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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Pootz333

  1. Cut to the alternate universe where she released "Black Madonna", can only play Holiday Inns, feuds with Rosie, sings "Where's The Party?" with Lee Greenwood at the RNC, and starts a podcast with Roseanne.
  2. Hopefully Q-Anon was right about one thing and Johnny Carson comes back with JFK Jr. We need all the help we can get.
  3. I hear you and appreciate the level headed response which is hard to find these days. Democracy went on vacation with JFK. Their Citizens United decision years ago should have let everyone know what time it was. Their latest decision had every former president lighting up cigars including the ones everyone thinks are angels because they are on their team. Both sides are fine with a dictator as long as it's their guy "doing the right thing" and "stopping (insert threat here)".
  4. Remember when we all said the Bush administration stole the 2000 election? The "Not My President" shirts? 9/11? The Patriot Act? The invasion of a country based on a lie? And when support for said war was waning, he got on tv and said they wanted to amend the constitution to prevent same sex marriage? Now, that same Bush gets invited on Jimmy Kimmel's show and treated like Mr. Rogers. Showing off his watercolor paintings. Everyone thinks it's adorable when he and Michelle Obama share a hard candy. His daughter hosts one of the most popular morning shows on TV. Give it a few years and Trump will be presenting Best Picture at the Oscars. WITH Obama. And we'll all be screaming about Project 3034 and the next tyrant. We are full of shit and one big Naked Gun movie. She'll be fine.
  5. CAC I wish this was more like "I'm Breathless". Full of only M tracks inspired by the movie. 3 of the 4 tracks she did are absolute classics for me.
  6. Agreed. The response to the Jimmy Fallon performance of that song seemed mostly positive. And anything would have been better than the MJ/ Aretha speeches. And I'm not gonna argue about it with anyone lol
  7. Kind of related, promotion wise, but I'll always wish she performed anything other than BBB at the '93 VMA's. That opening slot could have been one of the most memorable, shocking performances of her career. And only the stans remember it. And the WTG performance. Nobody wants to see a performance via satellite. We want you in front of us throwing pumps, kissing the girls, and humping the floor in person, dear. It's wild that her last VMA performance was 20 years ago.
  8. You're talking to people who think she should have an Oscar for Swept Away.
  9. Outside of this forum, the top responses I've seen to this news from fans since this project was originally announced are "It needs to be a series" and begging her not to direct. And they are the same top responses again now that it's happening again.
  10. I'm writing in the name of whoever kept M far away from this for President.
  11. Julie Brown's "Vague" rap will forever tickle me. "Vanna White, Ed McMahon, Nicolette Sheri-dan...." Mad Donna's "Wheels On The Bus" still goes. I would have died if M ever mashed it up with ROL live. But I remember reading she wasn't a fan lol
  12. "Can’t You See My Mind is different from Die Another Day and it’s NOT a ballad." "It’s true that the first version of X-Static Process was electro." I love his work on Music and AL. But didn't care for Madame X. So I'm not sure how I'd feel about more new stuff from them.
  13. "People would always come and go for specific projects"..... And for that, we thank them.
  14. Has To Be is the one worthy of being included on an album release. I would have replaced half of the tracks on Erotica with The Beast Within.
  15. For me, without that incredible entrance and Vogue, that 2012 Superbowl performance is very...... A Madonna halftime show 2005 or anytime prior would have demolished it. Imagine Blonde Ambition M or Confessions M at the Superbowl....game over. No questions asked. American Pie would have been as thrilling as GAYL....
  16. Does she have a new stylist? Cuz it's giving "I have a new stylist who knows how clothes should fit". Thank God.
  17. You know what time it is. And you know how this place is. Everyone here thinks the last 15 years were no different from 1990.
  18. She looks beyond. And I love how Kevin JZ Prodigy goes up for her. The commentator telling the audience to scream. The old school girls just GET IT in a different way. I listened to an interview they gave and said M & Janet saved their life.
  19. She not only knows Candy Shop exists, she treats it like it was on The Immaculate Collection. Louise is a stan.
  20. Anything where she stands still with the guitar. It was a very cute campy moment for CPG on DWT. Ever since then it's been a perfect time to get a hot dog. Covers. A LOT of the post 2008 material.
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