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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. Due to the lack of information, it is inevitable for many fans to resort to speculation as well as to take the information provided by media of dubious reputation as true and reliable.

    I remember once opening a topic about the fate of Madonna's Chihuahua dogs and given the lack of official information I decided to accept as true the information from a source who said that Madonna had abandoned them to their fate in a seedy shelter and several of them had been beaten to death and all this before Madonna's knowledge and indifference. When I found out that this source was actually a tabloid, I couldn't help feeling stupid and I felt ashamed for having blindly believed in a source that wasn't worth a dime but bases its sales on exaggerating and distorting the reality of the facts to satisfy the morbid of the readers. That is why I think that the best thing that the Madonna team could do is to provide more information in order to stop this wave of sensationalist speculations that could grow worse than a snowball in the coming days.

    As a fan who cares about her, I want to know more details about what happened: under what circumstances did she contract the infection, what symptoms did she present, did she know the severity of her illness, what is the doctor's final diagnosis, etc. And that very short and concise statement from Guy Oseary does not clear up any of my doubts.

    Perhaps if our parents, our siblings or our children suffered something similar, would we be so calm with information as lacking in detail as the one published by Guy Oseary?  Hopefully we will have more information in the coming days and all of this will not go beyond being a bitter episode in Madonna's life and a reminder that even our greatest idols whom we love so much, revere and believe invincible can be as fragile as the most common of mortals.

  2. I only know that this tour will be a success and that Madonna will leave us speechless, either by presenting elaborate and complex choreography, wearing beautiful and elegant costumes or innovating in terms of the use of special effects, so that part where Taylor Swift supposedly jumps into the water and goes swimming during her tour will seem like child's play compared to what Madonna will present to us in a few days.

    Madonna is very demanding in every way and only likes to surround herself with highly professional people. That is why I have no fear that this tour will not meet my expectations and like that father who is sure that his son will pass the university entrance exam, I am also sure that Madonna will not disappoint me and that this tour will be so spectacular that it will seem out of this world and that it will serve as an inspiration to other artists for their poor shows. In the end we will all agree that The Celebration Tour will be the best tour of her entire career. I can bet that.

  3. 3 hours ago, madgefan said:

    I truly hope Human Nature is not performed this time around.

    I share the same opinion, however I believe that we do not need to be seers or prophets to know that both Human Nature and Candy Shop will be performed again on this 2023 tour.

    I always believed that Madonna hated singing the same songs over and over again and that is why she resorted to "reinventing" them to feel that she was not singing more of the same. However, these two songs Human Nature and Candy Shop have been interpreted, I consider, excessively and I don't understand why.


    Does Madonna like these two songs so much that she doesn't mind contradicting herself and performing them over and over again denying other songs the opportunity to shine on stage like Bedtime Stories, Take a Bow or Miles Away? Isn't Madonna interested in the boredom of the fans having to listen to these songs every time she goes on tour? Madonna would do well to make a personal ranking to find out which are the favorite songs of her fans and maybe she would be disappointed/surprised to find out that these two repetitive songs do not appear at the top of the results

  4. On 6/22/2023 at 9:05 PM, Mden said:

    So, basically you want her to be a material gworl. 

    Gworl? The correct thing is to say Girl.

    I'm sorry, in my lexicon I only use the formal words that are in the dictionaries and not words invented by some social group or by some sporadically famous artist because I am against the distortion of language and even more so when the use of these invented words is so widespread that those of us who are against it have to learn their meaning, very reluctantly indeed. Like for example the song Hung Up on Tokischa: the part that Tokischa sings, supposedly in Spanish, is a set of slang and invented and horrible words that you would practically have to travel to this woman's country and learn this “language” or slang to be able to understand what she is “singing”.

    It is the unpleasant part of this new way of socializing using smartphones or social networks: everyone writes in a criminal way without caring about the spelling rules or using bad words without the slightest qualms. I at least have the pride of never having written those offensive words like the f word, the c word or the b word because I have to be consistent with myself and if I don't use them in real life I shouldn't use them in this virtual world that also somehow it represents me although in an immaterial way.

  5. The fact that at the time there was no information in this regard about a possible video for Forbidden love does not mean that it does not exist. Haven't we fans been surprised with innumerable demos or alternative versions of songs that we had no idea existed? Something tells me that the video does exist and it is due to these reasons: its inclusion on the Something to Remember compilation and using the same name for one of her songs on the album Confessions on the DanceFloor. We just have to wait patiently because sooner or later this kind of thing ends up coming to light.

  6. On 6/23/2023 at 1:50 AM, Honey Little said:

    Tenis Mami like the golden holy water dripping on her face with ms. muffet’s new booty smashing face.

    Hi, how are you?. Just a question. Why have you chosen one of the worst photos of madonna as your avatar image when you can choose thousands of thousands of photos where she looks beautiful and impeccable? By saying this I am not criticizing Madonna's appearance because she is undoubtedly beautiful but sometimes when we are photographed it can happen that we do not come out impeccable either due to bad lighting, an inappropriate posture or gesture or because we are unlucky enough to make a face ridiculous and unexpected at the wrong time, so when we discover how unpleasant we are in the photo, we proceed to tear it to pieces or burn it in the fireplace.

    But unfortunately Madonna, being a public figure, cannot control the infinity of photographs that the paparazzi take of her as soon as she goes out on the street, such as that infamous photo where she is accompanied by lola and many people made fun of the state of her hands and the expression of tiredness on her face. Photo that I don't have on hand right now to show it but it serves as an example to advise you that as a fan, you should not make an apology for those unfortunate and malicious photos and choose one where Madonna comes out beautiful and elegant. I assure you that you will have at your disposal thousands and thousands of photos to choose from on the Internet because these attributes, beauty and elegance, are inherent and born of Madonna and not thanks to surgeries like others.

  7. I just saw it. Who had this video in their possession? Apparently it was Britney's fans who had it in their possession and decided to share it with the whole world to the delight of the fans of these women who marked a before and after in the history of contemporary music, I am referring specifically to Madonna and Christina Aguilera.

    While Madonna appears too focused on the choreography, thus losing visual expressiveness, Christina Aguilera appears comfortable, self-assured and enjoying the moment. It is evident that for her it was one of the best moments of her life because she was sharing the scene with Madonna, to whom she has publicly recognized her total admiration and has demonstrated it with facts and not like others who claim to admire her just to look good in the media.


    That is why until now I do not understand why Christina was not originally called for this presentation, since any marketing specialist would have opted to have the two youthful artists supposedly facing each other on stage sharing the scene with the undisputed queen of pop. Sometimes I think that it was Madonna who did not want to share the scene with Christina Aguilera, not only because of her confrontation with Britney, whom she adored, but also because Christina's personality is a bit special: she likes to say what she thinks even if it hurts the susceptibility of others and that sometimes produces the antipathy of people, perhaps even Madonna herself in those times. I hope it is a false impression on my part but fortunately fate knew how to play its cards well and finally Christina Aguilera ended up participating in this historic presentation that many have wanted to imitate by kissing in threes but only end up making a fool of themselves because the originals can never be bettered

  8. I voted for Popular because it is a song that overflows with quality and that I can sing in the street or listen to at high volume in my neighborhood without feeling ashamed of what others may say. Something that obviously does not happen with Vulgar.

    But putting aside my musical preferences, I hope Madonna has learned a good lesson: in this music industry, it is important to stay current at all costs and she can only achieve this by collaborating with established artists or those who are in their best moment like The Weeknd or Sam Smith. Something that we can verify when we see how Madonna has successfully returned to the charts and to the radio stations that for so many years seemed to be prohibited from entering. Something that was never going to happen when collaborating with artists like Saucy Santana, Sickick or Tokischa whose useless collaborations have meant more losses than gains in time and money.

    I hope that from now on Madonna collaborates with artists that are worth and that will help her recover that long-awaited transcendence that many music legends have progressively lost and that to this day it is impossible for them to recover. In the case of Madonna, her versatility, her adaptation to any musical genre and her unique personality are her best weapons and what sets her apart from other music legends who only come back to life from time to time thanks to a musical collaboration with someone relevant and then they return to their "sarcophagi" because they lack continuity and persistence, something that Madonna has plenty of and that can help her to recover that long-awaited validity and transcendence but permanently and, definitely, collaborations with shoddy artists will never help her achieve this goal.



  9. 1 hour ago, wtg1987 said:

    i cant stand jimmy fallon - this interview in particular he just fumbles his way through and M wasn't great on this either sorry :(


    I agree. Personally, this interviewer seems most unbearable to me and is part of the group of people who think they are funny without really being so.

    Personally I prefer the interviews much more serious, intelligent and abundant in terms of new information for the viewer and for Madonna fans. Interviews where we can find out about our favorite artist's current vision of life, her new projects, her opinion about world reality, manage to extract an uncomfortable confession or anecdote from the past handled intelligently, put her in trouble with some uncomfortable question, etc. and not silly, empty and frivolous interviews where what abounds are the desire for prominence of the interviewer.

  10. What good news! Frankly, I was already fed up with seeing her with that hair color. Although it is a color that serves to highlight the elegance and sensuality of women, it should not be used for a long time since it is not very versatile when it comes to experimenting with different hairstyles.

    Ever since Madonna appeared as a redhead, I always wanted to see her again with the same hairstyle with which she appeared in the Hollywood video.


    Unfortunately, she almost always appeared wearing those boring braids. Anyway, I think it was time to change the color of her hair and even more so with the proximity of the new 2023 tour and it is certainly that a redheaded Madonna on stage might have confused the public, accustomed to seeing her blonde, and many people would have had a hard time recognizing her at first sight. A smart decision by Madonna and her marketing team to go back to blonde, without a doubt.


  11. 15 hours ago, mazzona said:

    Hopefully, it does happen some time soon. Both are having another peak lately. Kylie's revival is so so so good (Album demos are promising, like the lead single.)

    I was thinking... I think Kylie and many other women artists should continue to fangirl her (forever) cos Madonna continues paving the way for them (Recall the narrow-minded hateful and sexist dialogues about M's music, dancing, shows, songs, costumes etc after she turned 50.) Today, there seems to be no discussion concerning  'how Kylie is 50 and still trying (hard) to produce hits, how she is desperate to stay relevant and appeal to tictock and young generation, how she is not dressing appropriately, how she does not age gracefully etc.

    Of course, things change over time and it is not solely Madonna's doing. Yet, I think she plays a significant role in such changes in a way no artist has previously done or will ever be able to do in future. 

    Today, she have been taking tons of shit again and paving another alternative way to being 60 in the music business and in life.



    It's true. I hadn't seen it that way. Madonna is faced with the world once again and this time the reason for the confrontation is age discrimination.

    Although it is a battle that Madonna is fighting alone at the moment, since there is no other artist who is being so mistreated by the media regarding her age as she is, this whole situation will serve as a reference and inspiration so that these young artists can also face these attacks and ridicule from society when they reach a certain age and thus, little by little, some changes can be achieved regarding this controversial issue such as age discrimination.

    A type of discrimination of so many that abounds in the world, such as discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, economic level, the religion we profess or the lack thereof, our place of origin, our way of behaving and many others that sometimes make me wonder if discrimination is not part of human nature and that while many express or criticize certain types of discrimination at the same time express or keep within themselves other forms of these, evidencing in this way, that affirmation that says that the human being is, certainly, contradictory by nature.

  12. 16 hours ago, EgoRod said:

    There are 3 producers in the song: Missy Elliott (whom you forget who she is before) writing partner  Rockwilder and Ron Fair. Ron Fair was Christina's producer and he made clear that she will take part under the conditions of being the lead singer with the best show off parts. That was part of the drama between Christina and Pink at the time. Lil Kim had far more experience and background that Christina at the time, she was'nt a Disney sub-product thou, but she was part of Biggie's entourage back in the 90s. And she was friends with Missy and Rockwilder.

    It wasn't about who was a star but who was putting the money for it.


    It's true. But I think any producer would have put Christina Aguilera in the first places of the credits anyway because she was the most successful star at the time and her fame would help not only get the song to number one on the charts but the other unknowns will end up sucking a bit of Christina Aguilera's popularity. In fact, I think that for two of them this song was the only great success of their entire career and the only transcendental thing they did as artists.

    And as for Pink, Christina Aguilera never got down to her vulgar and confrontational level to respond to her and she only did it in the most intelligent way possible: putting her name in the last place in the credits of the song on her Youtube channel!! Haha How I love this woman! It IS something I like about her: not getting carried away by violent emotions and resorting to insults (like some users on this forum) and facing a conflict intelligently so as not to lose class and elegance.

  13. 21 hours ago, tscott said:

    Are you referring to the placement of Madonna on Popular?  Because both The Weeknd and Playboi Carti are key writers on this track and Madonna is not.  While there are other writers included, Madonna isn't one of them.  So why do you think she deserves second billing when she didn't contribute nothing but her voice? Like you said, those who wrote and compose the song should deserve top billing.  She is simply a feature on the song.  Queen of pop or not,  whatever order she is placed in the song title, she's still listed as a contributor.  I think she was fairly represented in the tile of the song.  If she had contributed more than just her vocals then I'd be happy to argue she deserve at least "second" credit, but she didn't.  I'm sure Madonna could have easily demanded second billing on the song, but she didn't. Why?  Because even she appreciates the credit writers deserves over just someone offering their voice. 


    Ok, thanks for the clarification. I didn't know that Plaiboi carti was one of the writers. He definitely deserves to be at the top of the credits and even more so due to the great contribution that those deep and almost poetic lyrics that he sang during his participation in the song meant.

    By the way, I just saw The Weeknd's Youtube account and even though they initially put Madonna in the last place of the credits then they posted another video of the song and this time Madonna appears second!! 

    It is good that The Weeknd did not get carried away by these formalisms that establish that only the producers and writers of the songs go in the first places of the credits and decided to repair his "mistake" by giving Madonna the place she deserves because she is not any artist with a couple of hits who then disappears without a trace or loses popularity and then tries to regain it by releasing songs each more hideous and ridiculous than the last. No. Madonna is a legendary artist and a reference for the artists of these new generations. That is why I thank The Weeknd for not only calling her to sing on this beautiful song but also giving her the place she deserves in the credits despite not being involved in the production of the song. That speaks highly of him.

  14. 1 hour ago, Prayer said:

    "Lady Marmalade" was 2001. It's 2023 now. The order is not about importance. It's about who's paying for the song and it's the main artist. "Popular" is a The Weeknd song. He and his label are paying for everything. Of course he's gotta be first. Same for Sam Smith on "Vulgar". Or Dua Lipa on the "Levitating" remix.

    The order is not that relevant now, as far as they're all credited, cause they all get the streams and that's what matters. Madonna has gone from 24M to 34M monthly listeners on Spotify in ten days. That's what truly matters in 2023 and not if she's tagged first, second or third on the release.

    Well, I was only referring to the second place in the credits because naturally the owner of the song has to go first, that's indisputable. That is why I highlighted the examples of Dua Lipa and Quavo who officially placed Madonna in the second place of the credits and the other singers who participated in the last place as it should be.

    The order of the factors does not change the product, it is a multiplication rule and it could also be used to analyze the success of a song in which many artists participate. But leaving aside that aspect of reproductions and sales, I still think that seeing Madonna in the last place is to detract from her importance. Perhaps in  songs where up to 3 artists participate this aspect is not so noticeable but imagine a song where 7, 8 or even 10 artists sing and Madonna is named at the end of all of them in the credits. Would you still think the same?

  15. 43 minutes ago, Warm Gun said:

    I'm not watching this. That she can't dance well anymore and that her classics are always ruined by bad musicians and that the footage is always hacked to pieces (shots changing so fast that you can barely follow what is going on) is bad enough, but she also looks terrible after the plastic surgery. Noticed it in Madame X, and it's worse now. She would have looked okay if she had just let herself age normally. Not like the showgirl she sold herself as when she was still young, but okay. 

    Well, that depends on each person. While some accept with resignation the effects of the passage of time and see with resignation or indifference how their skin loses its firmness in front of the mirror, for others, like me, the effects of the passage of time represent a true nightmare. Even more so in the case of those artists whose image has been decisive in the success of their careers.

    That is why it is normal for me that Madonna has decided to fight against these effects using all the available weapons that we have today. And do not doubt that she will continue to do so even when she is 80 years old and I hope that by then technology in the field of beauty has already advanced remarkably because in this way people like me who reject this stage of life will also be able to resort to them and delay as much as possible its terrible effects that at 38 years old already generate fear and uncertainty in me.

  16. When several artists come together to make a song, the order in which their names will be placed in the credits is usually decided based on their popularity or significance. That is why the first places will be reserved for the most important and successful artists while the last places will go to those artists of less importance or those who lack global impact. 

    An example of this is the song Lady Marmalade where Christina Aguilera, PInk, Lil Kim and Maya participated. The first place in the credits was naturally reserved for Christina Aguilera who was the most important and the most successful of that group because of her beautiful and wonderful records. The second place in the credits went to PInk and the last places to the other two singers whose fame, presence and global impact could not be compared to that of Christina Aguilera. This order in the credits, by the way, was respected in all the charts and in all the music channels worldwide.


    Having said this, I can't understand what is the justification for putting Madonna in the last place of the credits of this beautiful song. As a fan I find it disrespectful that Madonna is named after Plaiboi CArti as if he were more important or transcendent than her. I don't know if this error was intentional or an inexcusable oversight on the part of The Weeknd, but it makes me angry to see that even on charts, like Billboard for example, they also put Madonna's name in last place, thus detracting from her legacy.

    Fortunately there are exceptions such as the case of Dua Lipa or Quavo who had the good sense to put Madonna in second place in the credits of their respective songs. Because the recognition towards a legend like Madonna is shown even in those small details. And it's not just Madonna's fans who appreciate it, because I'm sure that, even if she doesn't express it openly, Madonna herself does too.

  17. 3 hours ago, MattyMads said:

    Exactly it's the same lot every time who literally piss on every release and spam the chat saying how they are tired of her, how the release is awful and they won't listen to it again. Yes we get you there isn't any need to constantly say.

    It's true. The forums can be used both to join the celebration of our favorite artist and to vent our frustrations when we don't like something.


    Expressing our displeasure a couple of times is acceptable, but when it becomes so repetitive and precisely when we see that the opinion of the majority is totally opposite to ours, it is practically like going against the current and it becomes impertinent and certainly suspicious.

  18. 3 hours ago, Aiwa08 said:

    I don’t understand it either. It seems like Madonna is banned from the radio no matter what song she makes, including collaborations.

    I think that with these obvious facts we can begin to express our own conspiracy theories and not be branded as exaggerated or dramatic for it. Who wants to start?

  19. I loved! Everything was so unexpected and I liked how Madonna ended up taking over the entire interview even while on the phone leaving Tokischa in the background with her nasty and vulgar stories about her snot and sexual experiences

    I definitely want to see Madonna being interviewed on that show and one thing I would like is for it to be a little more accessible in terms of interviews no matter how famous the host or show in question is. That would be a sign of humility that the public would appreciate and would definitely serve as publicity for this new 2023 tour that I am sure will set a precedent because more than a tour it is the reunion with her public after many years and an opportunity to show that she continues being the QUEEN and no one can surpass her, even if they were born again.

  20. 1 hour ago, Dick Tracy said:

    Jokes aside, I think she's getting insecure with age. He has always been a perfectionist, but so much time in rehearsals has more to do with stage fright than with the search for perfection.

    I love her anyway and how determined she always is.

    It's true. And we were all able to verify that during her performance with Maluma in Medellín, because while in rehearsals she showed herself to be sure of herself and with the confidence that makes you feel to be the best artist of all time once she went live, all that security disappeared as if by magic and we saw a Madonna without personality, shy, insecure and gangly.

    It was the first time I had seen Madonna with that attitude and I remember being petrified for a few moments after her performance was over because I couldn't believe what I had just seen. Various thoughts were running through my head at that moment, all of them negative: disappointment, disbelief, anger, frustration. The woman who from the beginning of her career exuded self-confidence and self-control now appeared minimized before my eyes. I even remember thinking that it wasn't Madonna but a double.

    However, later I understood that human beings are constantly changing, new insecurities can appear over the years that sometimes take us by surprise and it is difficult for us to adapt or overcome them. Whatever insecurity Madonna was affected by during that live performance, I hope she has completely overcome it and that she will once again be the self-confident woman, full of security and elegance on stage and whose look has the powerful effect of make most mortals bow their heads. That is the Madonna I "fell in love" with and is the one I want to keep seeing forever.

  21. 8 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

    Oh, that troll again. IT should be glad since Vulgar is Xtina whole purpose in life, no matter what she says or does she's vulgar, it's her face. As a Xtina fan, it should be happy she's being celebrated by Madonna & Sam Smith.


  22. 4 hours ago, Anderledes said:

    What alternative reality do you live in? Nothing sophisticated or elegant about lines like "Yeezus loves my pussy best",  just vulgar and provocative, but that is a part of Madonna... and has more or less always been... take her for what she is... no use in trying to shape her into what you think she should be.


    I think that to qualify someone as vulgar, they have to be vulgar all the time, be part of their essence and their personality and not simply because of certain sporadic episodes of vulgarity that may be intended to achieve controversy or seeking some particular objective. As far as I know, I have never seen Madonna burping in any live broadcast on her social networks. Nor have I seen her showing her breasts in public without any justification or wildly kissing someone on a street corner. That is why I am surprised to see that some fans consider Madonna vulgar but I respect their opinion.

    Madonna is for me elegance and good taste personified. What better example than that interview she gave for Cynthia McFadden in 2012 for Abc. Her way of speaking, her body language, her wardrobe and especially that moment when she proceeds to drink her cup of coffee while making fun of Lady Gaga: just impeccable. I have only seen such a level of elegance and good class in Madonna and Christina Aguilera and I am not going to classify them as vulgar just because of some episodes that are only made in their shows and to entertain the public but that do not represent them at all as people.


  23. 6 hours ago, EgoRod said:

    Vulgar vulgaris means common, from or made by the populi, the people (funny that the other song is actually "Popular") Vulgar and popular come from the same root and mean basically the same but with one distinction.  While Popular describes what is known by everyone by the people, vulgar defines that being common or not being from a higher class made you inferior. SO vulgar is not negative thing at least you are part of the aristocracy, monarchy or some caste looking down at your plebes.

    It's true. The original meaning of the word vulgar referred to the common, the popular or something that had nothing new or unusual. Over time the meaning of this word was distorted and acquired a negative and pejorative meaning (perhaps promoted by the upper classes who associated this word with the lower classes) and ended up being used to refer to the lack of manners and elegance both in the way of speaking as in the way of behaving and certainly offensive and unpleasant in its most superlative degree.

    And it is this last meaning, the most used today, on which I base my comment and the aforementioned examples of vulgarity and that have nothing positive and should not be used as an example by anyone. It is enough to analyze the lyrics of the Vulgar song to verify that Sam and Madonna are also referring to this current meaning of the word Vulgar and not to its original meaning.

    Anyone who decides to rely on vulgarity to imprint a message on the conscience of others or achieve radical changes in society is likely to fail in the attempt. That is why I think that Sam Smith should use a more intelligent strategy than using vulgarity to fight against those phobias that still persist in society and that are similar to a cancer that refuses to disappear from our body despite all the chemotherapies received. An obvious consequence of this bad strategy is the huge number of fans who are stopping following him because they don't welcome such a radical change in their favorite artist. And I, as a Madonna fan, don't want the same fate for her.

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