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Posts posted by Gilbert

  1. 36 minutes ago, lucasciccone said:

    Everyone is dragging her... I mean... was it that bad? No matter what she does people will be offended anyways :Madonna047:

    i wouldnt worry about it.  people have spent decades getting their panties in a bunch over Madonna. this is no different. and let's remember, Madonna has graduated from "the University of Zero F*^ks Given" :laughing:

  2. 23 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

    I don’t want her to stop making new music or anything. She is the Queen of Pop though and has, in my opinion, the best pop catalogue ever, and she rarely looks back on it so I’d love for more of those moments.

    Celebration was a disappointing release to me, so I’d be more than welcoming to a remastered greatest hits collection/box set next. If it’s done well and promoted well then it could really reintroduce her catalogue to the public before the next era and also boost her streaming presence. 

    yes, she seems to rarely want to look back. im glad you noted that too.  and i wont assume just because you said it, you were presenting it as fact. :)

    i wasnt too bothered by the Celebration release, but i agree it could have been better. id like to see something more comprehensive, but i realize some of the things we demand for, might not exist or will ever exist in the quality we hope such as certain tours and videos. also, im thinking a huge "remastered... box set" would be more of an interest to the fans rather the general public. it would be very expensive. she could even incorporate a tour around it when shes healthy and ready. i fear this pandemic is probably going to make things complicated for touring for the next few years. but there are ways to still start celebrating her older stuff to build up to a hits tour in the near future.

    the anniversary of Immaculate Collection will be another missed opportunity to commemorate her back catalog. i think it would be cool to re-release it with an expanded edition that spans her whole career. the title still fits. but of course everything needs to be remastered and upgraded. its a fun thought.

  3. 23 minutes ago, carloazcueta said:

    It’s possible! And don’t apologize lol! You’re good!

    but to get on the topic, it’s very possible since Madonna is more “nostalgic” now and is at that age when she looks back a lot.

    remember during the 2009 MTV VMAs when she gave a speech about Michael, it was also about her (nothing bad cause the end message is all positive and praising Michael)...

    but yeah, she could be using him a bit lol and that’s okay cause she’s the Queen of Popular Music and He the King ???

    its just peculiar to me for her to do so.  she spent much of the latter 90's and 00's, not really speaking of him. MJ was adamant about dissing her. 

    and i remember that speech at the MTV VMAs. she got a lot of flack in how she did make it about her. maybe that wasnt her intention as she was trying to make the comparisons relatable. but then again, she never minced words has she?

  4. 1 minute ago, Nobody Knows Me said:


    I know it’s been said but it would be fantastic if they make the most out of her fortieth anniversary. Remasters, reissues, box sets etc. If she’s up to it, perhaps a limited greatest hits tour. The Super Bowl felt like such a celebratory moment for her, which is rare these days, so it’d be great to have more moments like that before the next album. 

    the "Celebration" release and era could have been much bigger and grander. a perfect chance to look back. i just wish it was executed better and they remastered everything. a greatest hits sort of tour would have been great.

    i dont want her to stop producing new music, but we have had plenty of that with the last several albums. spend a couple years looking back now. she can still throw us a new bone or two in the mix.

  5. 7 minutes ago, carloazcueta said:

    I understand all you’ve said


    but I feel it’s not the right time to discuss this or even think about.


    Madonna loves Michael, even if just his music. And it’s amazing to see her children enjoy amazing music like that of Michael’s too! 

    peace and love 

    you are probably right, but then that tends to be the "go to answer" about any issue raised. my apologies if i offended anyone for bringing it up. i have thought this on many occasions lately when she tends to bring up MJ. was just curious to see if anyone else thought similarly?


  6. the whole George Floyd situation deeply saddens me. it amazes me how several cops can stand around and let another murder someone. im glad Madonna has addressed the issue several times now.

    spiraling off some... i might be the only one who feels this way, but does anyone ever get the impression that Madonna somewhat coattails off of Michael Jacksons legacy? not that she needs to do this, but i never really thought the two were friendly to each other while he was alive after they went out and tried to record music together. she rarely spoke of him and MJ seemed very put off by her even up to his death. its just so weird how she goes on like the two got along really well.

    i appreciate she still recognizes his legacy and influence, instilling that in her children.  maybe the dislike was more one sided and Madonna just kept indifference, and rose above the things he said. after all, she tends to forgive Elton John over and over for what he says.


  7. 1 hour ago, deathproof said:

    You presented something as a fact by using the word, “fact” in your initial response. When what you are saying is simply an opinion.

    Plus there are many instances In recent years when Madonna has “looked back.”

    you sound like you just want to argue for the sake of arguing. i was clear what was my opinion and never said she hasnt looked back.

    edit to add: i never used the word "fact" in my initial post that you quoted. the only time i used it is in a follow up post when I stated she "was driven to look ahead" and that has been proven more than dis proven.

    mix words with someone else.


  8. 7 minutes ago, deathproof said:

    So when in recent years has Madonna said or ever implied that she’s stubborn and not interested?

    you tend to read things that arent said.  i never stated Madonna said or implied anything.

    my opinion is that shes stubborn to look back. her record and how she manages to forge ahead further gives me the the idea that she looks ahead rather back.  i never said she wouldnt or hasnt.  but more than less, she forges ahead rather looks back.

  9. 1 hour ago, deathproof said:

    This is such a silly assumption that people continue to jump conclusions to. Madonna has never said anything that would imply this. We don’t know what the situation is. They could be waiting to put this kind of stuff out when the masters finally land back into Madonna’s lap in the next few years. We don’t know what her relationship is like with Warner’s anymore. Warner won’t even re-certify her albums!

    This idea of Madonna being “stubborn” is so stupid. There’s no evidence to back it up.

    you are entitled to your opinion as much as mine. it doesnt mean my suggestion is anymore 'silly' or 'stupid' than yours.

    there is no 'assumption' or 'jumping to conclusion' to the fact that Madonna is very driven to look ahead rather back.

    1 hour ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

    Totally agree. The public do see her as a legacy act so it’d make sense to get some money out of it and keep people interested for whenever the next album is :Madonna038:

    i think she needs a few years where she re-exposes the world to what made her so iconic.  i felt when she did the super bowl we saw a glimpse of positivity from the public performing some of her greatest hits. we need more of that.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

    And I have to admit that is really frustrating.

    only because she just isnt as successful and popular as she used to be.  i understand why she doesnt want to become a nostalgic act, but most look at her as one anyway. she may as well just embrace it and take advantage of it. she can be both still.  just show a little more appreciation to the older stuff. people eat that up.

  11. @wtg1987pretty much sums it up for me. Guy is hardly the problem here. it's the idea of getting the general public to listen to her music again, but that is hard for anyone who is over 50 in pop music.

    the two have had a good relationship since the early 90's. a lot of silly investment products aside, he has been more good for her than not.

    Madonna is the one holding back what most fans want. just look at what Guy has done for U2 with the focus on some of their most iconic music. he wants to do the same with madonna, but she is stubborn.

  12. 4 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

    The only song she talked about and didn't cover is "Limit to your love" by Feist (but she referred to the James Blake version). I woud like to have an album of the songs she covered these last few years (Between the bars, If i had a hammer, Falling i love, Hallelujah...)  but an album of covers ? Nope. Maybe deep tracks from albums of her favourite artists but no super well known songs.

    i would think any cover album would need a few popular tracks to grab some people. Cant help from falling in love and Hallelujah are a good start, and they have a cool vibe to them. they arent something youd expect either from her. La vie en rose would be nice too.

  13. 15 minutes ago, deathproof said:

    Your initial post stated otherwise


    please reread. your confusing what i stated. i bolded the parts.  i know madonna had signed on to do Chicago since 97. i even stated that. i only meant by 'green light' that the film got the "go" to start production which was late '98. by then, Madonna had signed on to do TNBT. you even said yourself she signed on back in early '98. we both are saying the same thing. it was only months after in spring of '99 Madonna started work on TNBT. 

  14. 13 minutes ago, deathproof said:

    Madonna and Goldie signed on for Chicago in June 1997 http://www.mtv.com/news/1431636/madonna-plans-trip-to-chicago/

    Next Best Thing wasns't confirmed till May 1998. 

    She was never confirmed to do TNBT before Chicago. She dropped out of Chicago in Dec 1998, and TNBT wasn't suppose to start production till March, but was pushed back to April, which is why the 1999 ROL tour was cancelled.

    i never said she was confirmed for TNBT before Chicago. read again.  i even stated she and Goldie were signed on to Chicago for a few years before it got a final script. as Goldie mentioned by the time they got the final script written in late '98, she realized her part was written for someone younger and she eventually dropped out as Madonna did.  months later, in '99, Madonna was filming TNBT. 

    EDIT to add: when i mean "green light" I meant when it got the "go" to start production.  i agree madonna and Goldie were signed on as far back as '97.

  15. 1 hour ago, deathproof said:

    Not true. She signed on for Chicago in June 1997. Before that, in early 1997 she signed on to do a biopic on Tina Modotti. Plans for that were dropped in August 1997. And before the Chicago confirmation, in May it was rumored she would star in Wes Craven's "Fiddlefest," later re-named to "50 Violins," before landing to it's final title "Music of the Heart."

    In Jan 1998, she signed on for "Red Door" and "Recycle Hazel." Rumors began circulating in February of involvement in "Imbalance" and an Anita O'Day biopic. It wasn't until May of 1998 that she signed on to do "The Next Best Thing."


    according to the linked article by Liz Smith, the film (Chicago) had the green light (to start production) by this published article in November '98.  keep in mind, Madonna and Goldie were signed on for a long time before the film had a final script. Goldie even said that in the interview above with Andy Cohen. https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/All-Aboard-for-Chicago-Film-Goldie-Hawn-2981442.php

    Madonna was signed on for "Red Door" and looking to star in "Recycle Hazel" in early '98.  eventually, she started working on "50 Violins" that spring.  due to differences with Wes Craven, the director, she dropped out by July of '98.  like you mentioned, she had signed on for Next Best Thing in '98.  production started as early as Feb. 99. Madonna was filming by April and May of '99 (if you go by Wiki).

    nothing i stated earlier was wrong.  Chicago was on and off again for several years before it finally got the green light in late '98.  i never said she and Goldie werent signed on before that. i said the film finally got a green light (to start production) by november 98.  of course, there are a lot of details before, in between and after these times that changed the whole course of the film, including who starred in it.:)

  16. if she did the film, her career at the time would have been quite different. she was already on board to film The Next Best Thing when Chicago originally got a green light (TO START PRODUCTION) with Goldie and Madonna to star. if it went as planned, she would have been filming Chicago probably during the conception of the Music album. would she have stuck with Guy Ritchie at the time or better yet, got pregnant?

    it sounded like the film was a dud the way it was originally written with Goldie and Madonna in mind. it probably was for the best as they turned it into more of a black musical comedy with hip hop influences.

  17. 12 hours ago, Semtex1 said:

    I'm seriously loving these. The amount of rubbish documentaries i've bought over the years...(pre internet) - you all know the ones, where they skip over facts, era's etc or have pointless interviews with random people.

    This series is superb and could only really  be put together by a fan or by someone who has done their research. Thanks once again for this

    this is why i love them as well. @Blue Jeangets right down to what matters.  like i mentioned earlier in this thread, his videos are a great way to introduce Madonna to those who arent familiar with her career especially early on.

  18. 1 hour ago, WhitePanda said:

    Looking at the website, it seems like they're really trying to downplay the Madonna connection.

    I wonder if she was dropped as the 'face' of the company?

    This is all I could find referencing her: (https://www.mdnaskin.us/pages/the-dna)


    no i dont believe that. madonna still promotes the products. but im sure she also is wanting various faces for the company rather just hers.  its actually a good idea than just trying to show that it appeals to an older woman in her 60's. and whatever people think of madonna, her skin is flawless.  a lot of people would love to have her skin.

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