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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Shoful

  1. I hope! Do you think anyone will be invited? I doubt if it's actually in her house haha
  2. Madonna is performing a Living Room Session Friday Night Check Insta Story
  3. I’m sorry. I had to go into the office yesterday
  4. Oops. I made them all must’ve not posted. Here ya go ?
  5. What no thank you for me and my lil graphics?
  6. You better fight for what you believe in mfers
  7. What I hear is: Judge Yourself No One Else Day Begins Wash Away Yours Sins Raise Your Spirit Make them hear it Before you lay down Put your head down Return it? Gotta Burn it? Let it Burn In Gotta Learn It
  8. CAN PEOPLE CUT THE CRAP AND STOP PUBLICLY SHARING AND ASKING! We don't want this amazing forum to be in trouble or shutdown! What people sharing is illegal!
  9. Guys…. I’ve been a bad bad boy. I listened to Future (Live) this morning. Do I regret it? NO!

    When I turned it on (this is not a lie or exaggeration, I swear) my body started having chills and I couldn’t stop crying. My entire body is tingling. I can’t stop. 

    Wtf is wrong with me. 

    Tagging some people who have been on this long ass journey with me:

    @PanditaRulez @Andymad @RUADJAI @Andreo @deathproof @Fighter @Enrico

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Andymad


      @Shoful hunnyyyyy this fuzzy dream is ‘bout to cream ALL OVER YOU, full circle moment!!! :Madonna010::Madonna014::Madonna012:

    3. Shoful


      @Andreo Even tho I listened to the whole album. I’m still gonna stream the crap out of it prob for a month?

    4. deathproof


      Is there a Madame X Rehab Center anywhere?

  10. Does this bitch know I'd pay good money for the US releases of Funana, Back That Up To The Beat, Ciao Bella, Sodade, and Future (Demo Version)
  11. ooooo Im so excited that tour better happen. Been holding onto these tickets forever now
  12. Don’t you have a countdown thread to update
  13. I’m upset she shortened so much of this. It’s shorter than the last 2 tours when it didn’t need to be. Why shorten the best songs: God Control, Killers, and Extreme Occident; and completely cut out Sodade
  14. LEGIT WHYYYYY? How does she think of this
  15. @PanditaRulez You better continue with your countdown tomorrow!!
  16. I'm def assuming those 2 are combined but who knows at this point. Why are they being so secretive. Release the damn tracklist
  17. I don't understand why she cut Sodade from the film, I'm listening to a recording fo the show from Lisbon and it's fucking BEAUTIFUL! She also cut it for all of the Philly dates. I was so hurt
  18. I'm guessing but maybe they nixxed it for Rescue Me. who knows. I'm ASSUMING they combined the interludes into songs that they are attached too?
  19. https://www.setlist.fm/stats/average-setlist/madonna-bd6bdbe.html?tour=4bd04f82 That's all of the songs on this list. RIP Sodade
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