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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. On 1/20/2023 at 12:25 AM, Blue Jean said:

    Lil Nas X is actually gay though and was making a statement about equality. Madonna should have let him have his moment imo. He has been up against the homophobic rap world and is very brave and inspiring for being who he is.

    Well, I didn't know that the aim of Lil Nas kiss was so deep. I thought that he only wanted to attract the attention of the press and generate scandal, something common in these artists today. On the other hand, I understand Madonna's reaction when posting on her social networks that she did it first, since hardly anyone mentioned her in the media after that kiss and she simply wanted to seek the corresponding credit. Something totally opposite to what happened when Bad Bunny, the most famous Latino rapper today, kissed two people at the same time at the 2022 MTVs and all the latino press named Madonna as the pioneer in this type of performance, something that It should have happened in the case of Lil nas as well.


    And when I say that I understand Madonna's reaction, I am also acknowledging and defending a certain egocentrism on her part, which would be wrong since egocentrism is undoubtedly a flaw, but when it comes to Madonna even her flaws, for me, become virtues. An example of the inconsistency of exaggerated fanaticism I suppose.

  2. Personally I wouldn't mind if Madonna took longer than she should to start the show. On the contrary, I would take it as an anecdote. What I want to say is that the delay would make my expectation to see her increase more and more and in case I started to feel invaded by boredom, I would start talking to the people around me and share our experiences as Madonna fans. In the end, it's all about taking a positive attitude and not forgetting that we are not going to the concert of any artist with an expiration date in 10 years, we are actually going to the concert of the Greatest Artist of all Time and that is more than enough to justify possible delays.

  3. 3 minutes ago, PlayPause said:

    Roses are red, concerts start late, this topic has been discussed in a zillion threads already and we don't need to rehash this again.

    Can you speak for yourself? For me it is the first time that I see a post that talks about this interesting and polarizing topic. There is no need to generalize. Not all of us have 2,000, 3,000 or 5,000 posts in this forum.

  4. Despite the fact that this tour is based on the successes of the Queen of pop throughout her career, I am sure that the setlist will include a cover by another artist, something that has become customary since previous tours. Imagine, La Vie en Rose and Sodade are some examples. Personally I would love for Madonna to sing Time Out from the World by the Goldfrapp duo, a song whose style fits perfectly with Madonna's and is a song that figuratively transports me to another universe every time I listen to it. In addition, Madonna has declared several times that she loves Goldfrapp so I don't see it as difficult for this to be carried out, which I would love.

    So far there are three suggestions that I make for this new tour and that I would like Madonna's team to take into account: Appearing dressed as a queen full of jewels on her throne at the beginning of the show, using a Kiss Cam and finally to cover this Goldfrapp song and it would be amazing to see that my suggestions are taken into account once the tour begins whose expectation to know all the details and the setlist is already consuming me from now on.:hyper:

  5. Although I am against the idea of Madonna copying (fortunately she has done it very few times in her entire career) I would like her to use a Kiss Cam on this 2023 tour just like Miley Cyrus did on one of her tours. It would definitely be something very exciting and fun because you never know if the camera is going to focus on you but if you are lucky enough to be focused then you should kiss the person next to you. Scenes like this abounded throughout Miley Cyrus's tour and I would like Madonna to do the same as it would add excitement and fun to this already highly anticipated tour by the whole world.

    I think the perfect song for this moment would be Forbidden Love from the album Confessions on the Dance Floor.


  6. I love that Fate played wisely on this occasion and in the end Christina Aguilera was chosen to perform in that historic presentation that, by the way, recently a rapper named Lil Nas dared to copy but fortunately Madonna herself was in charge of making it clear in her social networks that she was the one who did it first, I mean kissing two people of the same sex at the same time.

    And I say that fate played wisely in favor of Christina Aguilera because she really loves Madonna and she has shown it many times throughout her career: her video Not myself tonight is an obvious homage to Madonna's videos (Human Nature, Express Yourself, etc.). SHe also took inspiration from Madonna by releasing several songs with a beat similar to La Isla Bonita and her album Back to Basics is clearly a copy of Madonna's I'm Breathless etc. album. So I'm sure that for Christina Aguilera this invitation to perform with Madonna was practically a dream come true. By the way, what will become of her now?

  7. I see that many people mention Celebration in the setlist and I wonder if they include this song because the tour has the same name and it is almost a fact that it will be in the official setlist or they include it because they really like the song. Something I'd like to check because Celebration is one of my favorite songs so I wouldn't mind if she sings it again at the end of this tour including snippets from Back Up to the Beat.

    For me the best end of the show was the Mdna Tour thanks to this same song and it would be interesting to see if she can surpass herself and do much better than on that occasion.

  8. No matter what the first song is, I just I want her to appear dressed as a Queen full of jewels and a golden crown sitting on a spectacular throne and surrounded by her dancers dressed as her servants. It would be a kind of hint to all those who proclaim themselves queens of music or to the press that has recently minimized her due to her age or because they think she can no longer offer a quality show. This is Madonna's chance to make history as she has to show that she has the same energy and ability on stage as many young artists and that age is not an impediment at all.

  9. Everything is perfect with this new tour and this new opportunity for Madonna to shut up her critics and detractors (among them incredibly some of her fans) but ... Where are Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and other Latin American countries besides my friends from Asia and Australia? Once again we are the last wheel in the car for this music industry (and with other types of industries, by the way and proven over time) and as always we will be the last to be able to see our Goddess live and direct. This unfair decision has nothing to do with Madonna because I'm sure she would rather start her tour in any of these places where she would feel loved and revered seeing them scream her name until reaching hysteria than in other places where the reaction would not be the same intense and it is enough to watch the YouTube videos and compare the reactions of the public to verify it.

    Anyway, I will try to maintain a positive attitude towards this and join the celebration of these 40 years of The Best Artist of all Time and sit and wait patiently for her to arrive in my country while others have the joy of seeing her on stage before me. I only hope that while the wait lasts, a meteorite does not hit the planet, World War III breaks out or global warming worsens to extreme levels and they end up ruining my plans to see her live for the first time in my life, and that is that in a year so many things can happen.

  10. You don't know what you have until it's gone:cry:. Although it is true, on the one hand, I am glad that Madonna has deleted the photos from her instagram since I felt that she had stagnated visually due to the excessive use of braids and the use of filters to modify the appearance of her face, on the other hand, I I feel sad because I had two great personal projects in mind when it comes to her photographs.

    The first was to save as many photos on my hard drive (I don't know how much space it would take to have all the existing photos of Madonna) possible to print the best ones according to my personal criteria on thin paper and have them physically since the Internet is not forever and many times we trust in the digital when the ideal would be to have a material backup of so many intangible things that we have and that we may lose one day.

    And lastly, I also wanted to use her best photos to have a realistic wallpaper made that covers all the walls of my room as a way of venerating her and always having her by my side from when I wake up to when I go to bed, something similar to this:




    There was so much material on Instagram for my projects, I especially remember the photos where she appears showing her breasts or where she appears dressed as a Queen with her crown or where she appears reflected in the mirrors and many more and it fills me with sadness that she has deleted them because I won't be able to. carry out these projects that, damn it, occurred to me too late.:sad:

  11. On 1/6/2023 at 2:10 AM, xavier said:


    I love it every time I see these artists copying everything Madonna did at the time and I don't see it as something negative but rather a way of paying tribute to the BEST ARTIST OF ALL TIME unanimously worldwide and not unanimously by a single country (and I mean that infamous Rolling Stone list). I see the photo of Miley Cyrus and the resemblance to Madonna is undeniable. By the way, I have a feeling that sooner or later Miley will launch a book similar to Madonna's Sex because it's not the first time she's taken pictures inspired by that beautiful book and I feel like she's the only one who has enough personality to emulate such daring pictures.

    As a Madonna fan it fills me with pride every time I see these young artists imitating everything Madonna did. And even if that is not the intention, unfortunately almost everything they do Madonna already did first.


  12. On 12/29/2022 at 10:27 PM, eXtremeOccident said:

    Are you trolling with this post? :rip:

    Not at all. I don't know why you think that because in summary the only thing I have said is that I would have liked a more expressive image of Madonna and I chose this one where she shows her breasts with a look full of desire because as we all know in most of her photos On Instagram Madonna appears with those huge black glasses that make her look expressionless and boring. Another reason was that the more daring the photo, the more strongly her image will be positioned in the minds of this new generation of young people who are meeting her for the first time and that is what it is finally about. Marketing was invented for a reason.

    Finally I know that there are several trolls on this forum who like to criticize everything Madonna does to provoke endless fights with their comments that only serve to increase their low self-esteem and feel relevant. That's not my case at all so please don't put me in the same boat as them. Thank you.

  13. 13 hours ago, scion said:

    Creamy? 🥴




    annyway, what’s with all of this bull crap you guys are spouting about how M should fire her new assistant choreographer over the Instagram post? 

    Did none of you think that maybe it’s all a carefully constructed plan by Team M to drum up interest steadily? Good lord - it’s so typical of this fan base to instead seek out the brutal approach. 

    Do you have strong indications to be so sure that this alleged indiscretion of this unknown dancer is part of a plan to prepare the official announcement of this new 2023 tour and thus end up minimizing or mocking those of us who think otherwise? In case you don't know, all companies have a privacy policy that all workers must respect, that's why I don't think this leak is intentional because it reveals a lack of professionalism on the part of this dancer who I don't even remember her name but who definitely deserves to be fired on the spot. I'm sure Madonna would use smarter and more creative ways to hint at her new tour than using people who nobody knows and are irrelevant to it.

  14. I think they should have chosen a more expressive photograph because in the image we only see a Madonna looking down at the floor and without transmitting any emotion and in a strange pose that gave the impression that she was drunk walking through the streets with difficulty. If I were part of her team, I would definitely have opted for this photograph for the cover, because here we see a Madonna with a look full of desire and sensuality, which is what has characterized her so much in her career, and this photograph would definitely call the attention of this new youth audience that is meeting her for the first time and not that simple and common photo that ended up being chosen in a very wrong way.


  15. On 12/26/2022 at 6:46 AM, roberMDNA said:

    I don't know exactly where to post this.. i decided here because it's an instagram thing.. but look at this:


    Although as a fan I thank this person for practically confirming this new 2023 tour so longed for by the majority of Madonna fans (with some exceptions) I also consider it dangerous to have such an indiscreet person since nothing guarantees that she will reveal  again such important information in the future.

    For this reason, if I were Madonna, I would fire her for her lack of discretion, since nothing is confirmed and this employee is already divulging information that could sabotage this long-awaited tour around the world. I really hope that Madonna is smart and gets rid of her in the way she deems necessary because this tour has to be perfect and any irresponsible leak could alter or modify the original idea or, even worse, be copied by other artists because, as we all know, Madonna has always been characterized by her originality.

  16. 17 hours ago, MDNA22 said:

    I think the 2023 tour may focus on South America as she has not done many shows there since 2012. 

    Hoping she does not re-arrange more songs along the lines of the Hung Up on Tokisha remix

    Love her to do a new dance/house music album but don't think it's going to happen, guess the tour will be a hits tour off the back of Finally Enough Love compilation

    Throughout Madonna's career, preference has always been given to the European continent and North America when it comes to touring, but unfortunately markets such as Latin America, Asia and Australia were always left aside or relegated when in these markets she could also have generated the same amount of money, so it would seem totally fair to me that this time Europe is relegated in this new 2023 tour.

    And not only because of money issues, but also because of the public's reaction, because sometimes it seems to me that both the North American and European public have lost their enthusiasm and emotion to see Madonna live over time, because their reaction is no longer the same. than in previous tours such as the Drowned World or Confessions Tour. Even in cities supposedly intense and full of life like New York or Miami, the public's reaction is disappointing. Something totally opposite to what happens in Mexico where they have already seen her live four times but their reaction has not changed at all.

  17. It always caused me surprise and disappointment not to see Madonna in this video that supposedly brought together the best of American music and it's not so much because of the song that I certainly don't like at all because it's repetitive and soporific but because of what it would have represented for Madonna's career. I remember the first day I saw the video and how I tried to identify her without success among so many strangers (I'm not from the USA, that's why I don't know most of them). I remember instantly recognizing Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Bruce Springteen, Snoop Doog and even Cindy Lauper (?) but not a trace of Madonna. Where is Madonna? And my question remained unanswered.

    Until today, thanks to this topic, I learn many things, very bitter indeed. I definitely think it was the envy of seeing an unknown young woman rise to stardom so fast and the sixth sense that let them know that they were witnessing the birth of a mega star that would eventually end up overshadowing all of them the reasons why they did not invite her to participate in that song. If the decision was unanimous or made by a single person, one day it will be known, but I love seeing how fate finally played in Madonna's favor because not only did she manage to displace their famous song from the charts with Crazy for you, but she would end up being much more famous than all of them. As they say, he who laughs last laughs best.


  18. Can we say that Back up to the beat is already confirmed for Madonna's new 2023 tour? There are already two songs with strong potential to be included in the tour given the relevance they have gained recently: Back up to the beat and Gambler and what other surprises will come later. For my part, I'm still waiting for a live version of Rescue Me so I can die in peace, but yes, respecting the album version and not experimenting like she did on Madame X Tour.

  19. 8 hours ago, SweetMadonna said:

    Madonna looks just fantastic in those photos. I love it. 

    I love it too. About time Madonna appeared without those boring braids that have become so drab lately. It is not a hairstyle that favors her very much, since in my opinion it is a more common hairstyle for housewives.


    Just a piece of advice because I see that you are one of Madonna's most die-hard fans, approving of everything she does, even more than I disapproving of her braids. Try to expand your vocabulary more because by always repeating the same words your comments end up being repetitive, basic and predictable and some might think that your words are actually sarcastic instead of being sincere. Just that and let's continue to support Madonna in everything she does, which is what her fans are for.

  20. On 12/13/2022 at 1:40 AM, momosfantasy said:

    That's really funny, Some Girls is my favorite from this album, and her voice in Falling Free seems so vulnerable.  It's so crazy how people can have such different tastes.  But I can see why you and a lot of other people hate Some Girls.  I think the reasons you don't like it might be part of why I do, if that makes any sense?  I love how mechanical she sounds for so much of it, it's just really different from a lot of her other stuff.

    Some Girls is a song whose sound puzzled many fans because it was something totally different from everything Madonna had done up to that moment. Personally, when I heard this song for the first time, Christina Aguilera's Bionic album automatically came to mind, an album characterized by a futuristic and robotic sound where at times everything becomes chaotic and disordered. I'm sure "Some Girls" was inspired by that sound and I liked that Madonna was inspired by Christina Aguilera's album to write that song when Madonna is usually the one who sets trends in music and other artists end up imitating her and copying her. Something that continues to happen to this day because Madonna is the best and everyone would like to be like her.


  21. 15 hours ago, nito84bcn said:

    I always thought that the leaks, and the fall at Brits, were planned. It doesn't make sense that she didn't have the tracks finished but they had the artwork ready (were it says 2014 and not 2015 btw). Also, how a freak control like her didn't notice that the cape was a problem till the last second? 


    It is something that I also think because it is too much of a coincidence that she just fell to the ground at the precise moment that the lyrics of the song said “I fell into your arms ..” . I remember that at that time Madonna's popularity had decreased considerably after the failure of the Mdna album and perhaps to guarantee the success of the new album  she decided to intentionally cause this fall to the ground and thus achieve not only being in the headlines for several days but also increase the sales of the new album when it was officially released.

    The fact that Madonna intentionally risks her physical integrity is not something new, she has done it countless times during her career, just remember some examples such as when she throws herself from a great height into the arms of her dancers during Girl gone Wild (Mdna Tour) , when she did the aerial stunts during Sky Fits Heaven (Drowned World Tour), when she was lifted into the skies during the Living for Love finale at the Grammys, when she filmed the Like a Virgin video and had to be close to a hungry lion , etc.


    They say that the end justifies the means and I completely agree and what better example than Madonna who has done it countless times even risking her own life. What other artist can say the same? Probably no one.

  22. Something good had this social network, Tik tok, which personally I have always rejected considering that its essence is based on highlighting and promoting human stupidity, something proven in thousands of videos where people enjoy making a fool of themselves in order to get the most of possible visualizations and thus feed their personal ego. Surely many will defend this kind of videos arguing that it makes their day. Not for me since I have always hated ridicule.

    Thanks to Tik tok, we now see how any unknown song can gain unexpected prominence, breaking the rule that only songs officially released by record companies will enjoy worldwide recognition. And what better example than what is happening with Back up to the Beat, which thanks to this platform has come out of the shadows and is shining with its own light, something unthinkable by most fans and surely by Madonna herself.

    Another song that I hope will achieve the same popularity as Back Up to the Beat is Autotune Baby. It's one of my favorite songs and I enjoy listening to it at full volume in my room. I always wanted Madonna to release it as a single and who would say that this social network that I have despised so much will finally help me make my wish come true.

  23. Does anyone know if it's madonna who sings in this Shame demo released many years ago on Youtube?. The production is totally different from the official demo that was released with "You are the on"e since it is better produced and also the speed is slower. I remember that it was said that the part where the supposed Madonna speaks is a montage but I am referring specifically to the part where she sings, which to be honest seems to be the final version of the song and not a simple demo.


  24. On 12/7/2022 at 7:13 AM, alvaroliam said:

    Since she naver came here before, I was really looking forward for that trip. 😂

    Perhaps thanks to the 2023 tour, Madonna will finally visit Peru, a country she has wanted to travel to for years (2012) but for some reason has not done so until then. And not only Peru but other countries in the region such as Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Panama, etc., where I am sure they would receive her like a Queen and her concerts would be a total success. It is that it is about Madonna who represents perfection and is a character that although many try to imitate they will always be reductive copies since she is the best and always will be.


  25. To be honest I didn't like this reissue: it's too loud. I prefer the version that was released with La isla Bonita single. On the other hand, with the relaunch of Gambler, the chances of Madonna singing it live on the new 2023 Tour are once again gaining strength. Gambler is one of Madonna's songs little known by the general public (and some "fans") because the song was never part of some of her albums or her compilations but the song is so catchy and beautiful that it is not necessary to be published on an official album so that people end up falling in love with its contagious rhythm that you like so much the first time you listen to it.

    I hope that Gambler is part of the setlist of the new tour and if it is not like that and Madonna comes to sing in my country in Latin America, I will take care of convincing people to ask for it loudly and I am sure that due to the insistence of the public Madonna will end up singing it after so many years of not doing it and we will end up being the envy of other countries that will not have the happiness of having Madonna sing such a beautiful song for them. Something similar to what happened with Take a Bow in Asia where Madonna decided to sing it live after so many years due to the screams of the audience. And That's what I hope to achieve with Gambler as well.

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