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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. 9 hours ago, McDonna said:

    A bit Dramatic, don't you think?  Second show in. Most people aren't even sure what the full set list really consists of.  No set list was promised and she still put on a two hour show.  For me, it's not a huge loss as if we were to go by last night's show,  we only are missing the Like A Virgin./Billie Jean interlude and Bitch, I'm Madonna.  She doesn't even sing Like A Virgin live.  Bitch, I'm Madonna isn't a well known song by Madonna anyway. Also many artists change up their set lists throughout their tours.  This isn't highly abnormal.

    I say let's see what happens with the next few shows before going into a meltdown mode.  She still offered a 2 hour show and tonight's performances were quite amazing!! 

    Excuse the curiosity. Are you a lawyer? If you are then Madonna should hire you. You are good when it comes to defending her and not only in this case but in others that have been discussed before in the forum. You were already convincing me with your arguments but I remembered the concepts of what is fair and what is unfair and that is why I cannot be in the group of those who take this injustice lightly. Not on this occasion.

  2. It is a song that fulfills its purpose of making people dance in clubs or to be used in gyms as a dance routine, but it is not a song that has exactly remained imprinted in the memory of fans. And you couldn't expect anything else from an artist like Britney whose music has always been characterized by mediocrity with some exceptions.


    The story would be different if Madonna had decided to collaborate with Christina Aguilera because the quality of the song, probably a ballad, would have been guaranteed. Both Britney and Christina were in their prime at that time and Madonna could have chosen anyone but she decided to go the easy way and the consequence was an inconsequential song which only excited Britney's fans.


  3. 1 hour ago, Redha DBL said:

    The setlist is really amazing. The best setlist she done in decades. The only think is i have a hard time understanding how on a greatest hits tour celebrating the biggest hits of her career there is Give me all your luvin and not Music 🤔 it's just impossible to ignore Music, it's gotta be there one way or another. Anyone who is old enough remembers the Madonna frenzy when she released the track. Litterally everyone was wearing cowboy hats in clubs. The song was something we've never heard before,it was EVERYWHERE. It's her first huge hit of the new century. It's not a hit, it's a mega hit in her career.

    It just can't be! Music is not part of the setlist?? It must be a bad joke. Music is the last classic that Madonna managed to position in the taste of the general public. That is why it is the only song that she has performed multiple times not only on his tours but also at special and historical events, where the attendees were not exactly her fans, such as Live 8 or the Maluma concert in Medellín.

    Music represents the last time we saw the innovative Madonna only to be kidnapped by a Madonna who decided not to leave her comfort zone and dedicate herself to following fashionable musical trends, something that has characterized her to this day. Something that is not bad after all but in the case of demanding people like me we always miss that innovative side that characterized her so much for many years.

    That is why I hope that Madonna reconsiders and we can finally hear this song in its original version and in all its splendor. Otherwise I will feel that this beautiful celebration will be incomplete at the end of the day.

  4. 20 hours ago, Alm47 said:

    Maybe Hold Tight. With a change in the tone of the music, the lyrics could fit into a social theme.

    ”We made it through the fire” / “we're gonna be alright” / “If you're hurt then I wanna be the one that's bleeding”

    Btw I'm sure that she will talk about the situation between Israel and Palestine, but wonder if she will include this topic into an interlude or some other media.

    It's true. Hold Tight was another of my options after Frozen in terms of possible songs that could serve to reflect certain social realities. On the other hand, Ghosttown would be perfect to deal with the theme of wars although I don't know if it is part of the definitive setlist.

    And I think it goes without saying that Express Yourself would be perfect to celebrate the rights won in recent years for women.

    If we are guided by Stuart Price's statements that these moments will be the best of the show, I already want to imagine what the staging will be like. Maybe something theatrical and emotional and no longer simple interludes which were what was customary to do until now but which I think fell somewhat short because the impact would have been greater if Madonna intervened speaking or giving her point of view on these social issues. Something similar to In this life on the Girlie Show.

  5. 20 hours ago, MikeyK said:

    Well Stuart said there would be references to various major events of the last 40 years, including the AIDS crisis, so to start we can wonder what song she’ll use for that.

    I’ve yet to hear anything about In This Life and I doubt it’ll be performed. Maybe Live To Tell? She already used it in the Confessions Tour in reference to AIDS in Africa though.

    I just read the interview and indeed Stuart mentions that there will be several songs that will serve to represent various social events, both negative and positive I suppose, that have occurred in the last 40 years. Something that makes me happy because in the last tours they only used one song in the form of an interlude for that purpose.

    On the topic of AIDS, I think This Used to Be My Playground could be a good option. There is part of the lyrics that evokes the absence of a friend who is probably no longer in this world. Live to tell could also be a good option but Madonna already used it on the Confessions Tour and I don't think she will repeat the same idea again.

  6. It is already Madonna's custom to pause in the midst of the ecstasy and strong emotions that each of her tours cause us to try to remind us through a song of the reality of the world in which we live.

    Sorry Remix, Get Stupid, Nobody knows me and Illuminati served at the time to remind us that in other parts of the world wars, slavery, discrimination and other realities still persist and seem to be invincible over time.

    For this new tour 2023 I think Frozen could be a good option since the lyrics of the first verses and the chorus fit perfectly as a reproach to the individualism of people who do not want to see the sad reality of other parts of the world or the world leaders who only seek their own benefit.

    What song do you think Madonna chooses to continue with this noble custom that has made her stand out from the rest of the artists who only use their tours to make money without caring about taking advantage of the opportunity to achieve a change in the minds of all the thousands of people who attend their shows?

  7. On 10/10/2023 at 1:14 AM, TheGoth said:

    Perhaps more importantly, should be the question; who's business is it?

    I'm totally sure that it's none of your business. But remember that we are in a Madonna forum and we can talk about anything related to her. On this occasion it is simply her predilection for using a certain color in her wardrobe. Therefore, empty comments like yours that do not contribute anything to the topic are unnecessary in this place.

  8. On 10/10/2023 at 4:25 AM, Brendanlovesu1 said:


    papped in London last night at a hotel

    Well, I am not a fashion expert nor do I claim to be, but since someone posted this photograph, I don't know with what intention, I will take the liberty of analyzing it.

    The color black and orange combine very well, we all know that, but I feel that on this occasion Madonna does not get it right in terms of the combination of the clothes. The almost total predominance of the color black ends up practically overshadowing the color orange when the distribution between both colors should be more equitable. Maybe if she took off that black jacket and let that orange hood show off in all its splendor she would look much better. Even some orange gloves would have added an unusual and extravagant touch to herwardrobe.

    As someone said, it is unusual to see Madonna in orange but it is one of the most risky colors when it comes to dressing and I would like to see her wearing that color a little more or similar ones like amber or jade. Bright colors that transmit positivity and not so much dark colors that may make you look elegant but at the same time they are very cold colors and associated with negative feelings.

  9. On 10/9/2023 at 6:43 PM, Voguerista said:

    I don’t think Madonna is being monotonous or predictable by wearing black a lot. I think she’s just comfortable wearing that color the most. Personally, I love wearing black the most too!  

    If in 80 percent of your public appearances you tend to wear completely or partially black, unfortunately you will become a predictable person in the eyes of others in terms of your wardrobe. As predictable as saying that Madonna will sing Vogue again on this new 2023 tour and on other future tours since she has sung it so many times in the past that anyone could bet that she will sing it again even if it were not a tour that is based on her greatest successes. They are the rules of statistics. It's like that.

  10. On 10/9/2023 at 7:11 PM, Blue Jean said:

    Most people wear black regularly as its the most flattering colour for clothes. It also goes well with any other item of clothing or footwear so it's convenient on a day to day basis. We are inclined to be more adventurous when dressing up for a special occasion as more thought will be put into the way we look. Madonna even more so as she will have people styling/advising her.

    It's true. The color black combines with any color as long as both colors have the same or similar proportion in the clothing. But that part where you say most people wear all black... are you sure? From my personal experience it is not something I see on the street often. Neither black nor any other color. But undoubtedly those who do so will surely be due to lack of time or some emergency and that will help them escape public scrutiny since we cannot go out wearing the first thing we see. It is our personal image that is at stake and we must always look impeccable.

  11. On 10/9/2023 at 6:42 PM, androiduser said:

    not sure about the color, but i have noticed that in the last decade or so her costumes have become much more blingy, with a lot of crystals, tiaras, patters, and bling of any kind... she used to have an extravagant style, but it always bordered minimalism, as flashy as it was.

    It is correct but the color black continues to predominate in most of her costumes to this day. Whether Madonna already had this predilection for clothing of this color throughout her life or whether it began at the same time as her search for fame, money and success is something I have not yet had time to find out.

  12. 8 minutes ago, McDonna said:

    I think thinking she has some "fascination" with black clothing is quite embellished.  There are far more celebrities who just wear black almost anytime, than Madonna.  And let's think over the years, what she's sacrificed when wearing such outfits over the decades. Especially on stage, namely tight outfits and the high heeled shoes. 

    Black is flattering to a lot of people, so that's why many resort to it.  Some just feel comfortable and secure when wearing it.  It's also very slimming and easy to match with other clothing.

    Oh really? My observation regarding her wardrobe is quite objective and to prove it, just type Madonna's name in the corresponding search engine and the vast majority of the photos that will appear will be Madonna wearing black clothing. Something that doesn't happen when I write the name of other music legends like Christina Aguilera or Taylor Swift whose photos will show a wide variety of colors in terms of their wardrobes.

    I look at photos of Beyonce and Taylor Swift's outfits from their respective 2023 tours and I'm impressed by the wide variety of colors. I would only like Madonna to use brighter and warmer colors on this new tour whose context will be celebration and partying and no longer the persistent theme of the journey from darkness to light that is already becoming repetitive at this point.

  13. That first single definitely totally changed the opinion that many people had of her. Madonna's change was so radical that it took many by surprise and they ended up distancing themselves from her as her new image did not coincide with the way they had always seen life.

    Something similar happened to Christina Aguilera when she released the song Dirrty, which would be something like the Erotica version of the new century. She also wanted to promote women's sexual freedom but many did not understand the message and ended up stoning her with their criticism. Stripped was a wonderful album but like the Erotica album it ended up overshadowed by scandal.

    Inevitable side effects when artists decide to put aside their successful careers in favor of changing the social reality of minorities, such as in this case the sexual freedom of women.

  14. Madonna's taste for clothes of this color is undeniable. It is something that we can verify if we start to review her tour wardrobes, her music videos, her public appearances, her social networks and even by seeing her perform such everyday activities as going to the airport, going to the supermarket or riding a bicycle.


    The color black cannot be missing even when it does not predominate in clothing and will be represented by a hat, boots or glasses with this color.


    But when we discover that the fascination with the use of this color is also applied to her underwear, that is when we begin to be curious to know the true reasons for this particular custom.


    If we start to find out the meaning of the use of the color black when dressing, we will find countless explanations, like any subjective topic, ranging from wanting to look elegant and sophisticated, the desire to protect oneself from bad energies, as a symbol of power and even related to satanism and the dark arts. So, what is the real reason that leads Madonna to use this color of clothing so excessively?

    I have nothing against the color black. Personally, I think that wearing clothes of this color can effectively make you look sexy and elegant. But sticking to one color ends up turning her into a monotonous and predictable woman when it comes to her wardrobe. Madonna should be more versatile and risky in her wardrobe and wear clothes of other colors more frequently. On the few occasions in which she has decided to completely dispense with the color black in her wardrobe, the results have been spectacular. Will this 2023 tour be the perfect occasion to break this strange custom? Only time will tell.


  15. I know it's almost impossible but it would be nice to see madonna sing Shoo Bee Doo live. I don't know why but I'm obsessed with this song like I've never been before. So much so that I listen to it three times in a row without becoming bored. It's such a sweet song and it's not very demanding on a vocal level, so it wouldn't be too demanding for Madonna to sing it live. Well, if the rumors say that Madonna will sing Hold Tight on this tour, who knows if Shoo Bee Doo could be part of the final setlist. To cross my fingers hoping my wish comes true.

  16. I really really love I'm Breathless. In fact, it is the first Madonna cd that I bought back in 1999, a time when the Internet was still something new and incipient in my country and therefore I had almost no information about Madonna's songs or discography. I remember that the record store saleswoman showed me the 3 Madonna records she had available at the time: Like a Virgin, Bedtime Stories and I'm Breathless and I decided to choose the last one because I thought its cover was the most striking. And what a good choice I made because the album conquered me from the first to the last song until today, since it is part of my top 5 of the best Madonna albums.

    Maybe that sound so new to me that I had never heard until then (Swing, Jazz), the songs performed in such a unique way and with a style that we don't usually hear on the radio (Crybaby, Now I'm following you) , the different shades of her voice that move between the most powerful (Back in Businesses, Sooner or Later, Hanky Panky), the softest (Something to Remember, What can you lose), the sexiest (Vogue) and even the most childish (Crybaby, (I'm going Bananas) make the word "singular" the adjective that best characterizes this beautiful album that would later inspire other music legends to release similar albums (Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, etc.)

    The only bad thing about this album? That "I'm going Bananas" and "What can you lose" lasted so little.

  17. 2 hours ago, SweetMadonna said:

    Those are fantastic photos of Madonna. I just love it a lot. 


    Wow. Over 2,500 likes just by typing the same simple sentence over and over again is quite an achievement. You should be proud that without so much mental effort you have achieved such a feat. I wonder if you could reach 5000 likes and I also wonder if cases like yours also occur in other Madonna forums or any other artist because I find it quite curious, seriously.

  18. "This used to be my playground" on the new 2023 tour? Wow. It would be a dream come true to hear this beautiful song live for the first time in her entire career.

    By the way, speaking about the interpretation of the ballads, I repeat it again: they must be brief, be interpreted in a theatrical way similar to Nobody's perfect or Frozen in the Drowned World Tour and not be stingy in terms of the use of technology during the interpretation of these songs. This is the only way to keep the audience's attention and prevent them from taking advantage of those moments to go to the bathroom or go buy hot dogs, as will undoubtedly have happened during the monotonous and boring performance of Secret, I deserve it, In this life, True Blue (Rebel Heart Tour), etc. Definitely the acoustic and the simple during the interpretation of ballads does not go.

  19. On 8/29/2023 at 11:05 PM, WokeUpInMedellin said:

    Don't ever call Britney irrelevant. You will be wrong every time. Period.

    I think I was very clear when I said that Britney was irrelevant but in the music industry. As a public figure, she is definitely still relevant for many people and especially for the press, who await with morbid expectation what new scandal Britney will surprise them with: maybe shaving off all her hair (2023 version), maybe appearing extremely drunk in public, who knows.

    So we see that being relevant is not necessarily something positive, because when we are, but not because of our work or our music, but because of scandals, then these people end up becoming what are known as infamous characters.

    That is why I hope Madonna thinks better of who she will invite to her successful 2023 tour. Ariana Grande, The Weeknd, PetShopBoys, Maluma, Bad Bunny, Anitta, Christina Aguilera, etc. Worthwhile options are too many. A call from Madonna is enough and any of these artists will be willing to share the stage with her because... who in this world could turn down an invitation from the Queen?

  20. My favorites are

    1. Ray of Light on the Oprah Show. 

    The rudeness of the guitars and the electronic sounds are mixed correctly without hurting the susceptibility of the listener (compared to Hung Up in the SS Tour with those unbearable sounds at the end of the song) and as a contrast the sweet and angelic voice of a Madonna who was presenting herself to the world in a new spiritual facet (which would only last until the Music album, by the way). All of this makes this performance the only time Ray of Light manages to achieve the original magic of the album version. Pure perfection.


    The only bad thing about this presentation is seeing the presenter's fuss throughout the performance in a probable attempt to steal the viewer's attention when that moment to shine only belonged to Madonna and no one else. Does anyone else find this woman fake and unbearable?


    2. Burning Up on the Reinvention Tour.

     If you are going to pretend to be a rockstar, you have to look like one not only in your attitude but also in your voice, hairstyle and wardrobe, and Madonna achieves all of this in this impeccable presentation where rebellion and rudeness stand out from the beginning to the end of the song. It would have been perfect if at the end of the song Madonna would throw herself off the stage into the arms of her audience, something classic for rock artists by the way. But I think that would be too much to ask.


  21. I consider myself a good fan of Madonna but unfortunately there are some things I don't like about her and I don't think that by saying them I mean I'm less of a fan than other people:

    Children's books. Kind of inconsequential of her because you can't do an adult book where you go naked interacting with other people explicitly in the name of sexual liberation and then release a book aimed at children. As inconsequential as a porn actress deciding to be a nun or a class-minded person later deciding to have a social assistance program on television. Definitely not.

    The terrible edition of her last tours. So many images in so few seconds end up being torture for anyone's eyes.

    When she wears animal skin garments. As an animal defender, I will always criticize her every time I see her wearing one of those disgusting clothes. Fortunately it is not something frequent in her.

    Her bad taste when it comes to dressing. How can I defend her when she makes poor decisions regarding her wardrobe? Garments that do not match in terms of color or simply because they are in bad taste. There are unfortunately too many examples: that disastrous pants she wore when she went to Jimmy Fallon's show in 2022 or the wardrobe she wore when she sang with Maluma at his concert in Medellín, especially that black jacket that made her look fat and that pink skirt that seemed of a low-class cabaret. Definitely not.

  22. Currently Britney Spears is an irrelevant artist in the music industry and is practically extinct. In fact, her last song (a collaboration with a rapper who is very popular in the USA) has been a flop. That is why I do not see any profit or gain that Madonna can get by taking Britney on her successful tour other than the approval of some of the few fans that this artist still has left.

    I know that Madonna just wants to support Britney and wants to invite her on her successful tour to help her regain some of the significance and popularity that she enjoys in abundance but I think Madonna should support her in another way. In private definitely. Perhaps giving her a self-help book or recommending a good psychiatrist but not taking her on her successful tour because I'm sure the press will criticize Madonna accusing her of wanting to take advantage of the public's morbidity for wanting to see Britney again on stage just now that she's not having a good time. And that is precisely what I do not want.

  23. happy birthday Madonna!!!:heart:

    Even though I'm late for the party, it's never too late to wish my favorite star the best. If I could give her a birthday present, it would be very difficult to choose something that would surprise her because she has everything in this life, let's remember that she owns a large fortune that, apart from guaranteeing her happiness, also gives her the privilege of being able to buy everything she wants.

    While some people wait for the start of the new year to make promises and projects on a personal level, for others it is birthdays that represent this "new year". If this is the case of Madonna, I would like her to return to the right path as far as her musical career is concerned, since her latest releases did not please me at all to be honest, but I hope that this "new year" means the return of the quality that has been so missed in recent times and what better than with a new album that makes us remember the excellence that Ray of Light represented at the time, of which I am still waiting for its sequel to this day.:pray:


  24. While the news of Madonna's admission to the ICU appeared in almost all the media around the world, the news of her recovery, on the other hand, went almost unnoticed or did not have the same impact. Something understandable because for the media, tragedy or bad news sell better and generate more morbidity and headlines and therefore more sales.

    That said, I wonder how this will affect the new 2022 tour. What I want to say is whether it will have become clear to the general public that Madonna is now almost fully recovered and fully capable of performing a two-hour show without fear or mistrust that some new setback to her health will put the show they are going to attend at risk again.

    That is why I never agreed with the very concise way in which this whole issue was handled, since there was a world tour and a lot of money involved. I only hope that if Madonna decides to open new dates in other parts of the world, the sale of the tickets will be successful and it will not suffer the consequences of the lack of information that, undoubtedly, will make the general public think twice before purchasing a ticket. because the doubt is already planted.

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