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Unapologetic Bitches
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Rob72 last won the day on February 17 2023

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About Rob72

  • Birthday November 22

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Norfolk, UK
  • Interests
    Reading, music, seeing friends & family.
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  1. I have a recurring dream that I'm watching the Who's That Girl World Tour, but I'm always watching from the wings, and I'm always in the same place. It's very vivid, and I can always remember every detail.
  2. Going away tomorrow morning for a week.  Looking forward to spending time with my godson. :heart:

  3. Finally going away to see friends tomorrow, I haven't seen them for a year.  Back Monday 22nd.

  4. Thank you so much for keeping the forum going, it means so much.
  5. I'm literally crying, big stinking tears. Thank you, thank you, thank you! More than a forum, it's a home.
  6. May I have the link if or when it's available? Thank you in advance.
  7. This is truly outstanding work. I'd love this when available (if possible).
  8. The light that you could never see, It shines inside, You can’t take that from me. ❤️❤️❤️
  9. 1. I wish Madonna would look back more often, the past is what made her 2. What kind of look would you like to see Madonna do in the next era? Something classy and glamorous 3. If Madonna were to perform one of her videos for an upcoming tour in the closest way she could, which video would you want it to be? Material Girl 4. My three favourite record producers for Madonna has been Patrick Leonard, Shep Pettibone, Stephen Bray 5. True or False: Madonna will release a new album in the next two years. True (hopefully)
  10. And it feels like...........home!

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