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Rays Of Light
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Everything posted by FrozenRain

  1. at least she got M to do the interview lying on the bed at the Ritz. A first and last time for Madonna.
  2. the pre-fame story is the obvious choice, but must admit i'd love to see behind the scenes after she shot to incredible fame and her life become a public domain.
  3. lady gaga! ..just kidding! Imo the acting ability is more important than how much the actor looks like Madonna. Who knows.. maybe they'll cast a man for the role
  4. In a 1989 interview with Molly Meldrum M said about Cherish, “I mean like it. I think it’s a very catchy, sweet song and I almost didn’t put it on the album because I thought thematically I felt it was the black sheep.” Ok, she wasn't really dissing Cherish back then, but she has since called the song retarded.
  5. That's just lovely. Too bad M has adamantly disliked the song since day 1
  6. from the 80's to the early 00's Madonna was praised being the postmodern pop star, ever-evolving, borrowing cultural elements into her art. Now that's called cultural appropriation.. oh well
  7. M had also done an Asian themed video Rain like a year before. She was criticized for glorifying the art bullfighting as well.
  8. By today's standards that particular story is problematic and would not be published now, wether it be fantasy or not. In 1992 it was non issue. Just goes to show how we have changed as a society. SEX book is very much a product if its time.
  9. Oh M ..always the charmer. I don't think he's bitter about it, just a funny showbiz story. Like a Virgin launched Madonna's career and probably is still her best known song so I guess she's aware of the significance.
  10. Express Yourself in 1989. Actually it was the sexy super sleek music video that made me a fan.
  11. Gotta love the 80s. The fanbase was very white I must say.
  12. very bad situation indeed. This happens all the time even more now that everyone's working remotely. We deal with these cases all the time in my company. Usb disks containing sensitive data go missing etc.. people are jut sloppy.
  13. Such an iconic moment. Never noticed it was so crazy crowded.
  14. 1.Open Your Heart 2.Human Nature 3.Justify My Love 4.Don't Tell Me 5.Hollywood 6.Love Don't Live Here Anymore -did they elongate M here somehow? How Paula Abdul of her..
  15. I guess M didn't really want to collaborate with MJ. She made those crazy suggestions knowing he would refuse. A great opportunity missed for sure.
  16. I don't get why they would list her "worst" songs. For more clicks maybe but it's just pointless.
  17. Rain all the way. Love how M traded her trademark glamazon look for the doe eyed waif of the video.
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