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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. Now it turns out that we not only have to take care not to be deceived by the false beauty or youth of people without personality who alter their photos through the use of filters, or by the false intelligence of people who use ChatGpt to elaborate ideas or opinions that their poor and limited brain does not allow them to express, but now we also have to be skeptical and suspicious when listening to any supposedly unpublished Madonna material because it is probably simply a fake created using artificial intelligence programs.

    As a fan of Madonna, I have promised myself not to save any of these musical aberrations on my hard drive, which for me represent a lack of respect for Madonna, since these people are using her beautiful and melodious voice without her authorization to do whatever they want, regardless of whether Madonna agrees or not.

    It is true that we have not heard anything new from Madonna for a long time, but that is not a justification for making absurd creations that only generate illusion and then bewilderment and disappointment for many fans unfamiliar with this matter.

  2. 2 hours ago, Honey Little said:

    Is this from mymadonnaluvn?

    Yeah. That's why Sometimes I wonder:

    What is the difference between this user who apparently does not like the original appearance of Madonna and for that reason decides to exaggerately alter her original appearance resulting in images that do not correspond to reality and Madonna who, in a certain way, also does the same by excessively applying filters to her photographs and whose results would only surprise the most unwary, who would surely end up wondering how Madonna manages to look so young despite the passing of the years. Fortunately the fans know the truth.

    I am looking for information about the origin of this strange hobby that women mainly have and most of the opinions I find determine that it is due to insecurity and not accepting their reality. Something that I cannot accept in the case of Madonna, who has always exuded self-confidence since the beginning of her career (except her performance with Maluma in Medellín). However, seeing this last exaggeratedly retouched photo where she appears with some roses makes me think that this strange hobby will persist, unfortunately, until the end of her days.

  3. I became a fan thanks to the Nothing Really Matters video. Its mysterious and at times terrifying scenes instantly captivated my attention due to my fondness for horror, gore and extreme videos that can challenge anyone's susceptibility and are not found on the "ordinary" internet due to their rawness.

    To be honest I don't know what the original meaning of the video is. People sometimes interpret things based on their life experiences or their ways of thinking. In particular, it has always seemed to me that this video refers to suicide.

    It is clear to me that everyone in the video is dead due to their excessively pale skin color. Their expressionless faces and aimless wandering refer to the souls of suicidal people unable to achieve eternal rest for having committed the worst of sins. The explicit references to suicide by hanging at 2:23 and by shooting with a firearm at 3:47 (the wall behind the women is stained with blood, something common in this kind of suicide), the first scene where Madonna appears carrying something similar to a baby in her arms, etc.

    If it weren't for Nothing Really Matters, I think I would have also become a Madonna fan with the Dark Ballet video, whose personal interpretation I prefer to comment on another time so as not to distort the original meaning of this topic.

  4. On 7/17/2023 at 3:45 PM, Pretender1978 said:

    It also had to de with Madonna and Stephen being influenced by club culture, in clubs songs would often exceed 6 minutes. In fairness Everybody the album version isn't that long and Physical Attraction on YCD is exactly the same. Personally I love the long tracks, maybe Holiday doesn't need to be over 6 minutes but you almost can't edit Borderline without taking all the background singers and the wonderful ad lips out. Part of why they are so long are the extremely long intros, more than the rest of the song structure.

    Well, your answer seems more coherent to me regarding Madonna's decision to intentionally and unnecessarily lengthen several of the songs on her first album. That is why we no longer saw this trend of extending the songs unnecessarily in her following albums like Like a Virgin or True Blue because it was not a "fashion" of the 80s as the other person told me but it was simply an inspiration based on the music they played in the clubs of that time, that is, extended versions.

    Fortunately, all these songs were modified over the years and reduced in their original duration, because I don't think that an excessively long song turns out to be commercial, and even less in these times where songs don't last more than 3 minutes. Something that Madonna should keep in mind if she decides to relaunch her first album.

  5. Personally, I find music videos from the 80s quite boring and insipid, with a few exceptions. Perhaps because it was an industry that was just beginning to gain importance or perhaps because of the limitations of technology. It would not be until the end of this decade and the beginning of the 90s that all this would improve drastically. That is why there are very few Madonna videos from the 80s that manage to exceed my expectations.

    MY vote went to Lucky Star because it's the only video I find entertaining to watch from start to finish. Something that is always effective when it comes to a music video where the proposal is based on showing a choreography by the main artist accompanied by some dancers.

    Why didn't I vote for Everybody which is also a choreography based music video?

    Because in the case of Everybody, the choreography is so repetitive that it's desperate. Seeing Madonna repeat the same steps over and over again, the terrible lighting, terrible costumes, hair and makeup will definitely take away valuable points from a video that could have been much better and was intended to be dynamic by being based on choreography.

  6. The richness of her vocabulary, her intelligent and complex answers and her extensive knowledge on various subjects make Madonna the benchmark for many artists when it comes to interviews. That is why it is very difficult for me to choose the best Madonna interview. I personally choose the Rebel Heart era as the best of all: class, elegance and sophistication at its best in each of her interviews.

    As I said before, it is difficult for me to choose the best interview. It is easier for me to point out one of her worst interviews conducted by a Latin American MTV presenter who, seized with nerves at being before a personified Goddess, forgot what she had to ask, making Madonna spend some totally uncomfortable moments.

    If I had been Madonna I would have stood up and left the interview because for me it was disrespectful that Mtv sent someone with no personality and a low level of English to interview her asking her silly and meaningless questions. But Madonna, as a good professional, decided to stay until the end, although her discomfort was quite evident.

    The lack of professionalism of this "interviewer" becomes more evident at minute 01:16.



  7. All of Madonna's ballads are beautiful. However, Arioso is my favorite and the one I can listen to over and over again without being fed up. This thanks to its unique sounds that remind me of Japanese culture, its unconventional structure and the song's message that thank God it doesn't deal with the boring and soporific topic of love/heartbreak but about the frivolity of the world of fame.

    Do I think the same when these ballads are performed live on TV or on some of her tours?

    Unfortunately not. I feel that a lot of the original magic is lost, since Madonna almost always sings her ballads playing her guitar or sitting down, causing the audience's boredom. Secret (Drowned World Tour), In this life (Girlie Show), Paradise (Confessions Tour), Bad Girl (SNL) are some examples.

    Madonna should be more creative when it comes to interpreting her ballads by performing them in a theatrical or interactive way with her dancers and respecting the original sounds and not transforming them into simple acoustic versions. Nobody's perfect on the Drowned World Tour should be the perfect example of what I'm talking about.

    In conclusion, Madonna should not use ballads as a moment of rest or a pause to recover energy, since the goal of an artist will always be to keep their audience captive from beginning to end, and maintaining creativity until the end of the show is decisive for this.


  8. What would have happened if Popular and Vulgar had had video?

    If these two songs have been a success despite being simply audios, I don't even want to imagine how different everything would have been if both "Popular" and "Vulgar" would have had an official video. Something that further reinforces my theory that only collaborating or making cameos with truly successful artists and global media coverage will make her regain significance and print her name in the consciousness of these new generations.

    Even when artists don't have time to record a video, they usually make a compilation of the best moments of their career and present it as an official video.

    In the case of Madonna, I think she did it with an alternative version of Music that I don't remember now. In the case of Popular, it would have been great to include some scenes from the Drowned World/Substitute for Love video where she is chased by the paparazzi or Turn Up the Radio where the ones who chase her this time are her fans. And in the case of Vulgar they could have used almost all the scenes from Hung Up on Tokischa or that interlude between Deeper and Deeper and Why is it so hard that we saw on the Girlie Show where Madonna and all the dancers interacted lustfully.

    In conclusion, in this business it is always necessary to have a plan B that allows us to overcome any setback: in this case the lack of time for both artists to make a video could well have been solved with a compilation of images from their respective careers and therefore the success of these two songs would have been even greater.


  9. What do I expect from this new Madonna tour?

    A good musical band that accompanies Madonna throughout the show. Listening again to her classics accompanied by the sound of various musical instruments that, apparently, seem to have gone into exile, since many artists seem to follow this absurd and cheap trend of only using certain samples and some beats when composing their songs, finally creating a product without soul and merely synthetic and artificial. Even Madonna herself has fallen for this trend and an example of this would be the version of Like a Prayer that we all saw at Eurovision. For me it is the worst version of this song musically speaking.

    Since when did songs lose their musical richness and it became so cheap? I don't really know but unfortunately it seems that those are the new trends in this industry where even investing in a good band seems not to be to the liking of many artists and their pockets.

  10. What do you think of Madonna's collaboration with The Weeknd?

    Well, for an artist, losing transcendence is the worst thing that can happen to him/her because afterwards it is very difficult and almost impossible to recover it. Great music legends like PetShopBoys, REM, Justin Timberlake or Christina Aguilera are some examples. 

    That is why I never agreed with Madonna's decision, after her successful album Madame X, to collaborate with artists (Tokischa and company) that were not going to help her maintain this relevance that I talk about so much. What's more, to this day I can't find the justification for these collaborations because they didn't contribute anything to her career because on a musical level they were more of the same and no collaboration stood out for its quality or for being innovative.

    For me they were a waste of time and they further accentuated this loss of significance that she could have avoided by collaborating or making cameos with successful and media artists like The Weeknd or Sam Smith (although I don't like Sam but I admit that he is currently in "his best moment")

    Fortunately, these latest collaborations indicate that she has returned to the right path and it is only a matter of her staying on this side or returning to the sewers and again making wrong decisions that will not only make her lose the transcendence recovered in a certain way these days, but also time and what most important: money.


    Several days have passed and my body still shakes when I remember that sad episode in Madonna's life. Fortunately, it did not last long because, as we all know, Madonna is already recovering and she even recently went outside to get some fresh air. Moment that was taken advantage of by an impertinent woman to take photos of her without her consent. Then she published a statement on her social networks although I would have preferred a video but anyway.

    Despite the multiple and daring/exaggerated speculations that arose at the time, including that of a possible drug addiction, I always kept my faith in her and knew that she would not have the same pathetic end as other artists who, despite from having all the money and fame in the world to live a life full of happiness, they ended up falling into the vice of certain substances. A vice that would end up costing them their lives, having been unable to free themselves from the yoke of those disgusting substances.

    In these times where the excessive consumption of drugs and alcohol seems to be celebrated, artists have a great responsibility towards their fans by leading a healthy life and rejecting the consumption of these disgusting substances. Fortunately, almost all the artists that I follow hate that garbage and that is why I am sure that they will never make me feel ashamed or disappointed as a fan with some scandal related to these substances and even as the cause of their own final destinies.

  12. 33 minutes ago, tscott said:

    I don't know how old you are, but when this album was released, it was typical for songs to be 4 to 6 minutes long. I have no issues with songs be shorter because some of the best songs in the past have been very short, but the 80's was a different time.  It was a new era for music.  It was great, where music was enjoyed longer than just 2 to 3 minutes.

    Well, I think a song can be longer than 5 or 6 minutes as long as it offers something new to the listener like an extra chorus or verse or some purely instrumental moments. Like a prayer or Live to tell, songs released in the 80s, are good examples of what I mean.

    Something that does not happen with Lucky Star, Borderline or Think of me because I feel that these songs are intentionally lengthened in terms of their duration when they no longer had anything new to offer the listener and that is why they become repetitive and somewhat soporific.

    If this was due to that trend of the 80s, that you mention, that the songs last so many minutes is totally new information for me because I am not from that time. However, it seems curious to me that this trend lasted for such a short time because in the following Madonna albums we no longer saw songs intentionally lengthened in terms of their duration. Something good for me because I don't know if I would have liked to listen to Like a Virgin, Dress you Up or La isla Bonita with a duration of 6 or 8 minutes. Thank God.

  13. Well, I don't agree that everything should be kept secret until the day of the concert.

    Sometimes marketing specialists advise showing some details or previews of an event and in this way not only raise the expectations of the public and the press but also generate an increase in ticket sales. We see this demonstrated in movies that usually release a trailer prior to their premiere day or in music when an artist releases a promotional song that will be part of their new album.

    That is why I would advise Madonna to think better of it and start posting previews of what we will see on her new tour. This will not only serve to increase the euphoria of her fans, but also to show the world that despite being over 60 years old, she is still an incombustible artist on stage.

    And as for those who do not want spoilers, perhaps spending a season at the North Pole would be the best for them because that way they will not be able to find out anything in the absence of the Internet in that part of the world and in this way not create unnecessary dramas in a place like this forum where information cannot be suppressed or censored according to the desire of some people.

  14. Although my favorite songs are: Holiday, Lucky Star, Everybody and Physical Attraction in the end I didn't vote for any of them.

    Which is the reason?

    Because they are extremely long and therefore become boring and monotonous. Fortunately, shorter versions of these songs would arrive over time so that I could listen to them from beginning to end without being invaded by sleepiness or exhaustion that the original versions produced in me.

    By the way, this is the only Madonna album that I have had to edit in its entirety to be able to listen to it from beginning to end:

    Lucky Star (Celebration Version), Physical Atraction (You can dance), Ain’t no big deal (True Blue version), Burning Up (album version), I know it, Think of me (album version), Holiday (Celebration Version), Everybody (Celebration Version) y Laugh to keep from Crying.

    If this had been the original tracklist, this album would have occupied one of the first places in my personal ranking. Unfortunately, the excessive length of some of its songs and the poor choice when it comes to choosing the singles means that this album is not one of my favourites. The best was definitely yet to come.

  15. 7 hours ago, tscott said:

    Oh, I didn't think that you meant it as a "bad thing".  Like you, I can see she taking this opportunity to show she's fine on her own terms, since the media tried to portray that she was nearly on her death bed.  I just wondered if that "random person" wasn't really that random?  LOL!

    Interesting observation.

    Although for many the fact of questioning is a defect, for me it is a virtue because it allows you to open your mind by not letting yourself be carried away by appearances and discovering the hidden truth of some facts or events.

    In the case of Madonna, perhaps it was planned because the absence of paparazzi is quite obvious. Another reason is that Madonna does not cover her hands, something she always does when she appears in public. However, planned or not, the goal was to end the anxiety and worldwide concern of her fans for her state of health. Something she definitely accomplished.

  16. 1 hour ago, Winn said:

    It looks like the ass is gone. She looks great.

    It is evident that Madonna has removed her prostheses.

    Perhaps she took them off because it reduced her agility when performing the choreographies or perhaps the weight was already beginning to affect her daily activities. Who knows. But it is something that does not make me happy at all because I really liked to see that voluptuous Madonna and full of sinuous curves that left everyone with their mouths open when she appeared on the Mtvs 2021.

    Personally, I will always be in favor of using technology to radically change or improve (as the case may be) our physical appearance: rhinoplasty, butt implants, jaw implants, liposuction, hair implants, biceps implants, stomach reduction, lengthening of legs etc We are blessed to be born in this age where we can use these technological weapons to feel comfortable with our appearance compared to our ancestors who surely lived a life of bitterness until the end of their days due to the rejection of their own appearance

    Something that I would like to know is what was the majority opinion of the forum when Madonna appeared wearing her new prosthetics. Was the majority opinion for or against? I would have liked to read all the opinions but unfortunately I was not subscribed to the forum at the time.

  17. Just now, subversive said:

    And now she's fine (the fine all she can) I think that we are going to have a statement soon, by herself, a video on instagram. A deal like this... it should be done by her and it's going to be done by her.

    I agree.

    And I am almost sure that she will prefer to make a video because it is something more intimate and warm than a cold statement or declaration through her social networks that could even be written by another person. I definitely prefer a video because it is more authentic and more personal.

  18. On 7/4/2023 at 4:46 PM, Crazy For M said:

    Looks like Ricardo is at M's5d9e4e3169fbffbca8d41645f2acdcab.jpg

    I didn't know that Madonna had this beautiful little dog in her house! Something else Madonna and I have in common: our love for animals.

    They say that bad news is the first to arrive but in the case of Madonna all the clues we have received this week have been positive. Let us not be surprised by her reappearance on her social networks with a photograph whose caption is "I'm back, bitches!"

  19. On 7/3/2023 at 11:49 AM, EgoRod said:

    My status just got upgraded to " Don't cry for me Argentina" when i made the last post.

    That's suspicious, i think it means something else.Really bizarre considering the meaning of the song and at the time of commenting.


    I can't believe that in the midst of this painful situation that we fans are experiencing, someone would think of making these kinds of jokes or comments in bad taste.

    Maybe you are one of those superstitious people that when you go out and see a black cat or walk under a staircase you think that something bad is going to happen to you. That's up to you with your beliefs, but I think this is not the place or the time for that kind of comment. Twitter maybe.

  20. 1 hour ago, danielsevilla said:

    From the twins IG 💕

    Edit: Fake account 😞


    :suffer:What a pity that it was false news because I had already been excited when I saw the photograph and believed that it was from a real account.

    In my case, I had never seen that photo. I am a very busy person who does not have time to enter social networks or be in 3 or 4 Madonna forums at the same time, like others. This forum is my only source of information and which I enter after leaving work, which does not allow me to use cell phones for security reasons.

    these last few days especially have been very intense: before entering the forum I always wonder if I will finally see a topic titled: "Madonna releases a video thanking her fans for the concern" or "Madonna reappears in public looking fully recovered". That is why I understand the confusion that this false account of the twins produced, because I would have done the same thing by letting myself be carried away by emotion.:pray::pray::pray:

  21. Oh My God! :scary: For a few moments I thought I had accidentally entered the topic dedicated to the song by Sam Smith and Madonna:scary:

    By the way, speaking of this artist... has they written anything in relation to what happened with Madonna? It would be the least they could do after the public support that Madonna gave them after the harsh criticism they received after their radical 180-degree change. By the way, radical changes of 180 degrees that we also saw at the time in artists like Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus. What a causality.

    Ps: I hope I have used the pronouns correctly.

  22. There is a very important human quality in the human being and that is the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others. And it translates into not detracting from or minimizing the sincere concern of many fans when they want to know more details about Madonna's painful incident. It also translates into not being outraged or offending those who present theories or speculations that can hurt our susceptibility and understanding that these are born by associating what happened Madonna with the tragic deaths of several music legends who left unexpectedly and from which all we have witnessed in recent decades.

    At the end of the day, everything depends on Madonna: if she understands and appreciates the concern of her fans, she will make a video or a statement that is informative enough to clear up our doubts, even if it means breaking that particular secrecy that has always surrounded her and that is like a barrier that has always kept us fans from knowing more details about her personal life. If this is not the case, she will simply post a selfie, an ironic photo or simply nothing and we will have to settle for the explanations given by third parties, in this case, her lifelong friends.

    Surely someone will say: "why don't you put yourself in Madonna's shoes and understand her position" thus trying to reverse the meaning of my message. In these cases, what should be weighed is to identify what is worth more: the permanent desire to maintain privacy at all costs or the concern of millions of fans who to this day await more information on the state of health of their favorite star.

    A video of Madonna dedicated to her fans explaining what happened could become one of the most intimate and certainly unique moments that we could share with her in almost 40 years of career. If this finally becomes possible, only time will tell.

  23. I wouldn't remove any songs. The album is perfect as far as the selection of songs is concerned.

    What I would like is for songs like Crazy for you, Open Your Heart and Cherish to keep that final part that was brutally cut and which for me was the best part of these songs.

    Rescue Me, on the other hand, is a song that seems out of this world. What a shame that after this compilation Madonna drastically changed the sounds for her new album Erótica because personally I would have liked to hear more songs similar to Rescue Me, which is one of my favorite songs. I really hope that Madonna sings it live in the middle of some special effects and someone impersonating God as the one who will rescue her from that pit of depression that means heartbreak and lack of faith in humanity. 

  24. Apparently everything is going well: Madonna's friends have declared through social networks to calm fans that we truly care about Madonna and that we cannot deal with the anxiety that causes us to know how she is.

    On the other hand I have a feeling that soon we will have more information on the subject. Personally, I would like Madonna to make a video thanking all her fans for the sincere concern and telling some details of this painful incident that has kept almost all of us in suspense in recent days and has given rise to various speculations on the part of the fans: totally understandable in the absence of official information.

    Something that certainly surprises me are the comments of certain fans trying to repress my desire to know the circumstances of this unfortunate event with statements such as "you are not part of her family" or "she does not owe explanations to anyone about her private life." And I wonder: Since when did the rules of the game change in this world of entertainment where everyone who wants to immerse themselves in this environment knows that one of the prices of enjoying fame and money is losing your privacy, even more so when this fame is world level. Madonna is obviously not part of my family but fanaticism makes me feel as if she were and that is why my natural concern and desire to know all the details of this sad event.

    Celebrities know that they could not be what they are thanks to us fans who symbolically are the base or raw material thanks to which they will achieve their dreams of fame, greatness and recognition. That is why I will patiently wait for Madonna to tell all the details of the incident in a video or in a statement. It IS the least we deserve from Madonna by dedicating a large part of our lives to venerating and idolizing her.


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