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Unapologetic Bitches
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NRMX last won the day on May 3

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  1. So happy for you guys I’ll take my beautiful rounded thick juicy ass to the movies this weekend after all this talk this weekend…
  2. Oh I wonder what madonna note was “kill my “”double”” within the first two seconds” 🤣
  3. From FB “The picture never makes it clear, I'm telling you so you don't get your hopes up, they never take off the mask, yes, Madonna is the most important because they make jokes with her and like a prayer is the song that plays the most and in the most scenes” “Guys, I'll just tell you that you might get goosebumps 🐔 🤭” Facebook users
  4. I don’t even know why I get into this conversations but this is a very simplistic middle class and upper classes thinking in any part of the world And while I agree with you that the people that belong to this socioeconomic group doesn’t have to panic as much as they do, there’s a lot of poverty and pain and suffering in the world, this isn’t any narrative here but reality. It’s easy to judge things seating in front of our 100 in tv screens and enjoying our soy lattes from Starbucks but people around the globe have it badly. All those events that you are mentioning go above the heads of kids who are born in dumpsters, I’ve seen people in India, in Egypt and in many other countries eat garbage, animals eating plastic, rivers so full of pollution that you could walk on them, so no the world isn’t ending for you, but the world you enjoy so much doesn’t exist and won’t exist for millions of people, in fact you could even say they are really living some kind of hell listen to Madonna and open your eyes to different realities it might sound harder but it isn’t my intention
  5. Papi I’m always here, always watching. 🔥 It’s tomorrow but it seems it’s going to be Gaga 😓
  6. I would guess it was part of a very smart negotiation. Well done M, and Guy (sorry Guy haters).
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