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Rays Of Light
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    xrayeyes got a reaction from Jackie in Warner/Interscope/GuyO/Gomest blaming   
    Everything she does is for money.
    She has homes and staff to pay for. Her decisions sometimes are NOT artistic, but how much she can make.
    Sticky & Sweet Part II? Get her divorce money back.
    She does deals because friends need favours.
    MDNA Skin...you think she came up with that? It was already made, they contacted her to promote it. She interfered and started changing things. Same with the perfume. And gyms. And clothes...
    Once upon a time she married art and commerce well, now it's just money.
    Does Aldo Diaz even get paid what a professional designer would? Of course not. Cheap labor. Cut corners. Penny pinch. 
  2. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from Pootz333 in Warner/Interscope/GuyO/Gomest blaming   
    Everything she does is for money.
    She has homes and staff to pay for. Her decisions sometimes are NOT artistic, but how much she can make.
    Sticky & Sweet Part II? Get her divorce money back.
    She does deals because friends need favours.
    MDNA Skin...you think she came up with that? It was already made, they contacted her to promote it. She interfered and started changing things. Same with the perfume. And gyms. And clothes...
    Once upon a time she married art and commerce well, now it's just money.
    Does Aldo Diaz even get paid what a professional designer would? Of course not. Cheap labor. Cut corners. Penny pinch. 
  3. Thanks
    xrayeyes reacted to Starchild in Warner/Interscope/GuyO/Gomest blaming   
    How about that U2/Apple album release strategy?
  4. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from gafuller in Mentions of Madonna in The Andy Warhol Diaries   
    This is the kind of intelligent and interesting stuff I want to see more of. Great work.
  5. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from TOpher in Mentions of Madonna in The Andy Warhol Diaries   
    This is the kind of intelligent and interesting stuff I want to see more of. Great work.
  6. Like
    xrayeyes reacted to realityisalways in Mentions of Madonna in The Andy Warhol Diaries   
    Great OP and great posts, wish there were more posts like this here. Thanks.
  7. Like
    xrayeyes reacted to Vogue Italia in Mentions of Madonna in The Andy Warhol Diaries   
    Bobby Martinez, he was a Puerto Rican teenager who Keith Haring introduced to Madonna in 1983. He then became her lover for a few years. 
    Bobby was interviewed for the 1991 book Madonna: Unauthorized by Christopher Andersen. He talked about their relationship. He said Sean Penn stalked with him a gun at the Palladium in 1985.
    Bobby and Warhol at the Factory in 1984

    Bobby, Keith and Jean-Michel Basquiat at the Factory in 1984. Photo by Warhol

    Bobby by Warhol at Keith's studio in 1984. Check out Madonna's Boy Toy tag on his jacket. He also used that tag and apparently it refers to him.

    Keith, Bobby and Basquiat in 1985. Photo by Warhol

    Madonna and Bobby on June 11, 1985.

    This looks like it might be Bobby with Madonna and Jean Paul Gaultier around late 1989

  8. Haha
    xrayeyes reacted to Pootz333 in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    We really waited 30 years for Jose to reunite live on stage for "Vogue" with
    ...I'll be back
  9. Haha
    xrayeyes reacted to Starchild in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    Could we please stay on topic and save the Japan chat for another thread?
    This thread is already a beast to stay on top of as is. And 'I have Japanitis'...
    Also, happy digital release day! Tomorrow's gym sesh is gonna be so solid.
  10. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from Starchild in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    SLIGHTLY? That's an understatement...
    I couldn't get in to it on a forum, we'd be here for hours.
    I clearly like it as I have been here 14 years...but you lose yourself. That's all I will say.
    Is it worth giving up your Self to fit in to a group that is racist towards you in the first place?
    Beautiful land and traditional culture...everything else...
    Just visit and keep your happy memories!
  11. Haha
    xrayeyes got a reaction from TOpher in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    So, when a special snow-flake victim identity hashtag complains: it's all systemic and structural...
    But anyone else...it's their "life choices?"
  12. Thanks
    xrayeyes reacted to realityisalways in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    Mod here says they dont want rightwing nor leftists yet they dont attack all the extreme leftist talking points spewed all over this thread. Hopefully we can have real mods that allow real discussions, that is after all the point of a discussion forum. 
  13. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from schumakg86 in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    Poison brain alert...it's a deadly virus that woke nonsense.
    Wear your mental masks and keep it away
  14. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
  15. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from baymad4her in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
  16. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from baymad4her in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    Right-wing?? I'm not right wing.
    You are slandering me. And I got a warning?? For opinions? On a forum that celebrates a woman who fights for freedom of expression...
    The world is an upside-down joke.
    You're all nuts and drunk with power.
    Social-media is a true poison that warps minds. Sad.
  17. Thanks
    xrayeyes reacted to baymad4her in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    I am not right wing, I believe in free speech and that also includes other people's views I don't agree with, including yours. I've seen members on here being bullied for saying things people don't like and people are afraid to say things, I am NOT one of those people. I am not an obsequious person.
    So go ahead, cancel me on here. Other members will see that. 
  18. Thanks
    xrayeyes reacted to luluthecat in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    You don’t have to be “right wing” to be bored to tears by identity politics, Instagram activism and endless virtue signalling 
  19. Thanks
    xrayeyes reacted to 50ft Queenie in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    This whole left wing right wing talk is the biggest bunch of bullshit ever forced down the throat of humanity. Same pathetic terms and arguments used by both sides like always, boring and predictable, originality and a mind that actually thinks for itself is rare these days. If anyone wants to prove to me that you are more sensible than the herds of democrat and republican sheep who vote despite being too stupid, I would suggest stop identifying as right wing or left wing, stop using the same old accusations of terms like racism or cancel culture and use your brain cells for a change. The reason why everything is such a clown show today is because of putting labels on everything and expecting people to act a certain way just because they identify as something. For instance, just because one is conservative does not mean they automatically need to be associated with Trump or act as stupid as he does, just because you are a strong independent woman does not mean you are special or constantly being oppressed by some evil male patriarchy,  just because you are gay does not mean you need to adhere to the toxic pressures of the LGBTQ community by turning yourself into a prancing circus devoid of masculinity or self dignity. My own political belief is the the system is rotten to the core and will only be rebuilt from zero after everything falls to pieces. 
  20. Thanks
    xrayeyes reacted to baymad4her in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    Because you are only allowed to have one opinion on here, if it is different, then you are instantly classed as racist and privileged, that is the lefties MO. The fact I've been called right wing is the funniest thing I've heard on here, even though a moderator then slags off Donald Trump supporters, but that's ok because that's what lefties people do, and there favourite thing to is it to cancel you. I said I wasn't interested in a virtue signaller and immediately I'm racist, even though no one knows what my race or ethnicity is on here. I don't want Madonna to work with William Orbit or Stuart Price either, does that make me racist to? Of course it doesn't. As that doesn't fit their narrative. Unfortunately this site is becoming a cesspit like Twitter where only one view is allowed. 
  21. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from baymad4her in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    So, when a special snow-flake victim identity hashtag complains: it's all systemic and structural...
    But anyone else...it's their "life choices?"
  22. Thanks
    xrayeyes reacted to realityisalways in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    So why have a forum if people that don't agree with you will get warned? Isn't this a place of discussion? You cant and wont be able to make everyone think like you. This is not a dictatorship.
  23. Like
    xrayeyes got a reaction from realityisalways in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    Poison brain alert...it's a deadly virus that woke nonsense.
    Wear your mental masks and keep it away
  24. Thanks
    xrayeyes reacted to baymad4her in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    I was waiting for that predictable comment about being privileged, oh, yes, I am so privileged living in my housing association flat wondering how I'm going to pay my rent and choosing whether to have the heating on or have something to eat.

  25. Haha
    xrayeyes reacted to moloko in Madonna Back In Studio With Jozzy   
    Yasss another collab with unknown male rapper. Queen just can't stop feeding us. We don't deserve her 
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