totally gutted - as the show was continuing to be a great experience - but I was disappointed. It must have been because Graham Norton was sat on the other side of the stage (?) Bloody Graham!! I had no idea that he was there until M went and chatted with him. He did not seem that into the chat. She even said to him: "You're usually so much fun, Graham - what's wrong?"  Awkward.com He just said: "I'm having a break" very dryly lol. He complimented her on the show and thanked her on behalf of all of us. I always get the impression that his opinion of M has lowered in recent years - after holding her up in such a 'star-god like status' previously. Certainly not worth changing the Medellin routine for, and robbing me of my moment (although I was just pleased to have got the full show lol).
    Extreme Occident - this is one that I was really looking forward to. One of my top 2/3 songs off MX. I enjoyed it - but it felt so quick and after the high drama of Medellin it seemed a little lost within the show. Rescue Me as a nice nod to the past and great performance from the dancers, but I thought even more could have been done with the delivery of this - more power was needed even if it was to stay as a spoken interlude. 
    Frozen - pure, pure, pure iconic goddess moment. Literal tears by the end. The music, vocals, the size of the video from where I was - overpowering awesomeness. Madonna positioned so carefully and elegantly in the frame amongst Loudes' hair and the striking resemblance between her and a younger M. A genuine M live classic moment that is up there with LaP/OhF/LTT from BAT. Beautiful.
    Teasing the Crave video - just to return to even more typewriter stuff and then not perform my favourite MX track - more teasing. Why leave the video in!? Come Alive was joyous and I dig the message - and I was looking forward to being converted into a fan of this song but other than the bright colours - it left me a bit bored(?) And then Future... I like this album song, but the drab Eurovision performance sort of killed my interest in it (first time a live rendition has done that for me - live versions usually have the opposite effect). The new verse was lost on me because I couldn't understand the lyrics and the performance was uninspired IMHO. CA and F are certainly the show's weakest links. Switching these two for two older MX-style tracks would have made the show to a whole other level and kept some of the non-diehards on side. I heard a few people commenting on the setlist negatively on the way out and the lady next to me who saw BAT and several other tours was sat down... LAP - nice version of the song. I was loving the vocals and then she missed a line as she walked up the steps. No backing track  So live. So clear. So powerful! This song could do with a rest though, lol. I Rise was a good closer - hit all the right notes and I was living in hope that she might come down my aisle after neglecting us with Medellin - she didn't! M made lots of sarcastic references to Westminster council, dictatorship, curfews etc - one of the many reasons why I love her. After she took the polaroid she joked about how she was sat 'right about' where the 'iron curtain' is and how it might kill her lol. Graham Norton joked that the whole thing added a sense of jeopardy to the show that he enjoyed!
    All in all - an amazing night. Much of the experience was gained from being so frigging close after years of arena and stadium seats. The show itself is brilliant - but the setlist holds it back from utter greatness. It is sooo very nearly there! I'd definitely be back and fighting for seats near the front at the next theatre tour - hope there is one. I wanted to come straight home and watch the Blu-ray of the show immediately (but I know it won't be able to capture what I had last night, and I'll certainly be skipping the typewriter and Future lol).  
  5. Like
    TwistedRope reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | London   
    Ok back at the hotel!
    Show started no later than 8:55 I think. Today we got the classical show with beer bitch and no surprises. The chat with Graham Norton imo was not that funny, Ricardo filmed it. It was nice for me at least one beer bitch talk though and see from high how it works.
    Polaroid went for just 1k pounds to a Brazilian fan, whom she knew, although she said the picture sucked. I have to admit it was a funny moment, he said he distillates gin, so she replied "so you are the reason why English are drunk".
    Someone on row A asked her to sign something, and she repkued "Madame x signs no shit".
    I was sitting in the royal circle tonight, interesting experience. People sat all the time, except for LAP. Two boys in front of me had the Pride tshirt but didn't even stand for I rise! The woman next to me almist never applauded, never cheered, only applauded after Fado Pechincha and Crazy.
    Also in the dress circle, although you feel no fan excitement, you have a great view of the structure of the show, lighting, videos etc,  and the sound is much better. Those who are seeing multiple shows should experience that. She skipped one line during LAP and there was no backing track. Backing track was evident on Killers verse, with two Madonna voices. She also got the lyrics wrong in Batuka. I heard much breathing on Medellin verse, it was live.
    You will hate me, but for those who are losing the furst three songs, in a way I found the Vogue opening more powerful. Today I saw Dark Ballet for the first time and I was not impressed. But Human Nature, it's really one of the highlights. Jessica Pina has an incredible stage presence.
    In the royal circle, with many non fans, you realize differently what works. For instance the fado section is good and pleases everyone. Come alive is also a strong moment: I used to like the song since first listen, then I started to skip it, now I like it again. But when Future starts, the energy level decreases, it's so out of place. With LAP, like it or not, she wins everyone. But when I rise starts, once again the energy level goes down. Bad bad choice for the ending. A man in front of me said: "I want to hear Hung up". Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the setlist of Madonna.
    BTW, I recorded the full audio again! Not great quality.
  6. Like
    TwistedRope reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | London   
    You forget the fifth one: CANCELLED.
    After all, about a month ago many members here was saying/hoping/suggesting she should stop the tour, it felt so bad reading the firum every day, so I think these London shows are a PRIVILEGE. Despite all my criticism, I am happy to be able to attend.
    I feel as we're getting closer to the end, she is starting to try new things. Cross fingers she will keep doing it!
  7. Like
    TwistedRope reacted to Neil in Madame X Tour | London   
    1 Intro - doesn't count as a song. 
    2 god control - cut
    3 dark ballet - cut 
    4 human nature - cut
    5 express yourself / speech - doesn't count, acapella blast one verse & chorus that she still sometimes does during the Polaroid section
    6 papa don't preach / speech - was a quick verse and chorus blast purely for America in response to the pro-choice debates. Never performed in Europe
    7 sodade (missing intro on welcome to my fado club too) - Was cut half way through America, and only performed in Lisbon twice. Never part of the London setlist.
    8 crave - only performed in Lisbon twice. Never part of the London setlist.
  8. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from survivalartist in Madame X Tour | London   
    Wow, sounds like a show to remember! Jealous of the DCFMA moment   would love to hear her singing that. Can’t she permanently replace the beer bitch section with it 
  9. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour | London   
    Wow, sounds like a show to remember! Jealous of the DCFMA moment   would love to hear her singing that. Can’t she permanently replace the beer bitch section with it 
  10. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Levon in Madame X Tour | London   
    Wow, sounds like a show to remember! Jealous of the DCFMA moment   would love to hear her singing that. Can’t she permanently replace the beer bitch section with it 
  11. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Enrico in Madame X Tour | London   
    Wow, sounds like a show to remember! Jealous of the DCFMA moment   would love to hear her singing that. Can’t she permanently replace the beer bitch section with it 
  12. Like
    TwistedRope reacted to nachopalooza in Madame X Tour | London   
    Anyone interested in buying a Madame X - VIP Tour Book tomorrow? I will have one extra and I do not want to travel back home with it, neither I have specific price in mind
  13. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from madgefan in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  14. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madame X Tour | London   
    Yeah I totally get you. There was a couple in the row in front of me in the stalls who were so drunk and loud and annoying. I just kept thinking, you must have paid so much for these tickets are you’re not even paying attention! People getting up to use the toilet too. Wish everyone would just sit down and concentrate 
  15. Thanks
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Madonna_Alltheway in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  16. Thanks
    TwistedRope got a reaction from xrhaul in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  17. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from rlittler81 in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  18. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Sheridan1980 in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  19. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Hydrangeas Up Your Ass in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  20. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Semtex1 in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  21. Thanks
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  22. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from RUADJAI in Madame X Tour | London   
    Forgot to mention in my post about Sunday’s show - she mentioned the fact that it was Super Bowl Sunday a few times, like when drinking the beer etc and talking about American culture. And one of the times she said along the lines of ‘who saw my Super Bowl show?’ and obviously everyone cheered, and then she was like ‘mine was still the best one right?’  and everyone cheered even louder. Was a nice moment 
  23. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Levon in Madame X Tour | London   
    Yeah I totally get you. There was a couple in the row in front of me in the stalls who were so drunk and loud and annoying. I just kept thinking, you must have paid so much for these tickets are you’re not even paying attention! People getting up to use the toilet too. Wish everyone would just sit down and concentrate 
  24. Haha
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Kieran in Madame X Tour | London   
    Yeah I totally get you. There was a couple in the row in front of me in the stalls who were so drunk and loud and annoying. I just kept thinking, you must have paid so much for these tickets are you’re not even paying attention! People getting up to use the toilet too. Wish everyone would just sit down and concentrate 
  25. Like
    TwistedRope got a reaction from Kieran in Madame X Tour | London   
    Was really hoping the beginning wouldn’t get cut last night, but alas it did. However I still really enjoyed it, my first Madame X show. I’ve got tickets to one more show, which is the first of a two consecutive show run this time (rather than the second) so if she is alternating hopefully I’ll get the full show next time.
    Saying that, I still absolutely loved the show. She was genuinely funny and seemed in good spirits and didn’t seem too badly affected by the injuries (apart from having dancers in hand to assist her up and down stairs - why such a large percentage of the songs still have stairs built into the choreography is beyond me!! They’re really not needed for the most part).
    As many people have said, Frozen is spectacular. Her vocals really shine though, as they did in the Fado song and Like A Prayer also. Hopefully I’ll get to see God Control and Dark Ballet next time. Towards the end of the show in one of her chats about James Baldwin she actually said along the lines of “as I quote... well, sometimes quote... at the beginning of my show” and looked kind of awkward/embarrassed in a funny way. She’s definitely aware of the situation, it must be for a reason that it’s getting cut for some shows.
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