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Rays Of Light
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Everything posted by FrozenRain

  1. Steven Tyler's sexist joke and Madonna's reply was completely bleeped out in the telecast so i never got it until now. Classic Madonna but wait.. who's abusing who? oh well..doesn't matter
  2. Madonna with the Big Hits Touris truly fantastic i just love it
  3. I always thought M didn't want to be part of it because charity singles are lame. Sure she would have liked to be asked though. M has never said anything about it so we don't know.
  4. The photo ripping incident was a huge deal. I was surprised by Madonna's reaction, her being the fallen catholic and all. Sinead bothered a lot of people in the 90s by being a hurt angry young woman who refused to be glamorous.. love her
  5. For the most part yes though there are a couple of moments that now can be seen as problematic. World was a different place in 1991. All in all Truth or Dare is super entertaining and captures M at her zenith
  6. Like all her movies The Next Best Thing is total camp fest and unintentionally hilarious. M going in and out of accents, turning gay man straight, The Lighting, The Yoga.. gotta love it M and Rupert Everett were cute together, i think he was even Lourdes' godfather
  7. Material Girl is a product of its time.1980s were all about yuppie culture, consumerism, ambition, greed.. Madonna was very much part of that movement. There was no sarcasm or hidden meaning in pop back then. Material Girl is a perfect anthem for the 80s. I love both the song and the video. Mary Lambert very wisely showed a more human side of Madonna in the end. She's a good girl after all!
  8. not bad at all. I liked the performance. That ass is horrible though, way disproportionate
  9. wonder why she bought that house in the first place.. it's very basic. Honestly i don't think is good for her kids, moving to a new place every once in a while
  10. like when M told Diablo her shoes were tacky Nice to hear there's no bad blood
  11. She looks fine. And I prefer a real picture of M to the filtered ones. Her aim has always been to look like Perfection. Growing old is tough. Even when you're Madonna
  12. i think Madonna has lost some interest due to lack of commercial success of her music. Moreover, she has never been keen to promoting her back catalogue of hits. Her brand is all about being current and relevant.
  13. Putin is a maniac. Ukraine is just the first step.. no turning back for him. Can't reason with crazy.
  14. not feeling the sparrow.. Madonna - Whore of Babylon might be bit harsh for the peanut gallery.. Madonna Crazy for You would be a cute title imo
  15. they were getting little drunk there.. surprised how she opened up about her lesbian affairs, she's been very elusive about that. Also surprised they haven't come up with the title yet, i'd prefer a brand new one, not something that has been used already.
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