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Unapologetic Bitches
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About DiegoLCL

  • Birthday 03/26/1991

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  1. It's just some banter. Madonna does that too. It would be news if any star older than her was saying something complimentary, they all looked down on her. Eartha Kitt is an icon, a forever star.
  2. The majority of people that will seek out the song couldn't care less about which version they should listen. I bet most cannot tell any difference at all. They'll just type the title and go with what pops up first. It's 2024, we don't need OST, single releases and so on to point the public at the right direction. Also, not to be a Debi Mazar downer here, we should adjust our expectation over this. A Running Up the Hill like phenomenon is something that happens once in a blue moon. Let's enjoy things for what they are before some start to blame her and/or her team because the song is not reaching top 5 here and there.
  3. Mmm.. maybe the diaries are but you can easily prove a lot of things he says in interviews wrong like dates and such. Let alone that he contradicts himself a lot. I'm not saying he is malicious about it because memories fade and he is not a stan like us who thinks about those things everyday, but still... At the end of the day we also have Madonna on record attributing Express Yourself to Pat Leonard and remembering the VMAs 84 and American Bandstand differently than the actual footage...
  4. And we hopefully learn patience from Madonna infinity! He awnsered one of my questions, I feel blessed! LOL I hope we get more music from them, Madonna and Mirwais are my parents etc...
  5. He's not the greatest to put it nicely BUT I do enjoy their photos more than 2012 - 2016 weird angled, 2 pixels selfies she used to post before him. I still think Madonna would benefit from being out of social media like Beyoncé does, I always though that. But people would complain claiming her to be out of touch with today's way of promotion and so on. There's no win here for a 65 old boomer, she'll always look out of touch no matter the quality of her photos. Also, there's no way a great photographer would waste their talent/lifetime following Madonna to mainly take instagram pics, she knows that. Ricardo is someone she trusts to handle her unaltered images and someone that does not have what it takes to be that great to leave her behind.
  6. I can hear her saying: "Why should I? It's boring" and rolling her eyes to the idea. No offense to Swift and her fans, but I think most people interested in Madonna's work doesn't have time to invest in that kind of approach and how these things are constructed to make them obsessed with her next step (except for us, a dozen gays from forums LOL).
  7. If you squint your eyes it looks like one of the infamous 2000s daily gym paparazzi pictures. She looks happy <3.
  8. Mother is ready to her sweet sixteen in august! Gorgeous.
  9. Sure. One have to be a REAL stan to get Candy Shop that way she does.
  10. True or not I chose to believe in what Madonna told us herself and/or wants us to believe rather than tabloid crap. It's her personal life and we should respect that. People should know better than taking tabloids as the gospel, it's 2024.
  11. As if she would release an album if not the Pride thing... Thank Goddess she still active and wanting to do whatever it is at her age when the girls 40 years her junior are lazy as fuck!
  12. "Nobody", "whobrina"... Are you guys twelve? Nice to know the length of the dress, the girl looks good.
  13. She looks amazing WTF!!! The make up is fire. Her vampire ritual at Copacabana beach with 1,6 million people worked I'd say!
  14. Shoo-Bee-Doo-This-Will-Do Live to Tell? I think she'll come up with something along the lines of Truth or Dare, I'm Going to Tell You a Secret. Tell the Truth?
  15. There were talks of her wanting and being involved with this movie since the late 80s as @Donnasaid. This nonsense that she softened her image to win this role is so exagerated. Madonna is a smart woman and she changes as seasons go. She wouldn't keep doing Dita over and over again even if Erotica was the biggest selling album ever. The only thing we have for a fact is her text on Something to Remember about dialing down the fanfare and bringing back the focus to the music.
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