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A. A. Aardvark

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by A. A. Aardvark

  1. Nile Rodgers charges £150 for a Meet n' Greet on top of the entry price. £200 odd to see Madge seems cheap in comparison !
  2. Maybe the 3 [?] unheard versions of Ain't No Big Deal don't sound like a Four Tops re-write quite so much ? According to this it's because of the Baracuda version that it couldn't be used ?? And we got a little song called Holiday instead.... https://nypost.com/2018/07/12/madonnas-first-hit-holiday-almost-never-happened/
  3.  In Portuguese "veranico" means Indian Summer.

    Madonna......Veronica... Electronica ?
    1. poserdemadonna


      Quoting Monica Geller: that's not even a word

    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      For the zillionth time - I never said it WAS anything.
      I saw someone's post and then one day later it was EVERYWHERE that 'Indian Summer' WILL be her newest single.
      A possible explanation...nothing else.
      Monica Geller ?

  4. Use the Translator ! Irrespective of what listening medium you favour...there is people saying that Madge compositions are like full of 'holes'. Faults they say, hence all the 'are we among hit producers'...and don't know it....comments. Not actually liking one of them is unbelievable to some too. Comprende ?
  5. I can never understand all the fascination for 'bests' and lists thereof. My 'faves' change by the minute....
  6. Telling people that any 'dissension in the ranks, my little ankle biters' is proof of anything reminds me of A REAL BOWIE FAN I once unfortunately met in person. She does do the occasional clunker, she's human too. THAT non-song is a call to arms for all her post '98 worshippers, just sayin.... Another day, another storm in a bra-cup, conical naturally.
  7. I don't get why if Madge's music is filled with all these 'annoying faults' that all these Sonic Experts can stand to listen to any ? A bowl of Rice Krispies must be a vision of Hell ??
  8. BIM is not a song and is just an advert for the brand Madonna. 21 mixes and every one is rotten, that really is polishing a turd !
  9. I still don't know 'if' I have those 'leaked tracks' !
  10. I'd play all 180 other tunes b4 'B.I.M' ! My 'faves' change from day to day with every Artist, Madge too. Though I do love Impressive Instant & Don't Stop all the more 'coz some think they are stupid = words-wise.
  11. In the Ann Margaret clip she talks about how 'the very same' people who said he was washed up and past it... Were the same who raved how Gr8 He was after he had died.
  12. Watch this...and tell me what you think especially @ about 2 minutes in.....
  13. The 7'' Edits from David Bowie's Station To Station are only buy-able on a 5 CD reissue version of that album. When they could squeeze them onto the one disc as 'extras' ? But why do that when you can spend hundreds of £'s and get lots of free bits of paper...sorry 'fan-club merchandise' reprints ! Has there been any 'Greatest Hits' of hers with j u s t the 7'' Versions ?? THAT I could see selling.
  14. American Pie was genius. WHO is the mystery guy who 'coerced' her into recording it ? Or did Someone tell her Rock Critics think it's crap ?? I was hoping for 'Mrs.Robinson' next myself......coo-coo-ka-choo !
  15. The frames.....coz' they are 'art'....geddit ? The wooden box is strange too as for a 'collectable' box-set thing I thought the full photo [of the cover] would be the sets 'cover' ?? It's just there to look like some effort went into it's construction. I'd of stuck all the 12'' etc as extra trax on a crucifix flash-drive myself. Then you could wear it too !
  16. U should be buying her various facial implements and cremes that are her Current money spinner.....I mean 'muse'. Not salivating over 'box-sets' that won't ever happen 'officially'. Are you trying to say that Most actually prefer her Music and have a lot to spend on this devotion ? Someone has told her that trading on her fame is also profitable, now Who could that be ?? Like A Prayer had better Songs, it's that simple. Aimed at record players so...you have to go out and make the effort to buy it. Just A Thought.
  17. That's the 3rd time I've read 'are you on drugs' in here as some sort of Judgement.
    Madonna claims not to have 'enjoyed' drugs but has tried all manner of them.
    I suppose losing control of everyone and everything for even five minutes could be a problem for some.

  18. They have shuffled a few trax about ? Donna Summer's LTLYB 'album' got some glitter stuck to it's cover for it's Anniversary ! What Gr8 'marketing'....
  19. U can't compare the two. One was made for vinyl...and 'tape' & the other for.................you get it ? That terrible Artist 'featuring' only appears on her latter stuff too...
  20. I'm not trying to change your mind ! I think the 'song' is all wrong for several reasons but you love it. Carry on enjoying it...
  21. ps A LOT of 'Artists' do A Record where they basically 'just say' their Name....along with I'm Fabulous = just buy it !... .....as the basic message. Like this one.....
  22. U either will get 'it' or not.... “My Name is Mok,” a spoof of superstar rock egos." https://thomaspluck.com/2008/11/21/80s-trash-of-the-week-rock-n-rule/ His full name in the film [the 'character' !] is Mok Swagger !
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