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Fighter last won the day on March 3 2022

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Finally Enough Love

Finally Enough Love (89/89)



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  1. What is it with people being rude for no reason lately? Is everyone on edge? :yarn:

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    2. Fighter


      Technological advancement has a lot of unforeseen consequences and it's changing humanity very rapidly. Politics are just a way for people to express their mindset but it's just a side effect. I don't think social norms should be treated as a political issue. 

    3. MarXus


      I've met a lot of people who play innocent and act like a victim when in reality they are deflecting from reality or just can't handle a real conversation.  Many love to misconstrue what others say to try to cause drama.  They will use politics as an excuse to take out their frustrations out on others.  Then again, there are a lot of people who think Reality Television is real and that it's normal to yell and scream at one another. 

    4. survivalartist


      I try to focus on myself as I can't really do much about how others act.

      If a situation escalates to a place I don't want to go, I tend to lean towards flight vs fight :Madonna030:

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