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A. A. Aardvark

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by A. A. Aardvark

  1. Such a shame no-one does Madonna remixes...:laughing:
    Anyone know Someone who does only extended re-edits ?
    Like Jimmy M who has done a few or John Morales style who sadly hasn't !
    Master-tapes Only kinda thing and not Updated ??

  2. Santa Baby / Supernatural was planned as a single in 1988? Wow that was truly a missed opportunity! :wide-eyes:https://www.discogs.com/de/santa-baby/release/12443212 

  3. Santa Baby / Supernatural was planned as a single in 1988? Wow that was truly a missed opportunity! :wide-eyes:https://www.discogs.com/de/santa-baby/release/12443212 

  4. Santa Baby / Supernatural was planned as a single in 1988? Wow that was truly a missed opportunity! :wide-eyes:https://www.discogs.com/de/santa-baby/release/12443212 

  5. Santa Baby / Supernatural was planned as a single in 1988? Wow that was truly a missed opportunity! :wide-eyes:https://www.discogs.com/de/santa-baby/release/12443212 

  6. Santa Baby / Supernatural was planned as a single in 1988? Wow that was truly a missed opportunity! :wide-eyes:https://www.discogs.com/de/santa-baby/release/12443212 

  7. Can't believe it's taken me all these years to finally get all four of these :)


  8. all this talk about butts you'd think gay men might be fixated on them or something

  9. Dear Everyone: Hopefully we can move on from @$$gate soon, for now all we can do is try to be as tolerant and as respectful as possible. Even if we dont like what we read or see. (including respecting M as a person).... if you cant find it in yourself to respect others then this isnt the community for you.  

  10. The family that plays together stays together. Happy New Year ;)

  11. Animal could still be A Single.
    I just worked out a dance for it...:laughing:

  12. 1,700 posts, this forum is awesome

  13. Merry Christmas 'n' all that to every-bloody !
    Here's a suggestion for a Cover that her Madgeness might consider, She's already done one of this gals...:broken:


  14. Isn't there an HQ version of Love Won't Wait? All the ones I've found sound like they were recorded through a telephone. In 1957. From Tokyo to Lisbon. Underwater.

  15. I'm not suggesting anyone runs out 'n' buys this...

    ...but flip this and what do you have ?

  16. I'm not suggesting anyone runs out 'n' buys this...

    ...but flip this and what do you have ?

  17. I'm not suggesting anyone runs out 'n' buys this...

    ...but flip this and what do you have ?

  18. I'm not suggesting anyone runs out 'n' buys this...

    ...but flip this and what do you have ?

  19. I'm not suggesting anyone runs out 'n' buys this...

    ...but flip this and what do you have ?

  20. 've just heard the track 'Auto Tune Baby' for the very 1st time....
    This was a bonus track only ?

  21. Feeling really Jimmy Jimmy right now, the song is kinda groovy amirite?

  22. 've just heard the track 'Auto Tune Baby' for the very 1st time....
    This was a bonus track only ?

  23. 've just heard the track 'Auto Tune Baby' for the very 1st time....
    This was a bonus track only ?

  24. Feeling really Jimmy Jimmy right now, the song is kinda groovy amirite?

  25. This new Old Navy commercial got people singing Holiday ...horribly, mixed with some other atrociousness. 

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